the guide to getting the tamagotchis you want(v6)


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im really mad. i wanted a memetchi, right? i know his proper growth cycle. kurbotchi, kikitchi. then yours truly. i got kurbotchi, YES! the moment comes as a teen he is.... YES a kikitchi! i almost knew i was going to get mametchi! after 3 days he grows @%$#! its a GAZORATCHI! how does that happen! i so mad but i still love Austin what now?

wanted a :rolleyes: got a :p NOOO!

I was trying for a Kuromametchi.

My Kikitchi's stress was at 0 the whole time, his skills were all 999, I never paused him, and it never beeped.

However, it evolved into a Togetchi and not a Kuromametchi.

Not sure if this has to do with anything, but I was using Music City around the time that my Kikitchi reached adulthood. So, I wasn't checking his hearts like I always do. And, after it evolved, I realized that it was missing one happiness heart (didn't beep though.)

Sooo, I'm guessing that it's not only about how many times it beeps, but also to do with the stress level, and hearts that it has right before it evolves.

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I tried for a "Bad Care" Character for my 2G teenage Ichigotchi girl, getting her sick many times, letting stats go down and stress build, and surprise surprise, I got a freakin' Chantotchi. What gives??? I was very dissapointed.

I tried for a "Bad Care" Character for my 2G teenage Ichigotchi girl, getting her sick many times, letting stats go down and stress build, and surprise surprise, I got a freakin' Chantotchi. What gives??? I was very dissapointed.
Thats too bad. I dont understand why it did that... sometimes the worst/OK care characters are harder to get than the good care characters. Funny how it works that way...

Yeah =/ I wonder how Bandi intended to make Music Star's growth paths
Yeah, because I dont remember any of the other versions to be like this. With my v3, I could plan out getting anything, I would usually get it. The music star doesnt seem to be as responsive as that.

I'm trying to get a Shimashimatchi or Kuchipatchi right now. I took okay care of my Kuchitamatchi, and it turned into a Kikitchi, so now I'll just have to treat it badly. Yup, I'm pretty mean :furawatchi: !

My teen tamagotchi:Hungry:1 heart

Happy:1 heart


And what tamagotchi I

got when It's an adult?


I get always perfect care

characters! :(

(Or Shimashimatchi :) )
Well actually, Chantotchi is a perfect care character,just like Mimitchi!

If you look at this chart, you will see that you have a perfect charcter!

Congratulations on your Chantotchi! :mellow:

I'm trying to get a Shimashimatchi or Kuchipatchi right now. I took okay care of my Kuchitamatchi, and it turned into a Kikitchi, so now I'll just have to treat it badly. Yup, I'm pretty mean :) !
To get Kuchipatchi, you have to take average care, so you should let it beep 3 times or so, and 2 or 1 for Shimashimatchi.

Look at this chart:

Good luck! :mellow:
