The Girls Life Quiz


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1. How old are you? 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? 7

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? The powe to fly

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Shiloh (dog)

8. Have you had your period yet? No :eek:

9. If so when/how old were you? hasn't happened

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? 2/3 tomboy, 1/3 girly

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? what?

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? No

15. If so, what? N/A

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Myself, it tickles when other people do it :p

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Steven Hawking impression..

18. What is your favorite food? Lobster

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Kangaroos

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? none

22. What TV shows do you like? Old 70s game shows, suite life, American Idol

23. Do you wear a bra? no

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) N/A

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Toronto, specifically, American eagle, Gap, Lu lu lemon

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I have no clue what that is...

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Weird Al?

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Adam Sandler, Will Ferrel, Reese Witherspoon

29. Singers? James Blunt!

30. Actors/Actresses? Same as celebs^

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? About 10 min, no I'm not :D

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No :)

1. How old are you? 11

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nupe

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No.

4. What grade are you in? 6th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Hmm, a guy.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Dogs: Blaze, Cocoa, Bosco. Cats: Glenda, Gizmo. Fish: Carly

8. Have you had your period yet? Unfortunatley

9. If so when/how old were you? 10ish

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm all 8D

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Eee, sure?

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? . . .

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes

15. If so, what? Everything, really. No, I'm not kidding. I had to get a checkerboard on my back (FULL CHECKERBOARD!) and then injected like, 20 needles into my back at one time, and if it swelled, or itched, I was allergic to it. It all swelled.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for one.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Michael Jackson face 8D

18. What is your favorite food? Smoothies 8D

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Hm, Depends

22. What TV shows do you like? All of them? Cept if they are like... Evil

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) A fabric one. real

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Abercrombie

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Upset that you asked twice

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Savannah Outen (Savannah7448)

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Aha, Taylor Swift, Twilight people

29. Singers? Taylor Swift

30. Actors/Actresses? Hm, Kristian Stewart, Reese Witherspoon

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 4 minutes. I timed

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Ahaha, no.

HeeHee everyone has great answers so far.
I'm surprised that Fire Cracker took the GLQ, I thought she was going to say it's stupid and leave,

EDIT: You know what would be funny? If some guides took the GLQ. In fact, what if the Admin was really a girl and took it? THAT would be funny!!!
lol i wus bored

1. How old are you? Classified

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? Classified

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A Boyfriend *Ashamed*

6. Do you have any pets? A Dog, A Cat, A Baby Bunny.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Zoe, Greville and Honey

8. Have you had your period yet? No

9. If so when/how old were you? No

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay? Between Girly and Tomboy.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yes

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? No

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes

15. If so, what? Prawns

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Yourself

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Everything...

18. What is your favorite food? Sushi!

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Cat

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Phoenix

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't know

23. Do you wear a bra? Classified

24. If so, what kind? Classified

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Supre

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? It's Ok.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? None.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? None.

29. Singers? None.

30. Actors/Actresses? Emma Watson

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? About 10 Minutes.

1. How old are you? 19

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yup.

4. What grade are you in? N/A

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Money XD

6. Do you have any pets? Yup. 2 dogs, 1 bird

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Dogs: Bubbles and Shandy, Bird: Murdoch

8. Have you had your period yet? mmhm

9. If so when/how old were you? 9

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I don't label myself

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Wtf?

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yah

15. If so, what? Latex, Dairy, Sulfa, Grass, Pollen

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Getting one

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I dunno

18. What is your favorite food? Bento

19. What religion are you? Anti-religion

20. What is your favorite animal? Penguin

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None

22. What TV shows do you like? Stupid ones

23. Do you wear a bra? mmhm

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Real one.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? None really. I hate shopping

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? SSDD

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? None

28. What are your favorite real celebs? None

29. Singers? None

30. Actors/Actresses? None

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 2 minutes?

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Yah

1. How old are you? 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No. the people in my school don't go out on "dates" they just date.

4. What grade are you in? the seventh

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? You don't want to know.

6. Do you have any pets? Yep. A cat and a hamster.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Desmond and TJ.

8. Have you had your period yet? Mhm.... :[

9. If so when/how old were you? I got it in November for the first time.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Probably a mix between girly-girl, emo ?, and tomboy.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I guess so. :3

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No....D:

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nope...well, actually, I think there's one thing?

15. If so, what? Uhhm, I might be allergic to this type of cream. Whe nI put it on my neck became all red and itchy. o.o But I may not be allergic.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for one. x3

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can't do anything weird with my body and stuff....

18. What is your favorite food? Chicken and salad!

19. What religon are you? Don't have a religion.

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats, cows, and polar bears.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? I believe in aliens, werewolves, and bigfoot. My grade 4 teacher encountered big foot, and my parents once almost drove into a werewolf when I was little.

