The Log of The Rising Sun..


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Well, Zkini is prancing around the screen, she even fell a few times but she's really cute! :unsure: I played a bunch of games and played the pencil game at school a few times. Stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil: 65

Star: 71

Flower: 72

Age: 3

Weight: 42 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 17425

Stage: Adult

Tama: Memetchi

I'm pretty sure that Zkini will be graduating school soon, right? :eek: Aww.. I better fix those hungry hearts.. there we go! She had sushi and a taco :wacko:

Hungry: oooo

TG4E :(

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Guess what :huh: Zkini graduated and got a job!! :huh: She now works an amusement park catching balloons! The game is actually pretty fun too.

-looks at Zkini-

Aw! It's snowing, thats awesome!! Stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil: 35

Star: 72

Flower: 129

Age: 4

Weight: 40 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 15545

Stage: Adult

Tama: Memetchi

Job: Amusement Park worker

A little while a go I got a genie lamp, when he came out he gave me a presant, a skirt, she looks so cute in it. I also used the make-up because I got a mirror, she looked kinda funny.. :huh:

TG4E :blink:

Sorry I didn't post at all yesterday, I was really busy. So here is everything that happened:

Zkini got her 1st pay from her job, I think it was about 2850 or something around there. She also turned 5.. sooo not much hapened.

Ok, back to now..

I got mail from the king today and it was.... a..... PLANE TICKET To Canada!! :( I used it and she got on the plane and left, when she got back I got a presant and it said to go to TamaTown so thats what I'll do now! Stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil: 80

Star: 97

Flower: 143

Age: 6

Weight: 59 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 20405

Stage: Adult

Tama: Memetchi

Job: Amusement Park worker

Now, off to TamaTown!

TG4E :angry:

Well.. I went to TamaTown but I can't seem to get the souvenier.. oh well.. :angry: Zkini is 6 so I'm hoping that the MatchMaker will be here tomorrow.

Zkini just got mail, it's a fortune! :angry:

TG4E :angry:

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Yipee!! The MatchMaker came!! And she got a little baby boy :D he pooed twice already though.. I don't know what I'm gonna name him.. Stats..

Name: Zkini

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil: 80

Star: 97

Flower: 153

Age: 6

Weight: 61 lb

Generation: 1

Points: 19805

Stage: Adult

Tama: Memetchi

Job: Amusement Park worker


Thanks for the comments!! And thanks for the name suggestions.

Well, Zkini left last night so I decided to wake up the baby and I named him Mikey :eek: He must have pooed at least 15 times before he took his nap, haha. He got one bar of training because he started crying so I praised him. Then he evolved into a toddler.. he..... is...... a....... Mizutamatchi.. aw man, I always got these little guys on my V3s.. oh well.

The robber came twice already, thats soo rude to rob a toddler, he took a total of 700 points. I bought a plane ticket though, I'll use when Mikey is an adult. Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [| ]

Pencil: 14

Star: 11

Flower: 4

Age: 0

Weight: 38 lb (he's a little over weight..)

Generation: 2

Points: 6405

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Mizutamatchi

School: Pre-School

TG4E :)

Yay! Mikey evolved into a teen :lol: know he......................... is................................. a................. HINOTAMATCHI!! He's a little fire head. The king paid a visit today and he gave Mikey grapes, yummy :(

He also graduated pre-school, know he is being taught by Mr. Canvas! Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: ooo

Training: [||| ]

Pencil(Intelligence): 21

Star(Art): 28

Flower(Social): 23

Age: 1

Weight: 30 lb (he's a little over weight..)

Generation: 2

Points: 7905

Stage: Teen

Tama: Hinotamatchi

School: Primary School

TG4E <_<

[OFFTOPIC]W00t! My school had a snowday today W00t! <_< [/OFFTOPIC]

YAY Mikey is 2 years old and he got 4 more bars of training so now he has 7 :unsure: Not much has happened..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [||||||| ]

Pencil(Intelligence): 29

Star(Art): 34

Flower(Social): 33

Age: 2

Weight: 63 lb (he's a REALLY over weight..)

Generation: 2

Points: 10235

Stage: Teen

Tama: Hinotamatchi

School: Primary School

TG4E :unsure:

[SIZE=14pt]Happ[/SIZE]y Valentine's Day!


You like my new Valentine's Day avatar? Chocolate dipped Ichigotchi :)

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WOOHOO, Mikey has full training AND he is now an adult ;) B) :kuribotchi: He is a Simasimatchi, he looks like a bumblebee-panda :mametchi: Haha, but his life points are really low so he may not be getting a job too soon..

