The life of 3 tamagotchis


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Well-known member
May 8, 2011
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Hi, I was looking at all the other logs and I decided to make a log of my own! I will try and write back every day tell you everything that has happened. I hope you enjoy my log! :p

As soon as I got home from school, I saw my tamagotchi version 4.5 I ripped it open (In the process I ripped a bit of the instructions xDDDDDD). Here is a picture of my v4.5 in it's packaging. I love the design!

It was a cute little girl!!!!! I named it Ryan. Every 30 seconds the tamagotchi needed attention! I forgot what it was like to have a baby.

He got ill about 2 times when he was a baby and he cried a lot, baby's are so fussy!!!!

After about an hour Ryan evolved into a Kuchitamatchi!! Quite soon after that Ryan got mail to go to preschool. Ryan is 30 LB so I better go and play some games ;)

If anyone knows how to put up a picture up please tell me because I had to put a link up instead of a pic on my log.

Thx :p

I'm sorry that the links above to the pictures don't work, but I worked out how to upload pictures. Here are some of the pictures.


Don't you just love this design? <333333333


This is when I took it out of it's packaging


The cute little egg bobbing around the screen :)


It's a girl! :DDDDDDDDDDD


Sorry that this is a bit smudgy but you can just about see that her name is Ryan(A weird name for a girl, I know)

now that I've shown you the pictures it's time for a little update. Ryan now has one training bar and he's been to preschool a few times and he's loving it! he's now 18 LB (instead of 30 LB, I've been playing a few games) and he's quite happy. he will turn one tommorow and he will hopefully become a teenager. He now has two poos and he's a bit hungry so I'll sort that out before he goes to sleep. :p

I have loads of news to tell you all. Well, as I came back from school, I couldn't wait to check Ryan. I rushed into the kitchen and saw two packages on the table, it was my two other tamagotchis, my v4 and my v6!!!!! I opened them and I saw that the tamagotchi version 4 and it had no battery with it (I bought it on ebay)! I was pretty angry, but I rushed to the shops and got a new battery. I rushed home ans started the v6 and the v4 at the same time.


The music star tamagotchi


The version 4

I decided to start the version 4 and the music star at the same time so I turned them both on, set the time and other stuff and then both of the eggs just bobbed about on the screen. I hoped that I got a boy on my version 4 because then the v4 and Ryan could marry, but as the egg hatched it was a girl it was a girl, I called it Tulip. The music star egg hatched and it was ANOTHER girl!!! I called that one bella. Know I have 3 girls :eek: !


The two eggs

I guess all of my tamas will have to get a partner from the matchmaker. Anyway, the 2 babies were a real pain! they always needed something. Thet both cried and got ill a few times, just like every baby.


the two babies :)

An hour later Tulip evolved into a Mizutamatchi and Bella evolved into a Hitodetchi, those ones are so cute! Bella has one bar of training!! Tulip is now huge (She's now 43 LB) because I haven't played any games with her yet, Bella is 10 LB (I haven't played any games with her either). Anyway, Ryan has now evolved into a Urayoungmemetchi! I love them! Ryan is now 1 years old and he now goes to school. I connected Ryan with Tulip twice today and they are really getting along. :p


Happy family's :)



Tulip just turned 1 today and he got a letter from the preschool teacher an now he goes to preschool! I went on and got some extra money. Tulip now has 2 bars of training :DDDDDD. Later today, Tulip evolved into an Ichigotchi :ichigotchi: I love those cute little cute strawberries!


When will I evolve? :(


Yay I evolved into an Ichigotchi! :DDDDDDD



Ryan turned 2 today and he now goes to school. Ryan called for me twice today for no reason so I gave Ryan time out. She now has 3 bars of training!!!!






Bella is now 1 years old.In the morining I played like an hour of games this morning, her original level is now 999! Later on Bella evolved into an Ichigotchi. Now I have 2! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:




and after


I have two Ichigotchis!!! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:



Tulip just turned 1 today and he got a letter from the preschool teacher an now he goes to preschool! I went on and got some extra money. Tulip now has 2 bars of training :DDDDDD. Later today, Tulip evolved into an Ichigotchi :ichigotchi: I love those cute little cute strawberries!


