The Bus...


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Paisley 520

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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Okay, my bus is crazy! I hate it! First of all, we got assigned seats cause our stupid principal made us, and there are all these mean kids on the bus that are eighth graders (I'm a seventh). I was looking at the back of the bus to see my friend Maddie, and then this girl behind me was like "What are you looking at?!" and so I turn around and she says "bi*@#". Then this boy called one of my friends who rides the bus fat and she started crying. Then this other kid punched a girl in the face. I'm not even sure if he/she got kicked off! All the kids who are mean get on at the same stop and there are like 15 of them. I HATE THE BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omgosh! and i thought my bus was crzy! nothing like that has happened on my bus though. my bus is just really loud sometimes but when the eight graders are gone its like silent. nobody sits down they're all standing up and stuff yelling over each other

That's horrible! I'm in grade 8 (Australia) and I don't go on the bus to school. I know some people can be nasty, but that is too far. They are supposed to be the role models for your grade, not bullies. You should really tell someone. The bus driver would already more than likely know, but go up to him/her and complain about what's happening and hopefully he will make them stop. If not, tell someone important with lots of authority, like the Principal (or headmistress or master, whatever you call it) and they will do somethhing about it.

You should talk to the bus driver or pricnipal about your problem. They should be able to help you.

Well. That's not so great. How about you get a group of kids together and you all tell the authories about the bus issue. If there are more kids that complain, then they will really realize that there is a problem here and will be more likely to do something about it. Make sure you stress the extremity of the situation.

That's pretty bad. I have it the same way here. Everyone's jumping over seats, eating and drinking food, swearing and beating eachother up. You'll get use to it. Try making friends with kids your age - then you'll have some entertainment to keep you distracted from the other stuff going on.

Swearing and fighting on the bus is everywhere, and as tenniswinner said, you'll get used to it. And if the noise or people swearing bothers you, bring an mp3 player or something. And if you see someone beating people up, report them, and don't wait for someone else to, or the problem will get worse. I hope this helps. Good luck. :blink:

Gosh... I would ask the principal if you can change buses I don't ride it so I don't know if you can or not.

Now that you may be back, I have a whole bunch of tips that you may want to follow"

All school buses are like that.

At my school they're quite annoying. Some people are on their cellphones, some kids kick out the little kids from sitting down on their seats so they have to go to the back, and some kids go like "Hello mr. ________ ______"

Also ask the other people who sit in your row if you could take the window seat so in case the bus crashes, you won't be the first one to fall off the seat and the people behind will have trouble bothering you.

But I would consider it to be a long bus drive then bring:

Your trusty snacks. Thats right I would suggest some breath mints and other things that wouldn't make a mess in the school bus. Remember the he who eats in the school bus may get kicked out rule? Lets avoid that shall we? How about before you get on to the bus, you have an extra snack you could just rush down before you get on to the bus. Another tip is during the End of the school year, bring a portable fan just in case its 100*C outside. IN the winter, bring an extra plastic bag to put your Winter Jacket in. You don't want your seat to be wet once your finished.

Also bring some hand-sanitizer and tissues.

Also try finishing your homework. If you have problems, such as the kids are bullying you and asking for your homework. Just chill. Follow the average routine(Talk to your teacher, principal e.t.c) and then everything will work out. However if they continue to bully you, immediately tell your parents to send a not and Do NOT go on to the school bus until you get your way. And always go to the washroom and put on a change of clothes (like a bus uniform) to avoid all the sicknesses the other kids on the bus may have. Don't forget to take a bath after school! Trust me, it helps B)

Hope this works out :lol: B)

I never had this problem(concidering the fact i don't take a bus) but i would speak to the principal seriosuly.

I ride the bus and im bunched up with sweaty girls but luckily not boys because girls sit on one side boys sit on the other and it does NOT help i mean you can hear them talk talk talk talk talk!!!!!!It's annoying!!!!!!!Evil bus driver Bob(really his name)...

tenniswinner and spongeboby: You guys are wrong. Swearing is one thing but fighting and beating each other up is totally different and it's a serious problem. Definitely talk to the bus driver or principal about this problem. It's actually worse if you just let this go.

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