The littlest tama


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May 20, 2006
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once there was a tiny tama. his name was Hammy. he was so small that when he started school, he could barly sit in his chair. He was the smallest tama in the tamagotchi world! he had no friends. He was lonly. Every one would make fun of him or wisper about him behind his back. he thought he was a very stupid, small, ugly tama. he wanted to be cool. :angry: so he......

he felt like the coolest tama ever! He danced around like a maniac! he loved him self....... when he went to school....

He wanted to be the spot light. He wanted to get at least a day of fame... so everyone would like him. But how, Hammy thought.

He started to break dance.... he fell off the the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every1 sceamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But just then the PE coach caught him, and he was alive!!! Then the new kid Tommy, asked Hammy to be his friend. Hammy said,"yyyyyyyeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then They walked to the nurse and she said everything was good with Hammy. Later that day, they had a awsome day until......................... :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :furawatchi:

when gus walked away Hammy ran up to him and punched him in the mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone screamed hammy had never done something to sombody before he felt sooo ashamed!?!?!!?Then he ran to the bathroom and cried all he ever wanted was to be popular,famous,cool :ichigotchi: so when he got out from the bathroom a girl his size walked up to him and......

The girl asked to be his friend. He said yes. She was so happy. One day...

the gurl tama said that she had feelings for Hammy. She had a HUGE crush on him. He liked her to, but he didnt like, like her. he liked a tama named Stacy. she was the prettiest girl tama in the school!!! When Hammy told the girl tama she ran away and cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hammy felt bad. So he went to her house and apoligized and they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Then Tommy liked the girl Hammy was dating, so he was jelous!!!!!!!!!!! he wanted to break them up so he........

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