THe Hidden Gozarutchi


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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2006
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One day, There was this :p named Shao. He was a good Gozarutchi that was always looking for food. He went to go look for some food in the woods nearby when he stopped to see that there was an apple! He went to go reach for the apple when all of a sudden..........

:ph34r: Gozarutchi fell fast asleep.

The evil :ph34r: Mametchi had been wanting to capture Gozarutchi for ages, and now he had his chance! he had put the apple there! B)

What a shock! ;) Then, the evil Mametchi :D took Gozarutchi :D to this big tower that had Mametchi's face on the front of it but it was a scary face that it was making!

Took him to a pitch black chamber where you couldn't see anything. Then Mametchi turn on the lights in the room, and there was a whole bunch of Mametchi all over the room! Then Gozarutchi woke up and he said: "where am I"? and then Mametchi said...............

Gozarutchi yanked it back on and yelled:


He kicked four :lol: in the the head, and then karate chopped the evil Mametchi where it hurts!!! SUPER GOZARUTCHI!

When everyone was on the floor, in agony, he whirled out of the window and landed safely on the ground... :D

Then Shao went to the lake and swam. He was the lake by himself. He jumped right into the middle of the lake suddenly remembered he couldn't swim...

He screamed and then suddenly, a massive big bird swooped down and picked him up. it flew away to a cave and put :lol: down on a moss bed.

The bird's biggest enemy was The Evil Mametchi, and he was trying to protect Shoa...

"But...I don't need any help! I can protect myself!"

Birdi! So then, Birdi flew :( to a Tama Hospital where he can rest up so he could defeat Mametchi! And then..............

So the :D joined them and the :huh: name was Shiki! Shiki quickly boarded with Shao on Birdi's humongous back and Birdi flew toward evil Mametchi's lab, deiciding to destroy his cloning, sciene and other evil deed machines..

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So then Shao :kusatchi: , Birdi, and Shiki :D entered the evil Mametchi's cloning lab where the evil Mametchi would make more of himself! There were cloning machines all over the room that looked like computers! So Shao said: "Okay, let's get ready to blow the lab up!" Then Shao was about to put explosive shuriken's all over the room, but someone entered the room! It was...............

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