The End of Tama Family.


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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2006
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QLD, Australia (a.k.a down under!)
I'm very sorry to announce that if I don't get any replys in Fan Fiction Comments, I may have to stop writing: Tama Family.

At first, I had about 80 people reading the story but now, when I look at the latest chapter, only about 6 people have read the chapter and with not many people reading it, I may have to stop because of the going down of the popularity. I apologise to fans of Tama Family, I don't want to stop with the story either, I would much rather continue till the ending but, I may have to stop. Out of 100, there is 95/100% that I will stop unless I get more people reading and replying to the comments. I'm stopping mostly because in the past 3 months, only 3 people have replied and only 1 has PMed me with comments. I know many people would know how I feel with the number of comments they're getting...So with that, thank you to fans who read my story and TOLD me what they thought about the story.


- if you enjoy writing your stories for fun, then carry on.... :furawatchi:

- if you only enjoy writing your stories when ppl send nice comments about them - and you haven't had enough of them recently, then it is probably best to stop....

... but starting a new thread like this is just asking for trouble - I am sure any fans of your tama fiction will carry on reading your stories if you carry on writing them....

I hope you will understand that it is probably best if I close this topic.

Best, etc.



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