the best tama log evr!


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
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2day i updated and reset my v5. the new baby tamas r so cute! they r omutuchi, mimifuatchi, and futabatchi. the family name is pengi. :p right now they r dancing on the screen. the hatched 5 min. ago. i just played tea time with omutchi. i got ten gotchi. yays!!! she wuz oh so very super happy! theyre bonding is like,0. so u know how when u press the c button and they do smthing? well, all these cute tamas do is look puzzeld and the middle one gets the blame. poor omutchi... :( u know wat else is sad? the middle one gets to do like, EVERYTHING THAT IS ON IT!!! unless i have an only child, the fact that its the only one that does stuff makes me MAAAD! :p i just fed the babys the mac n' cheese. they ate all of it right up! now its in their tummys. :D i gave them meds right after bc they were sick :( but theyre all beter now!!! 15 secs ago they just pooped a little baby tama poop. eeeeeww!!!!!!!!!! well, all babies poop i guess. well, thats all for today. check in soon for the next entry 2 my log!!!!! hope u liked it so far :D

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Hello, and welcome to the best log in history!!!!! my tamas changed!!!!! now they r belltchi, mousetchi, and torortchi. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!! belltchi was rading the fridge earlier 2day. and i wuz puzzeld, bc their stats were perfect!!! oh well. i guess she wuz still hungry. Also, i went online 2 tamatown expo with belltchi. i like the hormony theator. the hot dog eating contest is fun. their bonding is still 0 :p im actually suprised that they didn't beep yet to bond! :eek: i played tea time and tv surfing. I got lotsa gotchi. :D u know what ive noticed? usually it is always the blended family! i mean, why is it ALWAYS the blended family? its SUPER rare u get a pure family. i mean, whats up with that? also, stuff in the shopping chanell is like, 3200 gotchi. and its supposed to be a SALE!!!! 2 bad my bossy sister doesnt have a v5 with juice( u know, BATTERY juice). then we could connect. my familitchi must be lonely bc it doesnt have anyone 2 be friends with :(but if i can just convince my sister to switch the battery to her v5, then we could connect. u know wat else ive noticed about the middle one? it gets all the responibility! like, when i send them travling, belltchi gets to lock the door! well, thats all for 2day. exept......I GOT 10 VEIWS SO FAR! THANK U SO MUCH FOR READING MY LOG!!!!! see u next entry..... :D

welcome to the best log ever!!! guess what? they do something different when i press the c button bc their bonding is 20%!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! its too bad my tamas dont have any items earning gotchi, though!!!! right now i have 30 gotchi. u may call me a cheap familitchi owner, but i spent most of it on a yummy tama sundae!!! do u know whats nice about the v5? thay dont go overweight! so u can feed them alot, but not too much.i went online with bellitchi earlier. gosh, i do NOT get that beverage game! but i like the tama animations at the harmony theater.after i wuz done, i just looked after them 4 a while. i played a bunch of rounds of tea time and tv surfing with bellitchi. once again, im just going to say that its not fair that the others that arent the middle one dont get to do anything. all they get to do is eat, sleep, play with items, do the c action thingie, and take medicine. and the middle one gets to do that, PLUS play games and play with me at the tama & earth expo. even though i have left them on last night, they havent changed. ITS NOT FAIRNOTFAIRNOTFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so before i go, i just want to say 1 thing: if u read imtottellenus log( shes my sis and im her bro. hurrah.) and she said her log wuz better then mine, dont listen to her. bc shes a meanie who wants a cometition. i still forgive her, but if she wants to compete, she will get to compete. so i want to say this:

SUPPORT ME, KUTCHIPATCHILVR2000 BY READING THE BEST LOG THAT WAS EVER, WELL....TYPED! SO READ MY LOG!!!??.... i mean like, please. ok, bye for now!!!! B)

hello viewers, welcome to the most best log in the history of um...logs! guess what? the pengui family finally EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeseseseseses!!!! now they have evolved into a chamametchi, an itchigotchi, and a mamekatchi. here are their stats:



bondes per:30%

blended family


gen 1

80 gotchi




and those are the stats!!!! i am so happy that my tama pengi family are so healthy!!!!!!!!! i played tea time with chamametchi after school today. i got 50 gotchi. it was very fun. so thanks for the 28 views i have! now i am beating my sister in the log competition!!! so thanks all of u kind viewers 4 reading my log! gtg,cuz my sisters wanting to go online. so as a counclusion, i want to say: SEE YA NEXT ENTRY, PEEPS! bye!

peeps, yo! guess what? now my tamas do a different c button funtcion!!!! they walk off of the screen and then all fall down. next, they sit up(in view)and they all have goofy smiles on their faces!!!!! :p :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: i luv that smile. so, here are the daily stats!!!



bondes per: 40%

blended family


gen 1

80 gotchi

chamametchi: daughter

mamekatchi: son

itchigotchi: daughter

so those stats are my healthy familitchis stats!!! too bad i dont have enough gotchi 2 actually buy anything. i spent almost all of it on a yummy tama sundae. and guess what? i havent fed them it yet! ill feed it to them right now.....there! even though their stats were perfetcion,theyve been such good tamas latley that hey, they deserved that 300 gotchi tama sundae. YUM!!!!! i like, SO wish i could have 1. it looked like the pengi family of mine really enjoyed it! so until next revor, friendly and awesome tt viewers!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

hello everyone! welcome to the best tamagotchi log ever! guess what? my tamas changed!!!!!!!!! now they are happy and healthy adults! thats the breaking news 4 2day, so just read the stats!



bonds per:40%

blended family


gen 1




so in the stats, i actually gave u the names of the newly adult tams! clever, huh? im gonna try the dating chanell.....dangit! it didnt work....i know this is kinda a short entry, but hey, just wanted 2 tell u guys about their big evoultion.bye!

hi, peeps! nothing special has happened 2 my tamas. theyve just been doing normal stuff. but i did finally buy them an item. its a bubble blower. i spent almost all of my money on it, but its worth it.



bonds per:40%

blended family


gen 1

40 gotchi




be4 i go, i wanna check the dating show.still not old enough. :( bye, everybody who is my viewers! :p :p :p :p :p :p

guess what? guess. i got yonepatchi dated! now she is a mamapatchi, along with a papapatchi. and i have the easygoing family! too bad they didnt turn into kutchipatchis.....



bonds per:0%

easygoing family


gen 2

100 gotchi





isnt it great now dat i have a REAL family? and guess what? its not even blended! its easygoing! this generation is going 2 b even better then the 1st generation! bye bye, wonderful viewers!

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sry that i havnt posted in a long time, but i have paused it ever since i got a v6. :angry: but now im continuing my log! YAY! so here are the stats(ps they CHANGED!)



bonds per:30%

blended family


gen. 2

220 gp


mamekatchi: son



thats all 4 now. well, ill see u guys on my next log entry bye! now i need 2 do my blog about my everyday life in 1 year at yet, though! :huh:

i got a new avatar! do u lke it? anyways back 2 the tamas..... :D when i looked at the screen just now papapatchi and mamapatchi were eating bananas 2gether. its kinda romantic in a yummy way. GET IT? :unsure: here are the stats:



bonds per:30%

blended family


gen 2

220 gp





well thats all 4 2day. see u awesomeness in a can viewers next time bye! :p

guess wat my tamas CHANGED! oh ya!!!! rock me baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now they are violetchi and furikotchi! furikotchi sure is ugggly! :mametchi: so here are the stats! :p :p :p :p :p :p



bonds per:50%

blended family


gen 2

220 gp





and thats it! every one have a nice christmas eve, ok? also, have the best christmas EVER! (and a happy new year) bye! :p :p :p :p
