The Great Tamagotchi Debate


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2005
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There has recently been a big debate going on about tamagotchi's. Soe people think they are good, some people think they are bad. See below.


Taking tamagotchi's to school is a bad idea.

a) You will get it confiscated and you will get in trouble.

:p It will disrupt your learning and you will lose all attention for school.

c) People will get bored with you if you hang out with your tama too much and you will lose friends.

d) Also, certain dobbers will tell on you which will result in the same consequences as a).

e) They motivate everyone else to bring tama's to school.


Tamagotchi's are good for you.

a) A recent headline goes: Virtual pets bring actual knowledge (in Aus). Scientists have said that virtual pets make kids learn about responsibilities.

^_^ Instead of annoying your mother and father, tamagotchi's are a great time-be-gone.

c) They are fun.

d) They help you get friends.

e) Another thing scientists have found out is that if people visit TamaTown, they are motivated to make their own little fantasy world. They have also found out that it encourages people to make their own game/website/virtual pet.

There are 2 sides to the Tama argument. (but that doesn't stop your parents not getting you one ^_^ )


there is nothing wrong with bringing a tama to can teach life important lessons and you can even talk to people who you don't know and be friends through can increase your imagination and point of view in the world. as long you pause it or put it in silent mode.

I take my tamas to school every day. We are allowed to as long as we put them away and have them on silent. If we have them out in lessons the teachers confiscate them, but other than that the teachers are fine with them. We check if they are alright on our breaks. Simple!

Giraffagotchi :p

I take mine to school too. But I would not advise to pause, it can slow down the growing process and it will age much slower.


If you pause your tamagotchi every day during school, it can slow down the growing process. Like if it has been 1 days since your tamagotchi was born, and it says it's only 1, then that means you shouldn't pause your tamagotchi.


:blink: i use to take it, but now i dont. coz my best friends got stolen!! :furawatchi: and she was on 5g, so thats why i never take it!!!. :blink: :furawatchi:
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