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't watch much T.V, but I do enjoy this one soap operah..

23. Do you wear a bra? Yep. It's gross when girls my age don't. +o(

24. If so, what kind? Usually padded, but I still have a few that are training although they barely fit anymore.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Garage, Bluenotes, Stiches, American Eagle, Aeropostale

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? It's pretty good.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Justin Bieber ! <3

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Danny Fernandes, jonas brothers, chris brown, Metro Station, and more.

29. Singers? All the ones I named above were singers. xD

30. Actors/Actresses? I'm not a huge fan of any actors/actresses at the moment.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Maybe 5 minutes? And no, I'm not annoyed. ;D

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No....

1. How old are you? 132. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No. the people in my school don't go out on "dates" they just date.

4. What grade are you in? the seventh

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? You don't want to know.

6. Do you have any pets? Yep. A cat and a hamster.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Desmond and TJ.

8. Have you had your period yet? Mhm.... :[

9. If so when/how old were you? I got it in November for the first time.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Probably a mix between girly-girl, emo ?, and tomboy.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I guess so. :3

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No....D:

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nope...well, actually, I think there's one thing?

15. If so, what? Uhhm, I might be allergic to this type of cream. Whe nI put it on my neck became all red and itchy. o.o But I may not be allergic.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for one. x3

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can't do anything weird with my body and stuff....

18. What is your favorite food? Chicken and salad!

19. What religon are you? Don't have a religion.

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats, cows, and polar bears.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? I believe in aliens, werewolves, and bigfoot. My grade 4 teacher encountered big foot, and my parents once almost drove into a werewolf when I was little.

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't watch much T.V, but I do enjoy this one soap operah..

23. Do you wear a bra? Yep. It's gross when girls my age don't. +o(

24. If so, what kind? Usually padded, but I still have a few that are training although they barely fit anymore.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Garage, Bluenotes, Stiches, American Eagle, Aeropostale

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? It's pretty good.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Justin Bieber ! <3

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Danny Fernandes, jonas brothers, chris brown, Metro Station, and more.

29. Singers? All the ones I named above were singers. xD

30. Actors/Actresses? I'm not a huge fan of any actors/actresses at the moment.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Maybe 5 minutes? And no, I'm not annoyed. ;D

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No....
Is it sex?

1. How old are you? 13:)

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? yes

4. What grade are you in? 9th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? umm. THAT ONE MUSIC PLAYER xD

6. Do you have any pets? mmhm

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? My doggy Kai, my bearded dragon Sunny, and my two leopard geckos Eyes and Moony.

8. Have you had your period yet? yup

9. If so when/how old were you? uhhm. like..10?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm a preppy scene. xD

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I suppose:)

12. Do you have a boyfriend? not at the moment :}D

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? I don't have one xD

14. Are you allergic to anything? yeahh

15. If so, what? mold. O.O

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?umm. idk, doing it myself even though I'm sloppeh

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? WRITE WITH MY TOES =DD

18. What is your favorite food? sushi

19. What religon are you? i'm non-religeous.

20. What is your favorite animal?

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? CHUPACABRA OH YEAH

22. What TV shows do you like? spongebob. ohh and documentaries about disturbed people 8D

23. Do you wear a bra? =D YES.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)real ones 8]

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? uhh the mall. like hot topic sometimes and places with cute stuff

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?i have nothing better to do...

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?RAY WILLIAM JOHNSON, smosh, uhh..fred, livelavalive, erm..ShaneDawsonTV<333

28. What are your favorite real celebs?...?? i don't know right now. probaly a lot of band people mostly

29. Singers?OH. sooo many bands..NeverShoutNever, Metro Station, Cobra Starship...oh god I could keep on going...

30. Actors/Actresses? :/ not really

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =Dit took me lke 7 minutes and no I have nothing better to do. 8DDDDD

32. Have you ever kisses/made out with a boy? YES((:)

1. How old are you? Thirteen.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No :|

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No ._.

4. What grade are you in? Eighth.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Infinite knowledge.

6. Do you have any pets? Pshyes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Cats: Pearl, Macey, Jackson. Dogs: Dizzy, Poo.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes.

9. If so when/how old were you? Eleven >_>

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Other.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sort of.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? . . . . . I'm not so sure. No. I don't think you could call him that.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? I enjoy him, yes indeed. But he's not a boyfriend. Pdjskjdkfjhsd D:<

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yeah >_<

15. If so, what? Ragweed, dust, red food dye.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Ew, I don't do that.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I don't know.

