The end is drawing Nearer...


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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
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New York City
You are a person who is plagued with nightmares. Visions, but evil ones, that tell of a fate horrible for Planet Earth, year 4000. You hate them, and you want to end all "visions" and save your world.

There are only two continents. Gondwanaland, in the South, was what humans once called Australia, India, Africa, and South America. Laurasia, in the North, was once North America, Europe, and Asia.

You congregate with others who hold these... fortunetelling powers... to try and stop it. Each member only sees one part of this prophecy. Each of you hold a puzzle piece, of sorts.

The Callites are your enemies. They suspect something is up with all these kids/adults coming together. They think you're crazy for trying to "save the world," and that it's all a ploy. They try to arrest you for conspiring against the king, King Goro (who you CAN play as).

You also have a great power of an element to aid you in stopping this. only 3 people per element:

Light: Illuminates dark areas, can use fire powers (light=heat, ergo light can = fire). Can appear to dissolve in natural or artificial light

Dark: Opposite of light. darkens areas, controls ice. Can melt into shadows. Light and Dark hate each other, but become rivals/allies in desperate times of need.

Water: Can control all forms of water

Air: Can create tornadoes, air cushions to fly with, and are very in-tune with nature.

Fire: Much like the Light/Dark relationship, water and fire are opposites, but sideup in times of need. Can control smoke and regular fire. Duh.

Earth: can shake the earth so long as there is a source nearby. In the air, they are powerless.

Electric: an advanced form of fire, you can create/control existing electric currents.

Another problem, you know when this terrible fate will befall your planet. in only 50 years. You think it's too soon to stop.


Keep romance PG-13

Swearing is a big no-no.







Personality: (2+ sentsnces)

Crush/desire to love:

Element: (None if you are a Callite. If you are a Callite, you pick a special weapon.)

I must approve you before you can start posting.

Have fun everyone!

My form:

Name: Kade

Gender: Male


Continent: Laurasia

Callite?: No

Personality: Kade is a leader, in a way, and acts like a father when someone needs help. He tries to help all he can, but just didnt seem to fit in from the start, but then he realized he had dark powers and realized he was to hardheaded due to his heritage's element. He acts independent, but deep down inside, he wants to be friends with someone.

Crush/desire to love: There is a desire, but hasn't found anyone quite yet.

Element: Dark

PLEASE REMEMBER: This is a Literate RP. posts muct be a 3 sentence minimum with detail. controlling characters other than your own is unacceptable. If these rules are broken more than 3 times you will be asked to leave, and your character will be killed off mercilessly will leave as well. Thank you and Have fun ;)

Name: Rebecca Moreau

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Continent: Laurasia

Callite?: No.

Personality: Rebecca is a rather poetic girl with the smarts to match. She loves imagining to try and ease her visions, but really, it really never does work. She is a girl easily fascinated by nature { forests especially }, and she absolutely loves oceans and small towns, needless to say, she's a dreamer. Living in a small, foresty, rainy town by the ocean would really just be her dream apart from ridding all the awful visions she's seen. Reading is really her main hobby.

Crush/desire to love: She really doesn't care either way, as she's never had a crush.

Element: Water.

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Name: Karen Junes

Gender: Female

Age: 17 1/2

Continent: Laurasia

Callite: Not.

Personality: Karen is a smart, fun loving girl. She is very outgoing and is hard to annoy or sadden. At times though, sh can be emotional, which causes her to lose focus of things. Moreover, Karen can be smart, but sometimes she can have some moments where she completely stops thinking and drops.

Crush/desire to love: Kade (She's going to be very open with this, so be open for some cliffhangers.)

Element: Light

Name: Marcie Jones

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Continent: Laurasia

Callite: No.

Personality: Marcie is very aggressive, and hates to lose. She is very mean and does not show any fear. Most of the time, all she does is intimidate people. Showing her dominance is all she wants, although deep inside, she is very soft and smart. She usually has good grades, which she uses to help her be more dominant.

