The Best && The Worst ~


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
* What was the BEST time of your life?

* What was the WORST time of your life?

* What was the BEST time of your life?

To be quite honest, I am probably the happiest I have ever been right now.

(Minus my whole "Justin-issue")

Like sometimes, I'm so happy, I just don't know what's gotten into me.

* What was the WORST time of your life?

The worst period of time of my life was definately Fall/Winter 2006, when I started seventh grade.

I was on a steriod called Prednazone, which made me fat, which I was not used to, because I was always the "stick".

And because I was fat, I stopped eating.

And I started exercising compulsivly.

I cried myself to sleep every night,

And I tried beating myself into a coma by smacking my head against my bedroom wall.

I would cry and cry and cry.

I'm recovered now, but I that was still a very dark time in my life.

So what about you?

* BEST times?

* WORST times?

Best Time - visiting my family last year for the first time in 8 years. It was really emotional because I actually forgot what they looked like before then. I stayed for a whole month and it was the best time of my life. I got to experience new surroundings and find out that I actaully had a family, even though they were not close in distance.

Worst - When I came home, I found out that my dog died while I was gone. The only reason I came home was to see him. I got him about 5 months earlier and he was my first dog. I'm still bitter about the whole thing because it could have been prevented if I was at home.

* What was the BEST time of your life?

Back when I was in America. I almost had nothing to worry about, I got good grades, I had enough money and we lived happily :)

* What was the WORST time of your life?

Prolly now. We don't have enough money, and dad said that he might go back to America for a year. And I'm sad about other stuff, but forget it.


1) When I first joined Band in 6th grade. x3

2) When I got into Jazz Band. x3

3) When I FINALLY got to play Tuba!

4) Getting a hug from Taylor. :3


1)When I had to give back Scott,Big Baby Jr. and Big Baby's MP back to the school. (Scott was iddle school owned, BBJ was HS owned and BB's MP is temporarily the school's until Summer band.) Hopefully I can buy a trombone,a baritone and a Tuba. :D

2)Breaking half of my nail today, it didn't break off luckily. (Im growing my nails out.)

3)The last day of band.

4) 5th grade.

Best - May.

Worst - Probably now.

Edited cause I didn't want to say all that. xP

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The best time in my life was probably in sixth grade. I was getting good grades and I was almost completely stress-free. Either that, or now, considering I left Andover schools behind.

The worst was definitely seventh grade. It involved quite a bit of medication.

The best time in my life was grade four. I don't know why. I got such good grades, had good friends and was quite attractive. The worst time would probably be now. Dealing with my parents divorce and getting a step dad and moving is pretty hard for me. x_x'

Best - Probably the start of this year. I had really good friends and didn't have to worry much about anything.

Worst - January - my friends just ditched me.

The worst would have had to have been when my dad died, and a few years after that. Mum and Dad were so in love and it half killed Mum to lose him. And me... And Ky. We all loved him, he was a great father. It was hard to recover, and some days we just didn't want to.

But we moved to be with Dad's family in Queensland, and spread his ashes and all that, and we got stronger.

And that's lead to the best part of my life, which is right now.

I've got the best Mum and brother ever. I've got the best friends ever. We're doing well financially [As well as you can atm]. It's all good. I always have someone to talk to. I'm almost always happy :)

It's great.

Best - Anytime I'm happy.

Worst - Last year from about september to december. I seriously considered killing myself.

Best : Marching band. It's just so fun! , 4th and 5th grade , And town event (Usually)

Worst : 6th grade. Everyone suddenly hated me ._. , Recentlyish. I feel ugly...

Okay, worst time of my life story: Fifth grade. We had a new teacher to the school. This was a particularly rambunctious class, but not that bad. Anyway, she started out okay. Then everything started getting out of hand. We were insane. Screaming racial slurs, calling each other names, everyday. Even to the teacher, there was a certain group of kids who constantly tormented her. School was hell. Finally, about halfway through the school year, she left. We were coming back to the classroom, when she suddenly ran out, crying, and carrying one big box. We never saw her again. The counselor and the principal came in and gave us a long talk about how we drove her to a mental breakdown and she quit, and how we might have ruined her teaching career for the rest of her life. Then they gave us another, highly experienced this time, teacher. She lasted about a month. Then she decided the job wasn't what she had bargained for, and she went into retirement a few years early. Then they gave us a new teacher, who was from a juvie school in Cali. She stayed for the rest of the year, and most of us were genuinely afraid of her. That entire year just sucked.

Best time: 2 years old - 6 years old. Haha, I know. It's just, I was so much younger, and my family would do way more stuff together. We went on holidays, and visited a lot more friends, and I didn't have to worry about school, fights or anything. We also lived in a gorgeous house wich I loved so much, but we had to move because my parents were the only doctors in town, so they were working too much.. and we had to move. =(

Worst time: Fifth grade. ._. 2006/2007. I just had a really bad personality... I'd always try and get attention, I'd do stupid dares to get people to like me, and I tried to be funny when I really wasn't.. I was so stupid, I acted like such a wannabe. But I'm nothing like that now, promise ;) I look back and hate myself.. :[

Best time - Probably right now. I love my life.

Worst time - Definitely when my dad was dying (4th grade) and I was suffering through the whole depression thing.


Now. By far. I lost someone I really cared about. But she didn't care about me, as much as I thought. I'm stronger now. I have better friends, a boyfriend, and I'm overall a very happy person. It wasn't expected. I thought losing her would be hard. But Jose, Andres, Bea... They helped me... So much. And I see from their view. I was brainwashed before. Now, it makes sense. Jose used to be the bad guy... No, It's far from that, really. Beatrice isn't evil, Andres didn't do anything. Angelina has her own view on things, and it doesn't matter to me. She doesn't matter to me.


Last year. I wouldn't eat, anything. It lasted six months. Where I would eat nothing, water, at least. All day, and be full. I lost so much weight, and I had thoughts of suicide. Always getting yelled at....

Best: Probably right now. :)

Worst: 9th grade year sucked. I can't really remember why it sucked but it did.


Probably when I was about 8, in Grade 2, and everything was going just the way I liked it. There were no problems whatsoever, and everyone was real nice, and no one was female-doggy.

Or it might've been December 30th 2008. That was an absolutely amazing day. I loved it. It was an amazing end to the year :) Nevermind why.


Umm, I'm not actually sure on that one. I don't think I've actually lived through true pain before, and there's so many people in this world that have had life worse than mine. Probably the beginning of this year though, everything was just hitting me all at once. I'm pretty sure I made a topic about it on TT.

Best: Now or when I was little. Nothing much to care about. Happiness ^.^

Worst: I haven't really had a bad time in life. But I think the worst was when my mum and dad split up. I was only 2 but it still affected me. I knew my dad was leaving, but I didn't know why, orwhere to, or even for how long. All I knew was that he was going. But I still saw him, and still do. That was quite bad. But, that's the worst I can think of. I haven't had a bad time at all

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