The Log Of the V4s


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Jan 12, 2007
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I am happy to receive PMs about my log as long as they don't break the site rules ;)

I bought my white cloured V4 Today -_-

Finally! Melza's log, start date: 2nd Feb 07

4.18 PM Hatched and Named : Jake-Boy

Hour as a baby went by pretty quickly. I fed her 6 x Meal (cereal) and 4 x Snack (Fruit) to fill all the happy/hungry hearts straight away, then went to the Games to figure out how to play Jump Rope :(

Took a couple of attempts to get a score higher than 5 :) but I got there in the end... I forgot to check what the scores did to the life points tho'

I managed to keep his hearts Full the whole hour

I noticed that 10+ skips on Jump Rope got me +3 Fashion Life Points (?)

20+ skips got me +5 Intelligence points... don't yet understand why...

5.18PM Evolved: Mohitamachi

Oh not mowak :D

I am useless at Mimic :angry: I have not managed to get past Round4. How difficult can it be??? Sometimes it is because I just pressed the button too late and the Harutchi had changed to the next pose. Sometimes I just panicked...LOL and press the button when it was in a totally different pose :D

I have mastered Jump Rope now and can get to 30 skips - no problem :D

Got one lot of Post (Mail) after an hour jake evolved - 6.18 - it was [!] yay preschool

I keyed in all the V4 Shop Codes and the extra Tamagotchi Corner Shop codes - posted on the TamaTalk codes forum :D

He he... the Clone (!!) item is great - I love that you can use it at all evolution stages and the little ditty of music that plays is funny too :)

Omg my tama went to sleep without tellin me how naughty so far he has 21 intelligence-23 style and 5 fashion

you should of seen me in the shops i kept on jumping and trying to open it before i payed for it lol

OMG I Finished Mimic The Robber Has stolen 1200 and the king gave me 1500 and also the king gave me a chest which gave me 400 i think which was good my tama should be evolving later today which i also cant wait for and i hope i dont get another v3 character

So far He Has 42 51 26 (intelligence, style, fashion)

i find it harder to get fashion points

OMG I just checked and my tama had a UFO im going to wait just in case there is a sale and its not because i dont have enough money its just that before 6.57 im going to buy it no matter wat


I cant wait till i go to school and im so sad im going to leave my pre-school teacher my mummy got me 99.999 me and mummy cant play games because im under weight and mummy already got me 4 training points i hope she gets me more and mummy might buy me a U.F.O later! i wonder what i will turn into OH GOODY i got mail OH! its only a fortune cookie :)

From Jake...... :(

isnt he adorable

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[SIZE=14pt]OMG My Tama Turned into a.....YOUNG KUCHIPATCHI He weighed 10g and he had 4 training bars 50 intelligence 55 style and 44 fashion i was so happy i didnt get a V3 character His So Cute.......[/SIZE]

Jake the Young Kuchipatchi says:

Wow! im a handsome Young Kuchipatchi I Hope I Go To Skool in an hour like i went to preschool wow my mummy still hasnt gotten me a UFO she said we should wait a bit more so i will and i really really hope i get my mail to leave preschool because im bored of it all i do is dance to a song its gettin real boring mummy has gotten me 52 intelligence 56 style 50 fashion isnt she great i hope i turn into a kuchipatchi or a very cute character mummy said she will reset alexy the tarakotchi(V3) because she said shes really ugly for a cute kuchipatchi like me.... well gotta go my back herts from leaning out of my shell...

well bye-bye i will talk soon if anything exciting happens

-Jack the Young Kuchipatchi :furawatchi: :kuribotchi:

Awwwww........Isn't he so cute?

Well everything is true what he said and i am getting him a UFO just hopefully there will be a sale :ichigotchi:

i love my little Jake :ph34r: :kuribotchi:

Well me and Jake Better get going

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Please do not reply in logs. If you wish to comment on their blog, please send a PM to the member. :furawatchi:

*Post removed by Jappyx*

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[SIZE=14pt]aww.....poor Jake the only mail he got was a fortune cookie and now its been like three hours after he got a fortune cookie and he hasnt gotten any mail poor jake i brought him the UFO he wanted he has 57 intelligence 70 star 73 fashion i hope i get over 100 i cant play anymore games with him cause he weighs 22g and i did reset alexy (the tarakotchi)V3 she is a girl named mel shes still a teletchi though she should eveolve in like 5 minutes OH WAIT she just evolved into a.....TAMATCHI YAY! ok i might be getting another V4 hopefully then i wont need my V3s cause jake would have a v4 to mate with [/SIZE]

jake the young kuchipatchi says: Awwww.......when am i going to get my mail all i got in the morning was a lousy fortune cookie and no mail since my mummy bought me a UFO and im still to young to go zooming in it mummy said we will go on tamatown soon to get me some more points because my fortune was: robber: *** Money:** heart:** im going to turn 2 today and then on tuesday im going to be an adult and be able to go flying in my UFO

well mummy said we better get going on tamatown so well its goodbye....


Awwww... I love my little jake isnt he a cutie pie?

well we better get going Jake and mummy :angry: :huh:

and Dear masked mimichi plz do not post in my log

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[SIZE=14pt]i got jake His points and he still hasnt gotten any mail and its now 12.37 pm poor jake he now has 3 friends because i reset one of meh V3s i will be gettin another v4 so im really happy Jake and i went on tamatown i got him 9900 points and now he has 74,199 points oh well Jake wants to talk to you now...[/SIZE]

Jake the young kuchipatchi says: Mommy just filled up one of my hungry hearts and when i finish typing me and mummy are going to play mimic and mummy cant seem to get my pencil points up and now im going to marry mel the tamatchi,

The post man still hasnt come with my mail just hopefully its not a robber because mummy just got me more points and mummy also promised me she will get another V4 just for me I Love my mummy and mummy likes my little chubby lips :wub: well i better go now.