Aw man, he just pooed.. there we go, all better! Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||||||||] 9/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 30

Star(Art): 34

Flower(Social): 40

Age: 3

Weight: 80 lb (he's REALLY over weight..)

Generation: 2

Points: 11495

Stage: Adult

Tama: Simasimatchi

School: None yet

TG4E :huh:

Guess what!! Mikey turned 4 and got a job as a Fire Fighter :mimitchi: The mini game is pretty fun too. YAY haha

Mikey is brushing his yeeth and he'll go to sleep in about an hour. Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||||||||] 9/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 44

Star(Art): 47

Flower(Social): 87 (haha wow, thats alot higher than the other two!)

Age: 4

Weight: 75 lb

Generation: 2

Points: 2355

Stage: Adult

Tama: Simasimatchi

School: Fire Fighter

TG4E :mametchi:

Blah.. sorry I haven't updated lately. I've got larengitus or however you spell it, I lost my voice and I've been in bed since yesterday morning..

Well not much has been happening lately except that I got robbed twice today haha. Mikey also got paid today for his job, 1880 points :( Mikey is 5 so the MatchMaker should be coming tomorrow.. Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||||||||] 9/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 44

Star(Art): 37

Flower(Social): 87

Age: 5

Weight: 99 lb (haha oops)

Generation: 2

Points: 3835

Stage: Adult

Tama: Simasimatchi

School: Fire Fighter

TG4E :rolleyes:

YAY THE MATCHMAKER CAME FOR MIKEY :D She brought a Mimitchi :mellow: and I said yes to it. Now Mikey has a baby girl who I may name something cute like... Mumfy.. or Pinky :D haha

Mikey had chocolate hearts in the shope today! A little late though.. Valentine's Day was 4 days ago! Oh well, I bought 2 of them. :) Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||||||||] 9/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 44

Star(Art): 37

Flower(Social): 92

Age: 6

Weight: 99 lb

Generation: 2

Points: 2775

Stage: Adult

Tama: Simasimatchi

School: Fire Fighter

TG4E :p

Well Mikey turned 7 and I think he may be leaving tonight, thats how old Zkini was when she left. I still haven't decided what I'm going to name his daughter but I think it's going to be Mumfy. <_< Stats..

Name: Mikey

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|||||||||] 9/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 44

Star(Art): 37

Flower(Social): 102

Age: 7

Weight: 99 lb

Generation: 2

Points: 1335

Stage: Adult

Tama: Simasimatchi

School: Fire Fighter

TG4E :wacko:

Well.. I changed the time and Mikey left so I named his daughter Mumfy :( I played a few games of jump rope. I took her to TamaTown to see Mikey and his grandmother Zkini :( Stats..

Name: Mumfy

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [| ] 1/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 5

Star(Arts): 5

Flower(Social): 10

Age: 0

Weight: 16 lb

Generation: 3

Points: 1635

Stage: Baby

Tama: Shirotsubutchi

Job: None yet

I'll update when she evolves!!

TG4E :(

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Mumfy evolved into a toddler! He is..... a..... Puchitchi! Haha, thats fun to say! Puchitchi, puchitchi, puchitchi!! Ok, I'm good now :( Well Mumfy went to sleep.. Stats..

Name: Mumfy

Hungry: oooo

Happy: ooo

Training: [| ] 1/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 5

Star(Arts): 5

Flower(Social): 10

Age: 0

Weight: 22 lb

Generation: 3

Points: 1635

Stage: Toddler

Tama: Puchitchi

Job: None yet

TG4E :(

Well, it's 3:00 in the morning so I turned Mumfy's time around he she's awake now. She got accepted into Pre-School a little while ago so sent her for her first time. :)

TG4E ^_^

Today Mumfy got her 2nd bar of training and.... SHE EVOLVED! Into a...... Ojyotchi :angry: She is soo cute now. She is currently sleeping though.. I think she may graduate from Pre-School today or tomorrow, I think I want her to be taught by Ms. Flower so she can be a baker or a hair dresser :) Stats..

Name: Mumfy

Hungry: oooo

Happy: oooo

Training: [|| ] 2/9

Pencil(Intelligence): 4

Star(Arts): 7

Flower(Social): 20

Age: 1

Weight: 38 lb

Generation: 3

Points: 835

Stage: Teen

Tama: Oyjotchi

Job: Pre-School

TG4E :mellow:
