The Button Room!


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it does what it says it will (lol)

i press the button that says... please dont press because I WANT TO LIVE!

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You get attacked by vicious pirhannas!...

My friend pushes a button saying, " Lets prance in a wonderful land of explosive items :furawatchi: "

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a field of explosives come and robotic arms come and make ur friend prance through it and ur friend came out as a skeleton

i press the button that says go on press this button but dont say i didnt warn u

u get thrown into a 2 mile long pool of atomic bombs and have to swim across it in the next 3 seconds to live and u dont :D

i press the barfy button

Er.. hard to say... you erm... barf cabbage and lamb stew? Er.. I dunno what I'm saying ... :D

Okay I press the button that says " lets be happy button ( no really, I'm a happy button :unsure: ) "

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You get sad

I press a button with a mime with a finger up to his mouth and it says "DEAD SILENCE you scream you DIE"

(That movie is SO SCARY my cousin came home WHITE AS A GHOST)

You get an Agumon!

I press the start button.

The Windows start menu pops up besides you!

I press the Power button on the NDS...while it was ON!!

you loose all your progress and the charries come out of the screen and kill you

I press the 'play' button on the dvd player

You sing: When i was nine, i told the time, when i went out to sea, TICK TOCK!

I press the 'Press this if your Nintendog ran away' button! *sniff*

you are cursed to speak jibberish for the rest of your life!

I press the ''ojky hgett fmit quffoj in rou ujpegtfajp ajiwakete!!'' button (It says: ''Only press this button if you can understand Animalese!!'' in Animalese...I have a converter so you can convert it back!

A huge pile of lettuce hits you in the head while dancing the can can!

I press the big, flaming ebay button...

You win an auction for a Warrior Book by Erin Hunter!

Shape: █

Color: Pink

Text: "Boring Button"

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