The "all blondes are stupid" label.


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Well-known member
May 8, 2007
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Do you believe that all blondes are stupid? I don't believe it. I'm a blonde and I'm certainly not stupid. My hair is turning brown now, it's currently a dirty blonde color. I really want to dye it black with red streaks OR a lighter blonde with black tips or streaks.


Do you believe that all blondes are stupid? Yes? No? Post your reasons?



No, being blonde does not make you stupid.

The reason people say that is alot of time mindless, kind of ditzy girls will get bleach blonde hair [someone like Marylin Monroe] because that's considered 'the style'. Or at least it was. And it's stuck.

Sure, there are blonde jokes, but I'm sure very, very few people actualy seriously believe that being blonde means you're stupid.

Does hair color really determine your IQ level?

I would think not.

I am a blonde, and I definetely have my talents and skills, just like everyone else does. :)

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Ok Maddie on the suite life is smart and london is stupid and my friend is very blonde and she won an award for being one of the smartest

i'm kinda goin blonde cause my hair is just turning blonde so u can consider me a blonde.But I got all ''A''s and ''B''s on my report card!

Being blond does not make you stupid! I seriously don't get why everyone says that.

I don't believe being a blonde be it natural or bleach makes anyone stupid. I've met lots of stupid people who have different hair colours :p

pfft! Some retard voted yes. I would have thought nobody would vote yes. It'd be funny if the person who voted was a blonde.



pfft! Some retard voted yes. I would have thought nobody would vote yes. It'd be funny if the person who voted was a blonde. 

That sounds like you do think blondes are stupid.

I've met plenty of people who are blond and are intelligent.

Who made up the dumb-blond gag anyways?

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I don't because a few of the people in the honors program at my school are blondes and they are top students.

But I beileve some are.(ahem>>>Paris Hilton>>>ahem)

I dont think all blondes are stupid. I am originally a dirty blond too. Like heres the thing. When I was born tell I was about 4 I had a dirty blonde hair. But then as I turned older from 5 to now it turned a medium brown. I didnt die it or anything. (I heard ur hair changes color from the sun but thats only lighter, i dont know y my hair turned darker.) but then i really wanted blonde hair n so I died it that. It took a while to turn blond cause it went a gold n then orange then finally blonde. but then it would grow out. but anyways srry 4 the life long story. but blondes r stupid is a myth. I know blondes who r the smartest ones in my grade. I get straight A's n stuff and i was born blonde but people say that my natural hair color is light brown. I get straight A's n i think that everyone could be smart if they just listen and want to learn. So no I dont think that all blondes r stupid.

p.s. my hair is now a dirty blonde cause i put strickes in it n it turned it dirty blonde but my roots are brown. lol.

I'm not stupid! I hate labels.No I don't think that

YAH PARIS HILTON IS DUMB AND BLONDE HAHA!But not all blondes r dumb my friend taytay(taylor)got an award from the school and u wouldn't belive me but she got one from the president!

That sounds like you do think blondes are stupid.
I've met plenty of people who are blond and are intelligent.

Who made up the dumb-blond gag anyways?
Wrong. I'm just saying it'd be funny if the idiot who voted yes was blonde. I created this topic and I'm a blonde. Why would I think I'm stupid? I voted no.



I find that annoying, i'm not dumb or stupid.

Who made the stupid joke anyway?? >_>

It's just a saying.

It's not hair color it's just personality(sp?) I mean you could have green hair and be dumb. Also I'm getting my hair streaked in the summer :]

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