The love story


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Jonathan didn't complain, but inside he was longing to go outside and play like other kids.

Maya really liked her brother so she thought of a plant to get him outside. Now she is a :eek:

then finally one day he was walking and he tripped and fell out the door. The sun glistend. The flowers swayed in the breeze. Jonathan felt all better. Then he saw a beautiful :) walk by. She said, Hi. My name is Ruby. Do you want to come to me to the carnival tonight? He said yes and Maya loved the idea. Although Jonathan was all better, his parents were worried. They finally gave in. At the carnival,

Jonathan is a :)

Ruby hugged Johnathan. She was very scared. But it was really a clown. The decided to go on the ferris wheel now. When they got off, a :blink: came up with a letter in his hand. He said to Ruby are you Ruby? She said yes and accepted the letter. It said that the evil tamas were coming to get her! Ruby got so scared that she evolved into :blink:

then into a ;) then into a :nyatchi: and back into a :blink: . Jonathan only evolved into mametchi. Ruby started to cry. Jonathan and Ruby decided to move out of town. First Jonathan told Maya. Maya went too because her parents were very mean. She is now a :furawatchi: . They got on a bus Maya wanted to go to Tama University. So Ruby and Jonathan dropped Ruby off. They decided to go to China together. One day Ruby recived a letter that the evil tamas were dead. One day, Jonathan proposed to Ruby she said,

Please say yes!

Yes! Soon they had a boy named Bob and he grew up extra fast. soon he was a mizutamatchi.

Thats not fair!

ruby said yes, and they went to Paris, France. While there, they had the time of their lives. After a little while, Ruby felt nasuiouse. She went to the doctor, and the doctor said "Congrats! Your pregnate!" Ruby was exited but nervouse. She went homee to tell jonathin, but on the way the baby started to come! She fell down, moaning, and yelling as it started to come out.

And then it was a baby girl! Ruby and Johnathin named her Violet. A couple months later... Violet turned into a :furawatchi: then she went to school! Her classmates were.....

Kevin :unsure:

Lisa :(

Matt :D

Anglelina :)

Pablo :kusatchi:

Katie :mimitchi:

Then she saw her secret crush. Who was it? You pick!

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No, she was a hidodetchi. You can't grow up that fast.

Violet clutched her schoolbag and sat down at her desk. Lisa stared at her. "Who are YOU?" she snarled. Katie rolled her eyes. "Leave her alone, you wannabe cheerleader."

Katie propelled Violet over to her desk. "You can sit here. I'm Katie. What's your name?"

yeah pablo. she said. violet said she liked matt. soon they became best friends.

One day, Violet :) asked Katie ;) on how to tell Matt that she likes him. But Violet was shy. So Katie telled Violet all of the steps she has to do. Katie said.......

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"wow violet! That sounds like a party! I want to share a secret with you Violet... I eat moldy cheese........

Try out for cheer leading! he LOVES talented cheer leaders! Katie said

On violets way to tryouts, she met matt in the hall.(

:blink: ) matt asked her out and she said yes.

She ran to tell katie and ckatie was sooo excited. I wish Pablo liked me. Katie said

One day she went to ask pablo out.( :( ) but when she saw him with the new girl, Maya, she flipped.

Remember Maya?

violet is now a cheerleader and so is Katie

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