18. What is your favorite food? French bread.

19. What religon are you? I guess you would call me agnostic.

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats, foxes.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Ghosts, and various other supernatural things. Karma, magic, you name it.

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't watch Tv.

23. Do you wear a bra? Yeah ;3

24. If so, what kind? Real one, you know it. C-cup.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? . . . Target? Running around Maplewood mall is cool.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Not caring.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Chris Crocker, Davedays :]

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Ew, none. They're like all screwed up.

29. Singers? Too many bands to list.

30. Actors/Actresses? Nope.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Like five minutes? Still not caring.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? -Sigh- No D:

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes.

4. What grade are you in? [Classified]

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Something to get rid of my problems.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Mercedes is my dog, lots of chickens, and two named parakeets but I don't wanna post their names.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes.

9. If so when/how old were you? Like, 10?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? None.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Idk.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Yes.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? He's awesome.

14. Are you allergic to anything? No.

15. If so, what? N/A

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going out for one.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Nothing.

18. What is your favorite food? Steak, calamari.

19. What religon are you? Catholic.

20. What is your favorite animal? Shark.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Idk.

22. What TV shows do you like? Reborn, Soul Eater.

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes.

24. If so, what kind? Real?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? PacSun, Forever 21, Zumiez

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Uh.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? None.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? None.

29. Singers? Idk.

30. Actors/Actresses? Idk.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Idk. Idk.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Yes.


1. How old are you? 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Haha yes.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes.

4. What grade are you in? 8th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? People that don't annoy me.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? 2 cats- Paisley and Spooky

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes XP

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Dont know dont care.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure?

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Not at the moment

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Blueberries

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for one.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Make up random words at the speed of light...

18. What is your favorite food? Pie

19. What religon are you? Idk but I believe there is one god.

20. What is your favorite animal? Hello Kitty

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? idk.

22. What TV shows do you like? Drama, some cartoons, scary

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Real one.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Any cool store at the mall.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Dont care really.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Alyssa Abcission

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Dont know.

29. Singers? Band- BMTH

30. Actors/Actresses? i dont think so.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? like 2 minutes i dont care.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Yess. :lol:

1. How old are you? twelve

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? yes.

4. What grade are you in? seven.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? a certain boy who i probuly dont have a chance with.

6. Do you have any pets? yes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Nicky, Jade, Roo, Isaac, Pikachu, Hannah, Rachel, Ooh-la-la, Charlotte and all the chickens!

8. Have you had your period yet? No.

9. If so when/how old were you? I havent had my period yet.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I don't label myself. But I'm inbetween girly girl and tomboy. I love pink but I love green. I love shopping and I love outside. I love kitties and puppies, but I love snakes and geckos.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yep!

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No, I do not.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? I don't have a boyfriend.

14. Are you allergic to anything? Not that I know of.

15. If so, what? Look above :lol:

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I really don't know what a manicure is. But I've painted my nails before.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Sing songs continuously over another, with perfect pitch and tune.

18. What is your favorite food? I like garlic fingers, but I also like walnut and feta salad.

19. What religon are you? I do not have a religion

20. What is your favorite animal? I like all animals.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None, really.

22. What TV shows do you like? Disney channel shows. j.o.n.a.s in may, can't wait!

23. Do you wear a bra =D ? Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Sport ( i think )

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? All places

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like it!

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? FRED.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Jonas brothers, taylor swift, carrie underwood

29. Singers? Taylor swift at the moment. and elise estrada. and kerli.

30. Actors/Actresses? Not sure.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D Im not annoyed, just bored. I think it took a couple minutes.

1. How old are you? 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in? 8

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? An enormous house =]

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) I have a cat named Twinkle

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes ;_;

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm a bit of a tomboy.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? yeah =D

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nope

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I hate em, I bite my nails too

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?

18. What is your favorite food? Anything =P

19. What religon are you? Catholic

20. What is your favorite animal? Tigers.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?

22. What TV shows do you like? Drake and Josh

23. Do you wear a bra? Yeah

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) A real one

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Game stores =]

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I love it!

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Nigahiga, SMPfilms.

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

29. Singers? Avril Lavigne, FOB, MCR.

30. Actors/Actresses?

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D A few minutes.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nope

How bored am I?

Bore denough to do this 8^D

1. How old are you? 15

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Yes

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes

4. What grade are you in? 9 (should be 10)

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A great talent for writing.

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Cat named Nikoma, Dogs named Ginger Hawthorne (GiGi) and Koho, Frgo named Hooper, Two Bearded Dragons named KoKo and Nut.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes \

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I HATE LABELS But I am Bi-Sexual.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? ......?

