The Hunt. OOC


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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2009
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"Today. Now. Forever.

Until the day you fall victim,

to the beasts of our dimension."

Welcome to the OOC for 'The Hunt.' A roleplay based upon slaughtering monsterly demons to survive. It is set in another dimension, reflecting an everyday city, surrounded in loneliness and gloom. Young people wind up there, unable to find a way out, with ghouly monsters out there to hunt their souls.


It's the character's job, to protect each other using their own unique power and weapons to keep each other alive. Some go insane, from pain, lost memories and lost friends. Others fail to protect themselves, and their flesh, blood and soul is consumed by the mysterious demons.


Will you survive?

Will you loose your sanity?

Will you ever see the sun rise again?

"We'll see you in death's row."

So, please sign in a form on the other thread located here; I look forward to this RP a lot, since it is basically my return to this site! I actually will appreciate it if you joined!


Here, shall we discuss where we will take the plot? It is still a very open topic, and I haven't decided on anything. I actually don't know.

I thought I wrote in the actual thread, but the 'biome' is basically the replica of a city. So, people are still able to raid houses for medical supplies if they become injured. It's pretty convenient, there isn't any plant life other than dead trees and grass around, it's just an endless city.

Haha, don't worry. The information I put up was all over the place and confusing it seems! :3

Lol. I actually forgot about something. We are humans​ and will be hungry.

right? people need to eat too. :( I was thinking maybe in one of the abandoned houses there would be a working microwave and some hot pockets.


is there electricity?

I actually thought that, humans do not develop hunger in this parallel universe. And because it is a parallel universe created by the monsters, there is no electricity. :3

Kso. I came up with a plot idea that primarily affects Luke and Lily (mine and Nokotchi's characters btw) but can affect the other characters should you choose~ No idea whether it would actually work though, which is why I'm here to run it past youuuuu. Basically, one of the twins (we have no idea who yet) gets taken by the monsters and changed, but because they like to screw with people who are close together in this world said twin remains looking human. Go out looking for the others = instant angst/confusion. I then started having ideas about how they could possibly be 'saved' but IDEK if that's possible. This is probably already a bit of a stretch lol.

So basically right now, monsters like to screw with people, make their loved ones still look human. Applies to anyone. Yay or nay?

Yay. That sounds like a great idea. But how is it going to work? Maybe the healing could be some crazy potion made out of the skull of a demon? idk.

It could work as a rare case, as loved ones don't usually wind up in the world together, giving the character's a feeling of loneliness. But I thought that your characters would be good, since it was a rare case. I approve the idea, it sounds fantastic!

Cool stuff ^_^ This doesn't mean it's gonna happen now, but we were just getting approval for later ;D

Weew, okay then!

It's my own RP, and I hardly understand what is going on./shot

i'm just letting you guys know that I'm interested in joining, but I'm a bit busy today. ^_^ '


II actually get frustrated when no one posts. and thewn i run around giggling like a madman with my dog while i squeak her squaky toy as she attacks me until my mom tells me to shut up.

then i remember i have to look back at the RP. :D

FML (kinda)

It isn't late to join at all, the RP is still just at the beginning, thus it shouldn't be that hard to blend into the plot!

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