Crush/desire to love: N/A

Element: Water. (She be a water bender I hear -EPIC COWBOY ACCENT-)

yes, we can start now:

Kade walked along a riverbank, quietly thinking about these... nightmares recently plaguing his mind. He put his feet into the water and it instantly frozedue to his dark nature. He sighed and continues to keep his feet there. He saw a tree and walked over to it. He climbed up and sat atop a branch.

(She will eventually have a crush on Kade, but not right now, just so we can get the Rp going.)

The river splished and sploshed. Usually, she was the only one here, and the river was still, except when she was swimming in it.

Finishing the last of her Mingi Berries, she climbed the nearest tree.

Karen flew from tree to tree, imagining being chased by Callites, the people in her dreams.

Thinking she was safe, she felt a body under her, and looking down, she saw Kade.

"That guy from school," Karen thought.

"Oh I'm sorry uhh.. Kade?" Karen said akwardly, almost forgetting his name.

Rebecca's bag bulged with three smaller novellas she had already read too many times, books her parents had given her long ago. "Finally, the weather is actually reasonable today," she thought to herself. She nabbed one of the novellas from her bag along with a green and silver scarf- her favourite, the poetry book, and slipped the large scarf round her neck. Beginning to walk around and then crossing the river, Rebecca noticed two people- a boy and a girl- she had seen before, from school. Hoping she wasn't interrupting anything, she quietly backed up to the river again, noticing a rather noticeable patch of ice in it against the thin water. Her eyes widened for a second but narrowed again shortly after- this wasn't really an uncommon sight. She crouched down silently, and began reading, but really, was just paying more attention to whether or not the two also had powers, and were chatting about it or not.

Kade fell asleep soon after he climbed the branch, but was jolted awake at the sound of his name. He opened one eye to see... Kadin looking down at him. He brushed a leaf off of his face. Normally, he isn't one to talk, but he stood upright on the branch and jumped to the same one Kadin was on.

"Hi, Kadin. What're you doing here?" Then he noticed the dark patches under her eyes that matched his. "So, you have those nightmares too?" He asked. "I could tall by the dark marjs that you're very sleep deprived..."

His power of darkness made him fully aware of her light powers, but he decided not to make a comment about it.

Her power made her step away, and she asked silently, "By any chance do you have.. Powers? I'm sensing something really strong." She fell back, realizing Kade's power was overwhelming.

She jumped back into a tree, and continued, "I'm sorry, whatever is making me repel from you is really strong."

Name: Marcie Jones

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Continent: Laurasia

Callite: No.

Personality: Marcie is very sensitive, and she has a very soft exterior. She will run away and cry to stuff she is upset about, and will act happy when she is, well, happy. This sensitivity makes her weak, but when she shows her full potential, she is very strong. Releasing her interior would show that she's not a dumb blonde, and that she is a smart, strong, brave young girl.

Crush/desire to love: N/A

Element: Water
(Needed to edit it.)

After feeling someone step on her ice bridge, Marcie felt like this was her time to make a friend, to show at least someone that she is strong.

"Hello!" She exclaimed, looking at the girl with a scarf on, after submerging from the water. She got out of the water, bending the water off of her, drying herself.

It was that girl from school. She was a water bender too. She saw her bend the water at the water fountain.

"Oh. Y-you are t-th-the water bending girl." Marcie said, realizing she just revealed her own powers."

Rebecca jumped slightly in surprise at the sight of the girl, who she then also recognized from school.

"Goodness, yes," she said. "I suppose you are one as well-" she raised her hand to her mouth and smiled, realizing her mistake- of course this girl was a water elemental! Why else could she have come out of the water like that? She took her hand down and held it outward for a handshake, and said, "I'm Rebecca. And who are you?"

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(Please remember that it isn't bending, persay, butwater ELEMENTAL. Just emphasizing that ;) Also, Emilson, the new profile is accepted, but what a MAJOR CHANGE!)

Kade looked at the girl. "It must be the fact that I'm a dark elemental and you're a light one." Kade suddenly grinned widely. "I'll... try to keep it down near you." Kade said, surpressing his power. He then looked toward a girl talking to... a tree? no, that girl was behind the tree. He recognized the girl talking from the other school. He motioned for Kadin to come over. "Hey, I saw her before when playing sports. She was watching from the sidelines! Remember?"

He continued grinning. He never really made friends before. The feeling was exhilirating and he liked it. he was opening up.

"Oh yeah! And hey, that girl! The other water element girl!" Karen exclaimed, pointing to them.

"Let's go talk to them, maybe they we'll make new friends!" Karen questioned, getting down from the tree, sensing the dark powers lowering.

Karen held her hand out, as if she was waiting for Kade to just hold it already.

She felt something in her brain, something that made her want to look at Kade more and more.

It was love.

He held her hand, saying, "it's a long way down, but if you hold on I'll melt into the shadows at the last minute and we'll be fine. Is that okay with you?" Kade asked. He turned his head, waiting for an answer. He glanced at the other girl, eying her... wondering if she was a Callite incognito. His suspicions were discontinues when he saw her control water. He looked back toward Karen, waiting for an answer.

OTN (Off Topic Note):

You can have up to 3 characters if you think you can handle them all. I'm going to add an antagonist.

Name: Koron Abbyse

Gender: male

Age: 23

Continent: In Laurasia, but originally from Gondwanaland.

Callite?: Yes

Personality: Usually is good at heart, but loyalty is more powerful in his heart. He serves King Goro with an Iron fist and will not break unless something very powerful influences his life, however that has not yet arrived.

Crush/desire to love: None at the moment.

Element: Double-bladed Katana (very good with it, I might add)

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"Oh I'm Marcie." Marcie watched as the two held hands.

"Hey look! Do you think they are Callites?!" Marcie said energetically, as if she knew the other girl had the same dreams.

"What if they are spies? Or other ninjas?" Marcie said with enthusiasm. She wasn't the smartest, and she was getting a little coocoo, but she was nice, right?

(Imagine her like this, with this.)

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"Marcie? That's a beautiful name," Rebecca cooed, then peered at the two off in the distance, and blinked repeatedly.

"I don't think they seem like Callites, to be honest! They seem kind of like us, don't you think?" she whispered, and wondered- maybe these three people were also seeing the exact same things she had been seeing. There wasn't much doubt, because the two silhouettes holding hands just kept also peeking at the two water elemental girls.

"Do you think we should go over there?" Rebecca asked, turning back to Marcie.

Marcie, more subtle now, replied, "Sure let's go!"

Marcie ran towards them, holding Rebecca's hand.

Marcie frolicked, letting go of Rebbeca's hand.

"Come on!"

Kade looked over and saw the girl running toward him. He let go of Karen's hand and said, "Okay, I guess I'll catch you." He jumped off the branch and melted into a shadow at the final second, the cold, dark, and lonely feeling of a desolate shadow washed over him, and he felt sad. When he came out, those feelings evaporated.

"Hello girls." He said to the oncoming girls. "Who are you? I guess I revealed the fact that I'm a Dark elemental, but my name's Kade." He pointed upwards to seee Karen. "And that's Karen, a light elemental." He said.

Suddenly, a feeling of cool breezes and shells seeped over him. His dark nature caused him to control ice, but he knew these girls were water because ice... well, IS water. He waited for them to say it though.


Koron sat on the steps of the Royal Palace. He looked onward toward a Forest. He sighed, his sword hanging from his waist. He thought to himself, I don't really hate these Elementals. I think they can believe what they want. It's just like in my textbooks about ancient history. Those people in the 2000's hated many people. *sigh*. He didn't really want to kill them, or even really harm them, but King Goro was always commanding him to.

"Go! Rid the world of these liars! all they want to do is usurp the THRONE!!!!"

Those were his words all right. Yes, they were. He hated doing the King's dirty work, but he was getting paid quite a lot. 2,000 Qui-tangs a week! (equivalent to 4,000 dollars!)

His heart may not have been pure, but he knew his duties.

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