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? yes

15. If so, what? Chili Peppers

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Neither. The nail file feels so akward I tense up and then they yell at me and I dont use nail files myself.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can do lots of weird things :3

18. What is your favorite food? Lol, anything plain.

19. What religon are you? Semi-practicing Christian Methodist.

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Many Many of them. I love crap like that :3

22. What TV shows do you like? Sanctuary, Destroyed in Seconds, How its Made, Myth Busters, Cash Cab, House.

23. Do you wear a bra? Yeah

24. If so, what kind? Real one

25. What is your favorite place to shop? Book Stores like Borders

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? ..... ._.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? AmazingPhil(Sorta celeb)and Chris Crocker <33

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Marilyn Manson, Dani Filth, Chris Crocker, Jeffree Starr, Dita von Tease, Britney Spears, Jamie Campbell Bower, Micheal Jackson, Scott Porter, the list goes on <33

29. Singers? Dani Filth, Marilyn Manson, and a lot a lot a lot of others but im tired so I dont feel like answering them.

30. Actors/Actresses? Jamie Campbell Bower

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 2 mins.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? and a girl. Many times on both sides. And im not a slut

1. How old are you? 13 3/4

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in? soon to be yr 9

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Too many to count! :p

6. Do you have any pets? 3 goldfish (used to be 4, poor coral deceased :p )

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Nemo, Pearl, Baby Marble :ph34r:

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes, for over 2 years

9. If so when/how old were you? 11 3/4

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Bit of a girly girl.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yep.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nope

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? If I have to choose, then DIY (going for a manicure costs too much)

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Uh... can I skip this?

18. What is your favorite food? Too many to count :p

19. What religon are you? I'm non-religious but I can't call myself atheist either...

20. What is your favorite animal? Any animals that are cute, beautiful and/or colourful!

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? N/A

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't watch a lot of TV.

23. Do you wear a bra? About to

24. If so, what kind? Depends...

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? The mall!

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like it!

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? N/A

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

29. Singers?

30. Actors/Actresses? questions 28-30: I don't really know. All the celebs are okay to me (excluding ppl like Paris Hilton...)

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? About... 5 minutes or so?

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nupperz =P

1. How old are you? 11

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No, nobody wants me =D

4. What grade are you in? 6th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? 1,000,000,000,000 dollars!!!

6. Do you have any pets? Yes, one dog.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Pocky, he's a Chihuahua.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes, it came very early.....

9. If so when/how old were you? I was 10.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Girly girl, kind of....I'm mixed with emo.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? No problem!

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope~

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? Don't have a boyfriend

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes~

15. If so, what? I'm allergic to peanuts.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Doing it myself, it's fun, but messy.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I tried to kill that's the weirdest thing I did.

18. What is your favorite food? Pizza!!!

19. What religon are you? Buddhist.

20. What is your favorite animal? Doggeh~

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Um....I believe in magic.

22. What TV shows do you like? A lot! So...I like Air Crash Investigation, AugH! I can't remember the name!!

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes!

24. If so, what kind? Real one already.........

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Claires, um....where else?

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I'm A O K!

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? What?

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Lots! Better not say.

29. Singers? NeverShoutNever!, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Tata Young....and more.

30. Actors/Actresses? I'm not really a fan of TV... =D

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? No, not at all. =D

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No....never.

1. How old are you? 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in?7

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? for my friend shayna aka lady shay to wear pants

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? yes

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? girly girl ;)

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? yes shayna you did good work

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no but soon jack will be that special guy XD

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? no

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? my self

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? play the national anthem on the piano with my toe

18. What is your favorite food? sushi !!!

19. What religon are you? jewish

20. What is your favorite animal? flamingos and giraffes

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? the lochness monster and bigfoot and on new years lady shay and i threw money in the air last year and this year 2 :furawatchi:

22. What TV shows do you like? drake and josh icarly wizards of waverly place and house

23. Do you wear a bra? yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) real padded one =D

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? american eagle aeropostatle and hollister

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? yes but no at the same time :hitodetchi:

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? fred

28. What are your favorite real celebs? zac efron joe jonas and edward :unsure:

29. Singers? rihanna chris brown lil wayne taylor swift jonas brothers britney spears

30. Actors/Actresses? robert pattinson and adam sandler

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 30 whole minutes !!!

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? no but at graduation im going to kiss jack and lady shay is going to video tape the whole thing !!! <_<

...20. What is your favorite animal? flamingos and giraffes21. What myths/legends do you believe in? the lochness monster and bigfoot and on new years lady shay and i threw money in the air last year and this year 2 ;)

Oh ya, that actually did work!! The myth is that if you throw money in the air on New Year's, you will be rich for the rest of the year. Last year I threw a pathetic $1 and this year I threw an awesome $150!!!

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