The Life of A Guitar Player


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Active member
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England.
Hey, and welcome to my Music Star Tama Log!

After I got my Music Star for Christmas I decided I'd start up a log here on TamaTalk. I will shortly hand you over to my lovely Tama, Leia, but first I'll fill you in on the details.

Name: Leia

Age: 1

Instruments: Currently, just the Guitar.

Toys: Panda and Rocket Ship

Weight: 30. Is it me or does this seem to be overweight for a teen tama? It won't go down either.


Tone: 138

Rhythm: 141

Origina: 253

Character: Ringotchi

Fave Music: R & B


I haven't started Music School yet, and I really, really want to. I just get so bored sat at home with CrazyOldLady, practicing with my guitar or playing games. I wish I could go to Music City, But COL says there's a problem with it and she can't make an account, so I suppose for now I'm stuck listening to my R&B.

My brain is melting, I swear. It doesn't help that COL lost me at one point and didn't realize until three hours later. I was so stessed out, and I was so ill too. I had evolved as well during that time I was stuck under the sofa cushion, and that meant we only had baby food and milk in, which I couldn't eat so COL made me run to the shops on an empty stomach. I bought some cereal and a pineapple. I had to nip down again later, for a kebab and another pineapple, so I'm down to 2040 gotchi points, whcih I'll save for when I'm at least three hearts down, after all, I don't want to waste money. It could be a while before I can get my own money.

This is agonizing. I have nothing to do but sleep and play games, and occaisionally play my guitar. I wish I had more that one instrument. I want a drum kit. I'd like to learn how to play the drums. It would be fun. Not that I'd have to learn them. It'd just be like playing my guitar, but it would probably change my taste of music. COL wishes I would like Rock 'n Roll.

I better go to sleep now. According to COL I already have done, but if I said that I'd break the forth wall. Oops. I think I just broke it. Darn.

Night, night world. I'll write again once I've joined school. I wonder who'll be in my band? I can't wait!


Leia :wub:

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I just discovered that Ringotchi is a horrid care character and I really don't like the two characters she could become, so I will restart. I know it seems stupid to restart, but I really hate getting bad care characters, especially when I could get an Onputchi for just Okay care. It's because of those three hours when I forgot Leia existed. I hope I get another girl, to be Leia's reincarnation.

I have the egg now. I just love that little musical note on the egg for some reason. It's hatching now...

IT'S A GIRL! YES! Little Leia...You're back...

Instrument: Microphone

Toy: Is that a...Cat?

Weight: 5lb

Skills: She was just hatched so...Zero

Music: Asian

I'm gonna go play some games with her. I'll post again when tomorrow, as I'll be in bed once she evolves, it's already 10:40pm here.


Just call me Mia, and Leia. :wub:

I've done the odd game or two:

Tone: 24

Rhythm: 29

Original: 50

I'll be doing the same thing for this Leia as I did in the first post, but nothing at all has really happened yet that's worth Leia writing about. I'll wait till she has evolved.


Mia and Leia. :wub:

She's fast asleep...She should evolve soon, then. I'm surprised my mum hasn't forced me to bed yet. I'm sure she will as soon as she knows Leia is asleep as a toddler.

Also, when it is Leia writing her diary, it will be in V I O L E T

Sleep tight for now, Leia

Snores and Huggles,

Leia and Mia. :wub:

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I just feasted on baby milk. I had four full bottles. HEY! I was unhappy, and I need my milk, I'm a growing Hitodetchi. Yeah, that's right, I'm a :wub: ! I love being like this. I look like a star, YAY! Mia was just coming to check on me when I evolved.

I'm so happy, and I can't wait to start at Pre-School! It's gonna be awesome!

I hope I can be a Chamametchi as a teen, because they're cute and are perfect care characters! I may get Mia to neglect me a little by teen, because I really wanna be a Onputchi.

I just heard I can't be an Onputchi! You have to be on an even generation to be an Onputchi! I guess being a Mimitchi or Memetchi won't be so bad, as they're the ones I am most likely to be. Oh well. I can't think that far ahead yet, I'm only a toddler, I have pre-school and music school to go through yet! This life has been great so far. I love being me!

Night Night!

Leia :D

Mia is really pleased with me! She's happy because I just decided I prefer Rock 'n Roll to Asian. My taste in music will probably change soon anyway, as I can't decide what I really like.

I haven't started pre-school yet. Just like the previous Leia I can just eat and play games, and we still can't go to Music City. It's a right pain. It doesn't help there's no one to connect to, as I'm Mia's only Music Star. She does have other tama's, but they all need re-setting.

HEY! The pre-school teacher just came as I was writing this! She gave me a train! I'm gonna go to school right now! Yippee!


Leia :wacko:

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:furawatchi: came with mail twice today! The first time he came he gave me 2000 Gotchi Points! I think the King gave me it, Mia wasn't really paying attention to who was at the door.

The second time, I opened it up and it was poo! How horrid! Who would do such a thing?

Also, me and Mia have been working hard at getting my skill levels up to 250, as we heard that was the limit to be able to pass my auditions later on.

I changed my mind about what I liked again to hip hop, but now I like rock 'n' roll again now, so Mia is happy.

Mia is gonna try and take me to Music City again. Hopefully we'll be able to go.


Leia :wub:

I joined school this morning! I have an all girl band, with an Ichigotchi called Thu and a Ringotchi called Jenny. I named the band Nova. I sing while the the girls play the sax. I wish we had more than two instruments.

I've had to go to the shops a lot today. I can't make money yet so I have to rely on the money I get from the King. He's given me 2000 Gotchi points twice now! I've also been connecting with one of Mia's version 5's. They're only toddlers at the moment, but when I'm an adult I'm gonna let them catch up to me so we can be good friends. They're all so cute.

I bet you're wondering what kind of teen I am, right? Well, I'm a Chamametchi! How great is that? I have a feeling I'll be a Memetchi as an adult! I still wish I could be an Onputchi. Maybe I'll have a girl who'll fufill my dream of being an Onputchi for me? If I have a boy I hope he'll grow to be a Kuromametchi.

I've been practicing with my band. Mia wants to know how you tell whether we're bonding well or not. I think we are...But I'm not sure. Mia is obsessed with this band thing. She wants me to pass my first audition straight away. I don't see what the big deal is, as long as I pass one eventually.


Leia, Thu :furawatchi: and Jenny.


I evolved this morning, and so did the rest of my band! I'm a Mimitchi, Thu is a Memetchi and Jenny is a Makiko!

Also, all our hard work payed off! We past our audition the first time round! All three judges thought we deserved to pass the audition, and we did!

My Star Ranking is currently 6, which is the best I have had, and I have 47,402,405 fans! Although it was at something 88,000,000 odd at one point.

Aw, my ranking fell to 8. :eek:

But I'm still very, very happy to have my own band and to have passed my audition.

My amount of fans has gone up too. Yippee!

I best go practice for now then. Bye!


Leia, :eek: Thu :huh: and Jenny.


I have two awards! One for first rank Hip-Hop and another in Rock 'n' Roll! Me and the band are so happy with how far with gotten!

Getting the two awards wasn't the only thing that's happened to me these past few days. Just yesterday I gave birth to a healthy baby boy! I will name him Jakob. The father is a wonderful Mametchi who came with my band manager. I am to call him Kris. They don't mind that I'll be busy with the band at night. They know my music is important to me. I hope my son will love music just as much as I do.

Leia, Thu, Jenny, Jakob and Kris.