From Jake The Young KuchiPatchi! :lol: :wub:

Awww..... I Love My Wittle Jake(Jakey) Too.....

Jake is my favourite V4 character cause he was the first one i got when i get my other V4 im going to name it??????? IF YOU GOT A NAME PLZ PM ME!!!!it must be a girl name wait how about jakie or jamie well i think this entrie is big enough now bye bye From Jake :lol: and Mummy :furawatchi:

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[SIZE=14pt]Wow! I Just got another V4 and it is a girl i named her Desu i will start her blog after she evolves[/SIZE]

Jake the young kuchipatchi says: not going to marry Mel any more instead im going to marry Desu at least shes a V4 my mail came and it was a ROBBER!!!! he stole 300 points oh well mummys going to get them back I HOPE!!!!!! mummy might get me a stereo well i better get going bye bye!

From Jake The Young Kuchipatchi :lol:

Awww... His So Cute!!!!

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POLITE REQUEST : Please DO NOT post replies in this log.

I am happy to receive PMs about my log as long as they don't break the site rules :furawatchi:

I bought my green mametchi colored tama today :lol:

Finally! Melza's log, start date: 4nd Feb 07

4.03 PM Hatched and Named : Desu-Girl

Hour as a baby went by pretty quickly. I fed her 6 x Meal (Sconel) and no snacks instead played games to fill all the happy/hungry hearts straight away, then went to the games to play Jump Rope :mimitchi:

I negleted her after i got 3 intelligence 5 star 4 fashion and all i did was feed her 6 scone no snacks just played games one training bar

5.04PM Evolved: Harutchi

Aww How Cute :huh:

Got one lot of Post (Mail) after an hour Desu evolved - 6.03 - it was [!] yay preschool

Actually i havn't i no i will but

I keyed in all the V4 Shop Codes and the extra Tamagotchi Corner Shop codes - posted on the TamaTalk codes forum :furawatchi:

He he... the Clone (!!) item is great - I love that you can use it at all evolution stages and the little ditty of music that plays is funny too :furawatchi:

COOL!!!!! :)


-Desu nothing much yet she should get her mail in afew minutes i think

-Jake nothing happened his gotten decend mail twice and fortune 3 times but thats it

i'll update later

Ok Desu started pre-school nothing has happened to Jake though im going on tamatown to get desu points bye-bye

I know my posts are geting a bit short but thats because nothing amazing has happened but did just make a special plastic cover for my v4 it will never get damaged now

well jake and desu said Hi! and Desu said she loves pre-school jake said school is getting a bit boring he wants a Job!!!!!!!!

young kuchi just came back from tamatown i got him 9900 points extra i went on before for desu just cant wait till tommorrow to show of Desu and Jake im gonna be the only one with V4s (I hope) well jake is still my favourite no matter what but i take the same care I think or do i spoil Jake to much? i dont no well i better get going theres nobody to right about cause they are all asleep ..z .Z ..z .Z ..z .Z

[SIZE=14pt]Desu Turned In to Ringotchi OMG Jake TURNED INTO AN ADULT EARLY AND GUESS WHAT? He EVolved A DAY EARLIER!!!!!!!!!!! isnt that kool I WOnder if he will get A Job tomorrow well he better[/SIZE]


Well Desu Stated school Jake still GOES to school and thats about it really i could of told you earlier but i was at school so yeah...

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[SIZE=14pt]jake got A job and what he gotta do is his in a bus or truck i dont know what it is he gotta drive and dodge flowers? anyone no what his job is?[/SIZE]


Desu still goes to skool thats it really they didnt get ANY robbers thats good all they got was kings what was great thats it really

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Ok I Need Help But I Dont what any1 to reply on my log so can u PM me cause i dont know what job my tama has it goes in a bus thing then it gotta dodge all da flowers? what job did he get?

[SIZE=14pt]Oh Desu Turned Into A Meidotchi She is Sooooo....... Cute![/SIZE]

Nothing really has happened with Jake

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OK I forgot to tell you that Kuchipatchi got his pay today it was about 1245 or somefin like dat

[SIZE=14pt]Ok Desu Got A Job She Got A Scientest And Jake Works at a travel agency How Cute![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Oh! Jake And Desu Got Married and she was only THREE!!! They Had Baby Boys which I Need Names For?[/SIZE]

Names: BOYS::

Locky, Leo, Amil, Adrin, Bob, Ben, Carlo, Derik(Deric?), Eric, Edge, Fred, Frie, Greg, Georg, Harry, Ian, jonno, Jake, John, Kell, Kenen, Larry, Luigi, Mario, Nedd, Oat, Patt, Peter, Pet, Red, Rad, Sam!, Sebb, Terry, Zane.


Adele, Ally, Beck, Cerri, Candy, Danni, Delas, Erika(Erica), Edna, Fran, Gessa, Hetty, Iris, Iria, Irene, Jess, Jesse, Kelly, Karli, Kerry, Lassy, Lacey, Lori, Micki, Mia, Missy, Nicki, Nelli, Perry, Quira, Queen, Rhia!, Rhio!, Sammi, Tessa, Tess, Ixi, Pixie.

Fruit: (Girls)




Will Add More Soon!

Boys: Fruit


Add When I Get Some
