The days in the life of a Tama lover and her Tamas!


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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The ground.
Welcome to my Tama log! Here I will create a story of all my beautiful Tamas!

I will try and write every day but I might be busy. School stuff.

So please spread the word!

Thanks Tama Fans!

This is not a log where you can make your own story. It is all about MY Tamas. So please do not comment!

If you want to comment please do it on my profile. Any suggestions you have PM me.


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Sunday 4th September

Hello guys! Meet my Tamas!

My V1 called Pixel.

Me: Introduce your self darling.

Pixel: I am a male young Mimitchi called Pixel. I am a male and I am one year old! I am on the 2nd generation!

Me: Bless him. *smiles fondly at Pixel*

Pixel: I am famous! Yay!

My V2 called Sam.


Sam: Yes mummy?

Me: Say hello to all those people!

Sam: H-hello... I am a girl called Sam. I am a purpoeratchi . I am 3. I am on my 2nd generation.

Me:Good girl!

Sam: *smiles weakly*

My V3 called Ben.

Ben:Muuuum! What are you doing?

Me: I am making a log with you in it.

Ben: Well so?

Me:Say hello to the nice people.

Ben: Hi I am a V3 called Ben. Im a 3 year old hinatchi . Oh and I am also a boy. Plus I am also on my 2nd generation. Can I eat now?

Me: No. You just ate!

Ben: Ok ok.

My V4`s Dan and Lilac.

Me: Hello guys!

Dan and Lilac:Hi mum!

Me: Tell us a little bit about your selves!

Lilac: Well I am a female violetchi who is 2 years old.

Dan:I am a 3 year old male shimasimatchi. And we are both 2nd generation.

Me: What else?

Lilac: *screams* WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED!!!!!!


My V5 family Anna and Rick.

Me: Hello dudes.

Anna: And girls.

Me: Yes girls too.

Rick: Hello Tamatalkers! I am male mousetchi and this is my sister who is a female sakuramotchi. We is both also on the 2nd generation.


Me:You can do it next time Anna.

Anna:Fine then!

My V6 Laura.

Me: Hi Laura!

Laura: Hi people I am a 4 year old female onputchi! On my 10th generation! Yup! Almost 11th!

Me:Isnt she cute!

Laura: I sure am!

Me: *rolls eyes*


Stay tuned for tomorrows news!

All: BYE!

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Monday 5th September


The Tamas are still sleeping but I wanted to get up and say a huge thanks to the 63 people who have viewed my blog. Keep up the good work guys!
Also my V4 Lilac is now 3! I know that you might not be excited but I sure am! Yes my V5's Anna and Rick are up!

Me: Morning Anna!

Anna: *yawns* Morning Mum.

Me: Good morning Rick.

Rick: Hi Mum and Tamatalk.

Me: I forgot to say that Rick and Anna are the smart family!!!

Anna: So?

Me: Well I think it is a big deal. You should be proud to be a part of the smart family!

Rick: Muuuuuuuuum?

Me: Yes darling?

Rick and Anna: We huuuuuuungry!

Me: Ugh. No you are not.

Anna: See Rick? I knew that wouldn't work!

Rick: *sarcastically* Sorry.

Me: Do you two ever stop fighting?

Anna: No why?

Me:*exhales* Because it would be nice if I could have some piece and quiet some of the time.


So as you can see having all my Tamas is hard work and quiet is a legend. I have heard of it but never had it. Oh well. As long as I have my Tamas I am happy.

Also (I really hope my teacher never goes on this) I am going to sneak my Tamas into school today!

I will bring my news of the trip when I get home!

Me: See you soon Tamatalk!


Rick:*poops* Um bye!

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Later that day...

Hello! I bring the best of news! My V2 Sam has gone from a puroperatchi to a dorotchi! Which lokks like a ghost. Also my V3 Ben has gone from a hinatchi to a decotchi! Which looks like a zombie.

Ben: You think I look like a zombie?

Me: Well maybe a bit...

Ben: COOL!!!!

Me: Ok...

Me: Sam what do you think of your new look?

Sam: Um its ok I guess... Am I dead?

Me: What? No of course not you just look kinda um well... like a ghost.

Sam: Well thats ok then. *walks away humming happily*


I will see if I can get some photos of them. I have to wait for Mum to get home cause I cant find the USB cord.

Now for my recount of the school mission.

Rick: Can I help you tell it Mum?

Me: Sure you can! But where is Anna?

Rick: Raiding the fridge.

Me: Well as long as she is happy.

Rick: Can we get on with the story now?


Rick: So first Mummy turned our sound off.

Me: To keep you safe and me out of trouble.

Rick: Then we were shoved into a dark place and then there was a lot of bumping and shouting.

Me: I put you into my bag and got on the bus to school.

Rick: Then you left and we were in a quiet place except for when you came back to check on us.

Me: Yes I left you in the bags corridor and no one goes in there during class.

Rick: Then there was a lot of noise and there was another bumpy trip with more humans yelling.

Me: Yes that was the return trip on the bus.

Rick: And then you opened the prison up and turned our noise back on when the bumping stopped.

Me: That was when I got off the bus and made it back to my room.

Rick: So the adventure was over. Can we do it again tomorrow?

Me: Sure!

So that was my big trip! I will have photos of my Tamas hopefully in my next log.

All: Bye Tamatalk!

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Even later that day...

Before we begin I wanted to say a huge thanks to a good friend xPinkTamagotchix for the wonderful fan mail! Now lets begin!

I bring urgent news! My V5' have transformed!

Anna: I have gone from a sakuramotchi to a chamametchi!

Rick: I am now a mamekatchi and I used to be a mousetchi!

Me: I am so proud of you both!

Anna+Rick: Thanks Mum!

Sorry about the short post I am still waiting for my Mum to get home.

All: See you soon!

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Still later that same day...

I have some bad news. I can't figure out how to get photos from my desktop to the Internet. Someone please tell me how by PMing me or e mail me. Thanks. But there is always a good side! This log has had 96 Views! That is great! I want to say thanks to all of you! Gotta go my V6 is beeping. Bye!

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Even later that very same day...

I have another update! My V4's Lilac and Dan have turned 4 so they will be married in two or three days. Also my V2 Sam and my V4 Ben have also turned 4!

Me: Are you excited Lilac about your wedding?

Lilac: YES! I cannot wait to get married!

Me:What does Dan think?

Lilac:Oh yes. But he is a little more patient than me.

Me: Well that would make sense. But are you sad?

Lilac: Why should I be?

Me: Well when you have a baby soon after you have to leave to go to Tama Planet.

Lilac: WHAT? MUMMY I DON'T WANNA GO!!!! WAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Look you will have to. I will look after your baby.

Lilac: So I will never see you again?

Me: I will visit with your baby!

Lilac: Good.

Lilac: Im gonna go have a bath bye Mum!

Me: Ok darling.

Me: Pixel? Come say hello!

Ben: Hi TamaTalk! Oh Mum? Pixel is asleep.

Me: Oh I see. Would you like to say hello?

Ben: Sure! Hi Tamatalk! Did you know that this log has been viewed 100 times!

Me: Sure has! And so I wanted to say thanks to you for viewing this Tama log!

Ben: And we hope someone will please PM my Mum so that she can post some photos of us cause she doesnt know how.

Me: Please tell me! Because then I will be able to show off my fab Tamas!

Ben: Mum?

Me: Yes darling?

Ben: Will you take us to school with you tomorrow?

Me: Ok then I will.

Ben: Yay! I will go and tell the other!

Me: Ok Ben.


I will tell you guys what happened in a bit. Bye!

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Some time later that day...

I have bad news.

Dan: I didnt get any of the offered jobs.

Me: Dont worry darling you WILL get a job and I will help you.

Dan: Really?

Me: Really.

Dan: Thanks Mum.

Me: So Dan what jobs were there?

Dan: Well there was fire fighter, fair, school, pre school and hair dresser. I got all X's.

Me: It can happen sometimes.

Dan: Yeah I guess so.

Me: We have to go to bed soon.

Me and Dan: BYE TAMATALK!!!!

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Tuesday 6th September 2011

Hi Tamatalk!

I have some good and bad news. I shall start with the good. My other V4 Lilac got her job offer. Now the bad. She didnt get any of the jobs. So we will have to wait a bit. But I want my V4's to get their jobs before they leave.

Also my V6 Laura has turned 5 so she will have a baby soon! I am thrilled with this good news!

Please PM me for some good names and I will post the best name and the person who came up with it on my log! Good luck!

Later that day...

News flash! My V4 Dan just got his job as a travel agent!

Lilac also got a a job as a travel agent!

Catch you later!

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Me: Oh Laura I am so proud of you!

Laura: Thanks Mum.

Baby: Goo gaa!

All: Awwwwwwww!

Me: *bursts into tears of happiness*

Laura: *looks embarrassed* Mu-um!

Me: Sorry darling. I am just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!

Laura: I know, so am I but you need to calm down.

Me:*getting annoyed*

Tarakotchi: *quickly changes the subject* Why don't we think what to call him?

Laura: I want him to be called Leo.

Me: I'll see.

I have more good news! I just started up my Tama Go. I thought it was broken. I am glad that I was wrong. Got to go. Baby boys are demanding.

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Later that same day...

Mike:Hello TamaTalk I am Mummy's new Tama! I am a Tama Go!

Me: Yes. How did you get on here?

Mike:Yeah.. well you see....

Me: Well?

Mike: I....

Dan: Oh dont be too mad. I was the one who got him on here.

Me: WHAT? So you snuck onto the computer?

Dan and Mike: *nod*

Me: *looks rather amused* Ok then. You guys are smart. So Mike can you tell us a little about your self?

Mike: Sure. I guess so. Well I am a 0 year old mattaritchi. I am on my first generation.

Me: Good boy. Now shall we go to Tamatown?


Me: Gotta go buy Tamatalk!

Mike: Bye!!!!

Wednesday 7th September 2011

I bring wonderful news!!! My two V4's got married and so did my V2 and 3! Both couples had two girls! I am a little dissapointed because I cant get them married. :/ But this will mean lots of babys... ON THE SAME DAY!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate it when that happens. Way too much like hard work. I will have to pause them. Ugh.

Also I started up my TamaGo! I have a beautiful baby boy! As I told you yesterday. I just want to tell you again because its so exciting for me! I have missed my Tama Go very much.

Me: Mike, do you want to say hello?

Mike: OK Mum. H-hello Tama Talk.

Me: Where have you been today Mike?

Mike: Well I went to Tama Town.

Me: Did you have fun?

Mike: *poops* Yup!

I gotta go!

Me and Mike: BYE!!!

Later that day...

I have an urgent news flash! Pixel just transformed to a mimitchi! I have a male mimitchi! How cool is that?

Pixel: I am an adult! Take that Tama Go!!! No I am the favourite!

Me: Pixel! Dont be so mean! Now tell everyone a little about yourself!

Pixel: I am a 3 yr old male mimitchi and I am on gen 2.

Me: Good boy. :)

Pixel: Bye Tama Talk!

Me: Bye guys! Oh and thanks for the 149 views!

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Thursday 7th September 2011

I bring good news! My V4's and my V2 and my V3 and my V6 have left so I have 4 baby girls and one baby boy! have paused them except the V6 who is called Peter and is now a kurobotchi! Oh my gosh my V3 just transformed into a kuchitamatchi! Gotta go! Bye!

Friday 9th September 2011

I have some good news! I shall let you meet all my new Tams!

Peter: Hello Tamatalk! I am 0 year old V6 on my 11th generation and I am a kuribotchi!

Tammmy: I am a 0 year old V2 on my 3rd generation and I am a kuchitamatchi. Also I am Kimmy's sis!

Kimmy: Hi guys! I am a 0 year old V3 on my 3rd generation and I am a kuribotchi just like Peter! I am Tammy's sister!

Kate:Hello there! I am a 0 year old V4 on my 3rd generation and I am a mohitamatchi. I am Alice's sister!

Alice: Welcome to our blog! I am a 0 year old V4 on my 3rd generation and I am a puchitchi. And I am Kate's sibling.

Me: So there you have it! All my wonderful new Tamas! We have to go. Its bed time for a lot of us. :)

All: Goodbye Tama Talkers! Until next time!

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Bad news.

I am really sorry TamaTalk. I can't keep doing this log. It is too hard to do with all my homework. This is the last post. Goodbye Tama Talk.

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