When will I evolve? :(


Yay I evolved into an Ichigotchi! :DDDDDDD



Ryan turned 2 today and he now goes to school. Ryan called for me twice today for no reason so I gave Ryan time out. She now has 3 bars of training!!!!






Bella is now 1 years old.In the morining I played like an hour of games this morning, her original level is now 999! Later on Bella evolved into an Ichigotchi. Now I have 2! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:




and after


I have two Ichigotchis!!! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

I'm going to give on of my tamagotchis to my mum, maybe my v4, to look after instead of getting it to sleep. I have no news because they are all sleeping at the moment, but I will play more games with Bella. I will update later today, after school



Today I gave Tulip to my Mum to look after for today and I gave her VERY CLEAR instructions . I've given her my tamagotchi before and I came home and my tama was ill and VERY hungry :( !

Anyway, when I came home from school Tulip's stats were: HUNGRY- 3 stars HAPPY- 3 stars and Tulip was actually quite happy so my Mum is actually quite a good tama sitter!




The only thing that happened to Ryan today was that she turned into a Purimatchi!





This morning, at 8pm Bella woke up and I played some games her. Her tone level is now 999! After I played some games the door icon was flashing so I pressed the door icon and the music teacher walked in! I was very happy because I waited for ages for the music teacher to come. She gave me a guitar so I swapped that with the accordion and then I met my new band members. In the band there is Bella, a cute Kikitchi called David and a Ringotchi called Thu (A weird name). We all play the guitar an our band name is the Robins (I got it from the song, Rockin robbins). They like Asian music at the moment. Bella hasn't evolved yet and Tulip is still and Ichigotchi aswell, but they will evolve tomorrow (hopefully). here are some pictures of the band.


Bella and the band








That's all for now! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

Ryan just turned 3, Tulip turned 2 and Bella turned 2 aswell! :DDDDDDD I haven't played some games with my tamas for a while so I go and do that.



Tulip now has 6 bars of training, that's twice how much Ryan has and Ryan is a year older than Tulip! I didn't do much with Tulip (or any of my tamagotchis) after lunch because I twisted my ankle and I am still recovering (I had to hop home from the park xDDDD). In the evening I heard the evolving beepy noise so I rushed over to see who Tulip turned into and she turned into a Ponytchi. I haven't had many of them before so I was quite happy with her! Here is a close up picture of her





Ryan only has 3 bars of training and Ryan doesn't go to school anymore, but I haven't got a letter to apply for a job yet. I connected Ryan with Tulip an they are becoming better friends! :DDDDDDDD


Ryan and Tulip connecting




I am so happy to say that Bella evolved into a Violetchi!!!!!! I love them. When I went back to school I saw my band and they were very surprised to see me much taller than them, but soon after that they evolved! The Kikitchi evolved into a Mametchi and the Ringotchi evolved into an Onputchi. When we went into the school the music teacher put us in an audition with the judges! I was so excited! They all played their little hearts out and I was sure they were through and they only got one vote! Later on they had two other auditions and they didn't get through!!!!! I played the music game job thingy were you practise music with your band (not the game, the job) and it is IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN IT! I have never ever won it and I play with my v6 quite a lot! Anyway, here is a picture of my cute Violetchi




Yesterday evening Tulip turned 3 just before she went to sleep. I connected Tulip with Ryan twice, the second time I did it Ryan gave Tulip a poo as a present xDDDDDDD! I went to the shop and bought two things, an action figure and a pair of rollerskates. She loved the rollerskates, but she hated the action figure so I wrapped it up and gave it to Ryan.


Oooh, I got a pressie!


Tulip on her roller-skates



Ryan turned 4 yesterday evening. He passed an interview to work at a preschool and now that's hos job! I'm terrible at that job though. Today the postman came when I went to work and gave me 1060p. Today I bought a CD from the shop, but that was pretty stupid of me because I don't even have a stereo.


Ryan at his job doing terrible!


Ryan playing climb


Ryan's very poor training


Ryan's stats



Bella just turned 3 last night. They currently like Rock 'n' Roll. Bella's stress level is quite high at the moment and she's not very happy, she's lost a few happy stars!Eeek!


Bella at the cake shop


Bella practising with her band


Bella playing some tune




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As I was watching TV last evening Tulip graduated from school and applied for a job as a fireman firelady and she made it through! I tried the job out and I was awesome at being a fire brigade! I played that game for countless times and Tulip saved many lives.She also turned 4 just before she went to sleep. In the morning I went to my job and instead of me falling into the fire engine I saw the postie! He gave me a huge cheque and Tulip did a little happy dance.


Tulip saving lives




Ryan turned 5 in the night. I am starting to get bored of Ryan's preschool job, but tommorow Ryan will be the right age to marry and so will Tulip(I think you have to be ages 6-10 to mate on the v4 and you have to be ages 5-8 to mate on the music star). Nothing much is happening in Ryan's life.


Ryan with her cute hat :)




Last night Bella had her 2nd last audition and I had no more hope for my band :( , but they surprised me and got a pro debut and a check of 10000p! Bella changed from 999th place in the charts to 4th place!!!!!!! The next day Bella turned 4 and got a HUGE cheque of 500000p!! I was so happy I bought her a car and a slide!


Bella having fun on her slide


Bella taking A ride on her car


She's 4th in the charts!!!!


Bella and her band

I am thinking of adding a new member to the family in my log, but I can't decide which tamagotchi version to add so if any of you want a say in which one you think then PM me or you could post here.


Quick Update- Bella has done a few concerts and she is now 1st place in the charts, I will soon have that award!!!!!!!! :p



Tulip got a cheque of 5000p this morning at the fire brigade place, that's 5 times ho much she got yesterday (probably because I got obsessed with that game). The matchmaker should come tonight for Tulip.



Yesterday my band manager came in and came in with a cute Togetchi, I couldn't deny that so I said yes! The lights tunred out and there was fireworks everywhere and finally they made a cute little baby! It's a shame that I couldn't take a picture of that moment, but I was having dinner and I couldn't find my camera and my mum was quite annoyed that I left the table. I'm already thinking of names for the baby.


Ryan with her cute little baby. :)




This morning I set the time to 12:29 because I couldn't wait and waited on minute. After a minute I saw the band manager walk in with a Kuromametchi by his side. I said yes and there was a huge love heart in-between them both and then lights turned out and there was loads of fireworks and they finally made a baby. Today I got given a huge cheque of 1000000p from my band manager!







The two families


P.S. I'm sorry that you didn't get much time to vote, but I am bidding on a v3 and a v2 on ebay so they will be the new members to this log.



I am quite annoyed because I wrote my log out for half an hour and my brother closed the page AND photobucket won't work so I can't show you any pictures >_< I'll start again, the matchmaker

didn't come at 7PM so I set the time to 10:29 and after a minute the matchmaker came with a lovely Mametchi by her side! Tulip and the Mametchi married and they made a cute baby. They should leave in about two days or even maybe tomorrow.




Ryan left her baby at midnight and I made a silly mistake with the name. I meant to call it Dec (you know, after the two people that are together on x-factor and so on), but I wasn't concentrating and I stupidly misspelt it. He is called Dek, it isn't much of a difference so I won't worry about it too much. It was quite tricky looking after Dek because I got the times mixed up and I ended up looking after Dek at 10PM and I was quite tired, but I didn't want my baby to be sad so I looked after him through his babyhood and an hour later he evolved into a Kuchitamatchi and went to sleep happily. After school the prechool teacher came and gave him a dead fish as a present (well, it looks like a fish), I don't understand why they give the children dead fish thingys because that would just be disgusting if that really did happen to you.




Last night, after a concert Bella got given the 1st place award for R&B music from the king! They left the baby that night and it was really quite sad because they kissed the baby and then flew off together. It's quite sad to see both of the mums go :( . I named the baby Danny. Danny evolved into ANOTHER Kucitamatchi, I am starting to get a little sick of them! The preschool teacher came and gave Danny a pirate shop. I swapped that with Bella Koala bear toy and he was LOVING the pirate ship! I am quite excited to see what Danny and Dek will evolved into.


