The life of a Tamer...


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Britannia, hiding under Suzaku's bed <3
OK, OK, I know this is the Tamagotchi logs section, but I'm using it for my other VPs (since my tama's batteries are dead): Silver with Cobalt trimmed D-Arc, a yellow D-3, and a blue and gold D-Tector. Now, I know I have three things to write about, but right now I'm using my season 3 digivice (the D-Arc.) Now, ON WITH THE LOG!!!

My active digimon (and my first partner) is Terriermon. I also have Renamon and Guilmon, but I don't use them as much. Usually on battles that Terriermon is too weak to handle on his own. Strange thing is, Terriermon is the smallest Digimon, yet he's the strongest as well. *shrugs* Ah, well. Anyway, I've beaten Areas 1 and 2 already. My gosh, when your Digimon is level 11 and has 100 HP, you expect the creators to give a little bit of a harder challenge than a 18 HP Gaurdromon... SHEESH! To gain levels and find digimon, you either walk with your partner or shake it manually. Normally, #2 for me! When you do find a digimon, you have to slash a card. It doesn't matter with card you slash, so it's ususally my Matrix Digivolution card...also, when a coumputer appears on your screen, press teh left button on the control panel as many times as you can. Yes, the coumputer SHOULD break. When it explodes, you get an item. It took God only knows how long to figure that out... Well, soon I'm gonna have to face the next boss, Devimon. 70 HP, and is apt to using Power attacks.... *under breath* we're dead...

Ok, new stats. Terrier-buddy is on level... 14!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION!!! *starts throwing around streamers wildly, as terriermon looks on in annoyance* Anyway, Devimon kicked the pants ofa' Terriermon (no big surprise THERE), and I used up a lot of my chips in the process, so I started back at Area 1, and are gonna get more items before I face Devimon again...

YAYYYYYY!!!! *starts jumping up and down happily!!* I beat Devimon yesterday!!! That was the last boss on Map 1, so I'm on map 2. AND, everytime you beat a map, Calumon comes and digivolves all your digimon to the next level! Say hello to Gargomon, Kyuubimon, and Growlmon! (Three guess to who my partner is currently!) YAY!!! *hugs gargomon tightly!!*

Heh. A few days ago, I lost a battle with gargomon, and that f***** Impmon turned him against me! WAAH! So I went back to map 1 and started with Renamon. Later that day, Terriermon came back, and I'm rather happy! WAHOO! I'm still using Renamon on map 1. I'm gonna work her up to Terriermon's level, and do the same with Guilmon. Then I'll go back to map 2.
