The Hunt.


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Once Emily had stopped, Damien was out of breath. He hardly had her stamina, and took a minute to recover. When he finally did, he realized that Emily's hand was soaked in his blood. "I'm so sorry about that," he said regretfully.

OOC: Goodnight.

Where the demon attack was approaching, there was the sound of gunshots, and suddenly there was screeching as well. As it moved forward, the sounds of battle got close and closer, and the scent of death filled the air. It was like the calm before the storm, slowly creeping ever forward. And then there were two men, quickly moving backwards down the street weapons in hand. They didn't seem to notice the other people in the group nearby, as they were too focused on trying to hold back the hoard that was ever approaching.

"All right Touchstone, excellent work. But you might want to start using some of those magic bullets of yours soon," the taller of the two men said, moving his blonde hair from his face. "Don't let me pull all of the weight around here."

The shorter man, who we can guess is Touchstone, looked at the blonde man and nodded from under his cowboy hat, then readied his pistol. "We're not alone," he whispered to the taller man, casting a glance back in the direction of Emily and the others. The blonde man looked back himself and raised an eyebrow.

"Let's hope they can handle themselves in a fight," he said with a grin.

Krystal ran down the long stairs, gripping the metal lamp pole tightly in her hands.

"I gotta admit, I hate this thing," she mumbled quietly.

Suddenly, she heard gunshots and immediately ran closer to the sound. She saw two men, one taller than the other,

Great, more weird looking random guys who seem to appear outta nowhere, she thought. Then craning her neck, she saw a whole horde of, well, more of those weird demon creatures,

"Do you need any help or are you guys alright?" she called out loudly, trying to get a better look.

"Help would be nice!" The blonde man called, gripping his ax tightly as the monsters made their approach. He then extended his hand, and a strange energy surrounded it. He took a lunge forward, extending his hand at the same time. The strange purple/blue blob flew forward and the monsters were hindered, barely able to lift their limbs. He had made gravity much stronger around them, which increased their weight quite dramatically. "I'll hold them as long as I can. You guys start taking them down!"

Touchstone nodded and aimed his pistol, touching the strange device on the side quickly, and a red light came on. He shot at one of the monsters, and when the bullet made contact, it burst into flames, engulfing the creature in fire, causing it to shrivel and screech piercingly. He gave a osft sigh, then started loading his pistol again.

Krystal nodded and tried to make use of her lamppost in replacement of her scythe. Instead of slashing movements, she used more force and strength to lunge and break the enemy's skull. She defeated a couple of monsters, but was then suddenly picked up by one of the monsters. She started to squirm, then dropping her weapon.

"Ah... a little help here?" she called out. She felt like she was about to be eaten by the monsters.

The blonde man released his gravitational grip and went to the girl's rescue, wielding his ax and chopping off the monster's arms. He knelt down and helped Krystal to her feet. "You alright?" He asked quickly, before turning and nailing one of the monsters in its chest. He looked back at Krystal and said, "I'm Edge. Your name is..?" He then turned and punched a monster in the gut before slicing its head from its body.

Touchstone backed up from a group of monsters, then gave a piercing screech that sounded more like a monster than a human. The sound waves traveled forward, attacking the monsters and rendering them immobile. He stopped screeching and watched as some of the monsters exploded due to the shockwaves. With a soft sigh, he then turned and engaged in hand to hand combat with one of the demons.

"Krystal," she said. "And thanks for helping me. Fighting hasn't been the same since I let some weird guy borrow my scythe. I'm limited to this thing," she mumbled inclining her head towards the lamppost. She picked up a sharp shard of demon skull and with a piece of her shirt, tied it onto the lamppost to make a nice spear.

"I guess now it's a throwing spear," she tried to say with enthusiasm.

Edge laughed and then nodded towards Touchstone. "That's Touchstone. He doesn't talk much, but he's still really cool." He then turned and threw his ax at an enemy, making that enemy tumble backwards and knock over a couple of the other ones. "I never let anyone borrow my ax," he said, running to go get it, while also trying to kick and punch his way through the chaos. "They're thinning out! Touchstone, can you get them to flee?" He looked over at the young man, who had just fired a bullet with poison in it. Touchstone nodded, his cowboy hat keeping his face well covered. He then stepped back and took a deep breath, before opening his mouth.

Edge ran over to Krystal and covered her ears. "I have to wear earplugs whenever we get in a battle," he yelled. "Because of this move right here."

Touchstone's mouth was open, but it didn't seem like a sound was coming out. And then it happened. It was like a very quiet droning noise, like a mosquito buzzing. And then it grew in intensity, not a loud sound, but a sharp one. It was like the ringtone of cell phones that make a high pitched keening noise, supposedly so older people don't hear it. If one's ears were properly covered, they would be okay, but to the demons, it was beyond painful. Something in their systems did not agree with the noise. And so, one by one, the demons began to explode or to flee. When they had cleared the area, Touchstone closed his mouth and gave a sigh of relief.

Edge released Krystal from his hands and grinned at her. "For us humans it's not as bad, but if you don't have your ears covered, the sound can knock you out for hours. I learned it the hard way," he explained.

Emily looked at her hand, dripping wet with Damien's sticky, red blood. Her instinct was to wipe it off on her clothes. It created long patches of red on her skirt. "... No worries, guy..." Emily shut her eyes, seeing several people fighting monsters, "... Cool. Less for me to deal with..." Emily sat down in a flower patch, it was considerably much more comfortable than the hard concrete pathing areound the city. Her eye patch was baggy, and starting to irritate her. "I can't take this thing off, it'll hurt... But... Still..."

Touchstone crossed his arms and gave a sigh of resignation, then went to sit down and clean his pistol. Silently, he took in his surroundings as well as the people that were in the motley crew of adventurers. There was Krystal, a girl with an eye patch, a scary mullet guy... and a couple others, he assumed. He put the gun back in its holster and then looked over at Edge, who was happily chatting away with Krystal. He wondered if that meant they would be staying with this group. He rolled his shoulders a bit, then stood up and stretched. He wasn't sure what to do or say.

Emily looked around, she needed something to replace her eyepatch. She wasn't going to be showing off her damaged eye to strangers. Oh hell no, she wasn't. She stood up, glaring at a group of people nearby. She could ask them for bandages or something similar like that. Emily made small, cautious steps towards the people.

(Scytheless forever. WHY BURNTSNOW WHY)

(what is up with me today i feel different since yesterday. >.<)

"Huh... weird." she responded.

Krystal tried to shake off the slightly aching feeling in her head now. From the screech, it seemed that she could sense the demon's pain too, it was aching all over her body. Trying not to look weak, (which she already did) she stood up straight, but a bad throb hit her head as she winced suddenly. (haha attention *****)

"Hopefully I can get my scythe back before it's damaged beyond repair." she said, trying to make it look like she was perfectly fine.


Edge wasn't completely clueless, noticing the pained look on Krystal's face. He gently placed one of his large hands on her back, trying to make sure she stayed steady. "Hmm... maybe you should sit down..." He noticed a bench nearby, and so he scooped Krystal up into his arms and gently placed her on the bench. "Are you okay? If you've never been around Touchstone before, his abilities can really be... well, unsettling, to put it lightly." He then handed her his jacket, in case she wanted something to rest her head on. "Would you like me to get your scythe back for you?" He asked quietly, being the perfect gentleman.

Unlike Touchstone, who was sulking by himself, cleaning his gun over and over. He wasn't one for social interaction, so this whole situation made him quite uncomfortable. Still, at least there were people to help fight some of the monsters off, so he and Edge wouldn't be fighting alone anymore. He looked over at Emily briefly before going back to cleaning, now focusing on his worn boots. He really didn't want to talk to anyone.

"...!" Krystal was being picked up by someone who she really didn't know.

"Sorry, I have this weird power... I share people's pain, anger, or any strong feelings... I don't know why and I haven't learned how to shut them out either." she mumbled, shaking her head. "And my scythe... I'll just wait... it'll be returned... I hope..."

She closed her eyes, suddenly drifting into a silent, dreamless sleep.

(I would have made a ,longer post but I have to go get some shots >.< So this is it for now :eek: )

Edge watched Krystal for a couple minutes, then eyed the rest of the group. And that's when he noticed Lily. He could feel a trail of red crawl up his neck as he looked at her, then shook his head quickly. She was probably one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen. He knelt by her side and gently shook her. "Hey... are you all right?" He asked with concern, looking at the guy who must be her brother with a nervous glance. He then looked back down at Lily and touched her face. "Can you hear me? If you can, just nod," he murmured, trying to get her to respond in some way. "Or twitch or... something!"

Lily removed the hand she'd placed on her forehead and opened her eyes. "Huh? ... Oh, I'm alright." Lily told him quietly, rubbing her eyes quickly and sitting up. She placed her hand on the back of her head and bit her lip. "Ow..." She looked over at Edge and tilted her head. "Uh... So... Who are you?" She asked shyly, moving her hands to her lap and playing with her fingers.

Edge gently took her hand and helped her to her feet. "I'm Edge," he told her quietly, using his free hand to brush his blonde hair from his face. "And that-" He motioned to Touchstone. "Is Touchstone. Are you all right standing? Do you need anything?" He then realized something and gave a sigh. "How rude of me. I forgot to ask what your name is!" He used some of his powers over gravity to ease up gravity's hold on her, so her body would feel less sluggish and weighted. "You are?"

Lily tilted her head and nodded, smiling slightly at Edge. "Oh, I'm fine... And I don't need anything, but thank you." Lily looked down at her feet, a smile still stuck on her face. "My name's Lily..." She began, looking back up. "Pleasure to meet you, Edge." She looked around and her smile disappeared, a frown replacing it. "Oh no... Where's my marker?" she asked herself underneath her breath.

Edge said, "it's nice to meet you--" Then she started talking about a marker, and he looked around on the ground. "Hm... I haven't seen a marker... I'll help you look for it if you'd like!" Not waiting for an answer, he started crawling around, looking for it wherever he could. Touchstone watched Edge, then sighed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. In his opinion, Edge was acting like a love struck fool. But... he, too, started looking around for the marker, figuring it would give him something to do while they all figured out what was going to happen with this motley crew.

Lily looked around frantically, glancing over at Edge every once in awhile. She also looked at Luke once or twice, worry filling her eyes. She sighed, continuing to look without a word. Finally, after a minute or so of searching, she came across her marker and picked it up quickly. She popped the cap off and began creating random marks with it to make sure it was still in working order. She straightened up, seeing the same shaped marks taking form in a rubbery outline. She looked over at Edge and saw he was still looking. She walked over to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "I found it,"

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