I will be holding a vote and I will post all of the votes here each day. For this vote I would prefer it if you PM me, but if for some reason you can't you may post here. Here's the vote: I am thinking of when I get my tamagotchi version v3 and v2 of restaring all of my tamagotchis so that they can all go through the same life stages together. Here are the 2 possible answers:

1. I think that you shouldn't restart the tamagotchis

2. I think that you should restart the tamagotchis


It's quite simple, I would like to have at least one vote so please do try and vote if you have the time. Thx :p



I'm not going to lie to you, I was too lazy to take any pictures today, I used to take loads of pictures, but know I take much less pictures. Anyway, Tulip's baby was a girl!!! I named the girl Ruby. I connected Ruby with Dek a few times and now they are getting along! Later on Ruby evolved into a Puchitchi! She now goes to preschool.




Dek is now 1 year old and this morning he evolved into a Diayatchi! I'm quite happy because I haven't had this one before. Dek now has 2 bars of training anad he now goes to school!




Danny is 1 year old. This morning he evolved into a Kiktchi and he currently likes R&B music. The music teacher came in today and gave Danny a violin. I haven't had that before so I gave it a go. Danny goes to school with a Ringotchi called Lydia and a Hinomatchi called Dino. the band is called the Champs. The others play the guitar and the accordion, I gave them the accordion. I'm a bit anxious at the moment because Danny has lost two hungry stars and I haven't got any money, the king hasn't given me money yet and Danny is getting hungry, if you know how to get out of this situation, please do tell me.


Well, this is the votes so far:


I don't think that you should restart your tamas = 2

I do think that you should restartt your tamas = 0


Well looks like people think I shouldn't restart them, but the deadline is when I get the v3 and v2. Also, I have a bit of sad news to tell you. I have lost the v2 tama, but I am still in the lead with the v3 tama, I will look for another tamagotchi v2 today.



The last few days I have been up to my eyeballs with my tamagotchis! All of my tamagotchis are in their childhood and you need to play, feed them and take them to school and there's so many things to remember! When your tamagotchi gets older it's much easier to take care of it! Anyway, I'm blabbering on too much so I will tell you what is happening. Well, Ruby now has one bar of training and she is 1 day old. This morning she evolved into a Ringotchi. She finally has one bar of training!




Dek is 2 days old and he has 3 bars of training. He's doing quite well at school. I connected Ruby and Dek a lot and now they have 4 smiley faces on each of their friend's lists, I think that means that they are good frineds, the next step is best friends and then it's partners <3333




Danny evolved into kuromametchi! He went into school and they evolved into a Makiko and a Guzarutchi. The teacher put us into an audition and I just remembered that all of Danny's levels were only up to 600! D: They only got one vote but I am going to try to play some games with him, even though Dek and Ruby need a lot of attention because they are getting quite plump!


P.S. There is still only two votes, the votes end soon. By the way the version 3 ebay item bidding on ends in 6 minutes. I will update soon and I will tell you if I win it! Oh and by the way I'm still too lazy to take any pictures. I will try and remember to take some tomorrow! :p

I was thinking about debugging one of my tamagotchis but it's really risky and I don't want to mess up my tamagotchis! There is going to be ANOTHER vote! Here are the options:







Do you think I should buy a tamagotchi pouch, if you think it's a good idea just PM me. I connected Ruby with Dek loads of times and they're still not even best friends! Anyway, today Ruby turned 2 and she now has 3 bars of training, she's caught up with Dek. Dek was a bit plump so I played some games and now he is a sensible size.




Dek evolved into a Togetchi! I always thought they were funny with shoes up their ears xDDD !

Ruby was also quite plump so I played a few games with him as well. He is 3 days old and he still goes to school. I made a video of all my tamas and I will try and put it up tomorrow.




All of Danny's points are now up to 999! Danny has had about 3 auditions and he still doesn't have a job! D: Danny is now 3 days old and his mum is sending him a lot of pressies!

Here's some pics of the last few









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