The Ichigotchi and the Onionotchi


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and sed one of the spells and beans fell on the floor then sed another and sumond a Mamatchi with a sledge hammer and wanted to battle this was a time to test there skills....

"YEAH" Tyler shouted "I'm a qualified Mage!". They all celebrated and used they're powers, all except for Gizmo, he was still thinking about what frape

had said One day, you will need your powers, so use them carefully

After Sandi and Gizmo had they're Honey Moon, they all went back to Tama City - where they lived - and performed they're powers but then one day ....

A evil splogchtchi(made up :p ) was desroying town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :) :lol: :eek:

"Stinkers." Then he kicked Taffy. When Taffy stood up he had a baby girl cradled in his arms. "What should we name her?" asked Tyler.

"Mimmy," said Taffy. "Just like young MIMitchis, get it?"

"Yes," Tyler said.

"Stinkers." Then he kicked Taffy. When Taffy stood up he had a baby girl cradled in his arms. "What should we name her?" asked Tyler."Mimmy," said Taffy. "Just like young MIMitchis, get it?"

"Yes," Tyler said.
then a nucler bomb hit the evil dude and they lived happily ever after

(sorry about the nucler bomb but at least the story ended)

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