The Button Room!


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umm...a giant Cheese Blob takes over the world XD (thats all i could think of)

I press the button that says...Button (still, thats all i could think of XD)

You get a TV that has Barney counting with you from 1 to 10!

I push the big red button of pee!

nothing happens (or so you think)

I press the button that says do not press if you value your life exept for Nexes on it.

Roxas kissies you on the lips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I press the I wanna kiss Roxas button

You suddenly find your self face-to-face with a dog.

I press the Screwdriver button.

the life-cycle of the screwdriver:

1) Plucked from tree

2) sits in draw for years

3) randomly comes out of plastic shell, becoming an odd bar, with a sort of bit on the end for a screw

4) this is thrown away.

I press the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy button.

1) your in the space shuttel

2)You fly out

4)Yo notice theres no three

5)You accually wentand checked if there was a three.HA.

I press happyness is a bucket of poo button

big mistake. not telling you the details. you don't wanna know.

I press the non-existant button. somehow.

The button starts to come into existence!

I press the "items sold #3" button

a crane game claw comes down and grabs you, and takes you over to a hole where you drop in, and them get picked up by some kid.

i press the Sammy Keyes button

1. I look in the mirror.

2. You die.

3. I wonder why we are speaking in numbered events.

I press the button with the words "I wonder why" written boldly on it.

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