the love


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Bla had a chocolate cake, a TamaRoll lollipop, and an old bolonga sandwich. Rose took the cake and the lollipop, leaving Bla with only the sandwich.

She said she liked Andrew the young mametchi

bla was a young androidotci

rose was a young vilotechi

that night they evolved

all the tamas that night at the school evolved that night.

They all became good tamas like :D and :)

rose evolved into vilotechi

Andrew evolved in mametchi

but blas heart was broken.he became universal.he became a :wacko: .

bla swore he would deystroy Andrew the mametchi.

The next day was Prom Night. Bla came up to Rose and asked her out.

"Bla,you're my friend and all," Rose said will shoving books into her locker,"But I really want Andrew t go with me. If he doesn't ask me out, which he definetly will, then I'll go with you."

Bla was angry.

the night befor the dance bla snuck over to andrews in the middle of the night and then he hypnotized him to forget that he liked rose and then the next day he saw rose crying

But she was thinking of Andrew all the time, even when he kissed her sister Lilly :unsure: .

"I can't take this anymore!" Rose said to Bla.

Bla tried to keep her from running out of the prom.

"It's okay," he said in a mysterious voice. Then he hypnotized Rose so she would follow him...

to the tama mall they went tt pennys and he took her to the girls spothe siad to get something cute and a set of bras and panties he siad to also get some..........................

so while her mind was stuck in his trap she was wondering what he was going to do

Memetchi (Daisy) ;) .

She had psychic powers. She took off Rose's hypnosis, but Bla tried to hypnotize her to go away, but it did not work.

"My PSI is stronger than your hypnosis..." Daisy said.

Daisy was really nice.

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Bla ran away and never came back!

"What happened...?" Rose said.

"You know that Gozarutchi, right? Well... he hypnotized you! I stopped him from further harm." Daisy :wub: said.

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