The Mad Family


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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2005
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Syd NSW Aus
I was born inside my egg and from there on everything started to go wrong. I'm a chick, but when I hatched my owner called me Carl! AAAHHH! She looked after me alright, but when I got sick she punished me B) . When I was a Marutchi, she connected me with a mean old maskchi who made me sick again and scared me with a ghost! I tried to make friends, but he just gobbled down the cake I gave me and then gave me poop which stank up my whole house! B) !

As an Itchigotchi I enjoyed dancing, but my owner always left the light on at bedtime so I didn't sleep properly. I got a ball from that Maskchi who became a bit nicer B) . But my owner never played with me so I was always overweight and I looked silly dancing B) !

When I woke up five years after I was born as a Kutchipatchi, my owner immediately started making me play with that maskchi, who seemed to be a lot nicer B) .

We played heaps, gave each other flowers and cake, and he even gave me a hat and some marakas! I started to like him B) .

A day later, the Maskchi (Cal) and I were in love :mametchi: !

We had little babies afterwoods, girls...twins! After a year of fun and joy with my little girl, I had to leave and return to my home planet, Cal at my side :mimitchi: .

My baby girl was left...

Hi,im Carly!My mummy was called carl,but she insisted it was short 4 Carly.I've just been named so im hungry and unhappy.I have a new owner.cos mummys owner was so mean that her daddy took us away and gave us to her sister Katie-Rose.Shes nice,unlike her a :rolleyes: now.Ive been conncting with a nasty boy called Tobin.Hes a :angry: .he gave me a snake and an illness!But he did give me a cake wich was nice. :furawatchi: Thats me now!!I've started to go to bed with a teddy my owner bought me.Tobin is a :wacko: now and hes being nice now. :unsure: Look at me now!!!Im a Furwatchi now and im in love with Tobin.

Im saying bye to my baby now.Yes i had 2 beautiful baby boys.My babys name is to be Leo,i heard Katie-Rose say so.Good-Bye!!!!!

.....I am very sad that I must leave Leo tonight, but when I think of Katie - Rose, I know he will grow up to be a Mimitchi. I wish I had more time with Leo, but I have to go back home or he won't grow up. I will miss Katie - Rose and Leo, but at least I'll have Tobin with me. :D :mametchi:

Well, I have to leave now. I only have a few minutes to say goodbye to Leo. I promised Leo I would meet him back home at 12:30 sharp. Going home makes me remember when I was a baby. Oh, how I cried when I woke up and Mom wasn't there... I want Leo to be strong. I'll leave some of my items behind for Leo to play with. It's 12:15 now, I should leave... :( Goodbye, Leo!

.....Hi, I'm Leo. Just like Grandma Carl, things started to go horribly wrong right from the start. Katie - Rose had to go on vacation so she gave me to her friend, Jenny. Jenny was all right, but I got sick quite often and gives me a time out whenever I cry. I'm a marutchi right now with dreams of becoming a mimitchi, but with Jenna taking care of me, I'll be a Masktchi instead. :mimitchi: I want to make mama proud of me. Jenna has been feeding me snacks so I can win at bump, but she never works off the punds, so I'm stuck being an overweight child. I can't wait to grow into a teenager. I'm excited to learn what I'll be..............

YAY!!!!! IM A TEEN!!! acctually boo. im an oniontchi.

a plain old oniontchi. :mametchi:

i just connected and i saw the most beautiful ichgotchi known.

her name was jess. as a prezzie she gave me a lovley cake. :D it was nice

Oh LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jenny has started to take good care of me,'cos Katie-Rose called,and she said she hoped i looked well.Now I'm a B) and Jess is a Hanatchi.She is in love with me!!!!Now im leaving my little girl.Katie -Rose is back,and my babys name is to be Ellie.I'll miss her so much.........

Hi I'm Ellie and I'm :hitodetchi: right now!Jenna has given me to Katie-Rose,who takes such good care of me!!Look,now I'm a ^_^ !!I look so cool with my fun propellor,but I haven't met anyone yet...........Look now!I'm the most beautiful :eek: !!!!And I've just met a boy named Haku,who looks like this :chohimetchi: !!!Now Katie-Rose is at the mall.Suddenly,a bully comes and steals me,and I'm seperated from Katie-Rose and :chohimetchi: !!!!What am I going to do!!!!!!!!!!

The bully threw me in the trash!: ^_^ . Katie-rose came soon after and got me... that night while i was asleep i left my child and returned to my home planet. I saw my mommmy and daddy and grama and grampa. We met that day..... I wont for get it... and I will keep a closre eye on my baby to make SURE she is a buitiful mimitchi went she wakes up on her forth yr!!!!!!!!!!

Hi I'm Rosey the Kurabotchi! I can't stop smiling :furawatchi: ! My owner is really nice, just like Mum said she would be, but she's been connecting me with three really mean bullies named Yoss Joss and Coss! I thought Joss would be nice since she's a girl, but they're all being really mean to me! They're all big Marumimitchis :unsure: and I'm only a little Kurabotchi :wacko: .

As a Nikatchi I like to play Heading a lot, and my owner got me some points from a plant she grew! <_< ! I also love to play with my tedy bear.

I'm now a Cho Himetchi! I haven't been connected with any boys lately accept for Yoss's son who is still a Puchitchi and doesn't like me much :p .

Today an old woman visitted asking about arranging my marriage! I was interested but my owner shunned her straight away :ph34r: . I'm lonely :lol: .

She came again about 8 times more, but each time my owner refused to consider it.

I'm an old woman now! I've just met a man named Yaiza! He's old like me, and we're in love!

Two perfect little baby girls, one for Yaiza and one for me! I'm going to leave my little daughter behind knowing she'll carry our line on...

Hello!!!!Beeeeeeeeeep.That was me calling to Katie Rose.My name is Lilo and im hungry coss ive just been named.Im a :ichigotchi: now and ive been connecting with a gorgeous :D called Harry.Hes great,and he says i look pretty!!!!!!!!!Im a :marumimitchi: now,and i love dancing!Harry is a :furawatchi: now,like he always wanted to be.He says i look even prettier now im a :chohimetchi: .LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Im a :wacko: too!My mummy will be ssssssssoooooooooooooo proud.Harry loves me and we have had sweet little boys.His name is to be Baggy.Funny name,but i like it.Bye Baggy!!

Baggy woke up and said beeep!To his owner Katie Rose.He was a fat spoiled brat and he became a maskitchi!This just ruined his family's tradotion of good sweet tamagotchis.One day he was left by himself.He was an old man now,and he was just one year away from dying.Katie Rose hadn't been feeding him at all,and his life was slipping away slowly.Oh,what was a cranky old man like him going to do?

Soon afterward, he became sick. Katie-Rose was at school and no one was around to help him. He sat down and shook his head violently. He tried to light up the attention button, but he was too weak. The door opened. Maybe it was Katie-Rose! But no such luck. ;) It was her mother. Baggy hoped that she would notice him and help him.

"Oh, this won't do!" Katie-Rose's mother said. "Look at all that dust!" She scanned the room until her glance caught a certain tamagotchi and a note beside it.

It read,

"Mom -

Could you take care of Baggy while I'm at school? Thanks!

- Katie-Rose"

"Uh-oh...." Said her mother. She picked Baggy up and tried her best to decipher what was wrong.

Maybe it's sick, she thought.

Then she tried to figure out how to heal it. She pressed each button until she stumbled upon the medicine. It didn't work.

Once more, she thought.

Baggy started to smile for the first time. But he was still hungry.

"Now how do I feed him..." She thought back to when Katie-Rose was telling her about all the things she could do with the tama.

"Press A twice and press B. Then press A to scroll until you get to meal. Then press B again," she pictured her daughter.

With that, Baggy was full. But he was unhappy, knowing that he would die the next day...

but he didnt die and he had a baby girl called eb.

Hi,Im EB and im a kindergotchi.i have connected with a :( called bob.Hes nice but a bully called Jan........

I'm Eb the Hinatchi. I love to play with my friend Bob the Oniontchi, and I've met a young :rolleyes: named Jesh.

I woke up this morning as a Kiwitchi. Bob is a Nyorotchi, and Jesh evolved into a Hatenatchi. I'm in love with both Bob and Jesh, but they don't like each other :rolleyes: .

I jus met a Robotchi named Tsuki. She says she's in love with Jesh too. I don't really like her :rolleyes: .

Poor Bob died today, because his owner neglected him and he was hungry and sick. I went to his funeral, and met the new baby who lives in his house, Kish. Kish is a Shiropuchitchi.

Now Tsuki and I don't like each other at all, because we're both in love with Jesh. We both play with him a lot, but we never mention each other.

Today I saw an old woman go and knock on Tsuki's door. She came out accompanied by Tsuki, who was hand in hand with a Tarakotchi. I watched them walk towards the church and smiled.

Today Jesh and I had babies, little Puchitchis. My son will be named Reko.

I'm leaving now. I can see Jesh standing by his Puchitchi baby (who is to be named Sam). He will leave by my side...

when reko waked up he was so sad that his mother had left. reko's owner took very good care of him when he was a kid he was a :ph34r: a few minutes after he evloved he connected with a girl :kuribotchi:called jojo they were best friends. the next day reko evolved into a :rolleyes: and jojo evolved into a :rolleyes: they were still best friends. when they were adults reko was a :rolleyes: and jojo was a :rolleyes: and they fell in love the next day they had babies they were so happy but the next night reko had to leave his babie.the baby was a girl called millie....................................................

Hi!!Im Milly and im VERY hungry.Katie-Rose has named me and i am a:hitodetchi:.implaying now




i won a young mimitchi now,and have met a handsome tarakotchi,called Tobin.he says im lovely.But i connected with a mean mimitchi who says im ugly,and Tobin's in love with her B) .I met another tarakotchi called Punky who is ugly,but so friendly.Im a :huh: now,and Punkyand i are in love and we had lovly baby boys....

Hi! I'm Sabby the Puchitchi! I've just been given medicine cause I got sick. I love playing Jump!

I just morphed into a Kinakomotchi! I love to play bump! Katey-Rose my owner baught me a potplant and a face grew from it and smiled at me! Yay!

This morning I woke up, and while I looked in the mirror I got a shock! The face of a handsome (if I say so myself) Puroperatchi was staring back at me! I jumped in joy! I had lots of fun today, I went out and played with a Hinatchi called Saffy. He says he's my twin brother, even thought we're different! He kept winning the games, but he gave me a scrumptious cake and an icecream! :( !

Three funfilled days have passed, and I've beat Heading about 5 times! I love to dig with my shovels in the ground, even though they always break after one dig... I've dug up 4 snakes, which hissed at me :D , 3 fat cakes which I gobbled up, and 6 bags of money! I found in one of them 200 P, in one of them 400 P, in 2 of them 100 P, in one of them 600 P, and in one of them... 900 P! :D !

Today I woke, and found myself as a Mimitchi! I was so happy! I went on a holiday in my UFO, and went to see the pyramids in Egypt! Hmm...exotic! Lol! I also played my trumpet well, which I've been training through all my childhood! I love to skateboard, rollerblade, fly and above all, play slot! Sitting in my throne is also relaxing, and listening to music cheers me up when I'm unhappy.

Today I met 6 tamas, all cute boys. There names are Saro, Bap, Lory, Zac, Appy, and Dup. They are: Saro-Furawatchi, Bap-Oiajitchi, Lory-Maskchi, Zac-Chohimetchi, Appy-Marumimitchi, and Dup-Kiwitchi. I'm in love with them all, although none of them know it :D . But they keep playing games without me sometimes! It's weird!

Today I met 3 girls, Shass, Ella and Sebo. They're all Pionchitchis! They say they are in love with Lory Zac and Dup. I don't want a fight with anyone, so alll I have now are Saro, Bap and Appy. I love them all.

Today Appy told me he had met a beauty of a Kutchipatchi named Clara, and that he just had to be with her. He broke my heart :( .

Saro and Bap are the best of friends I've found, their only quarrel is me. I can't bare to see them fight, so I'm leaving...

Today an old woman came knocking at my doror, bringing with her a sweet-looking Hanatchi, called harp. He and I had babies.

My Shiropuchitchi is to be called Tam. I love her dearly, as well as my Saro, Bap, Lory, Zac, Appy, Dup and Harp. I'm leaving soon. I hope Katey-Rose looks after Tam as well as she looked after me...

i was so sad that night cause i had to leave i said goodbye to my baby and left to my homeplanet

hi im tam and i ♥ to play jump its my fave game ive been playing it all day and time has gone so fast.oh yay ive turned into a :ph34r: im soo happy, i met a nice boy called james hes my best friend

the next day i turned into a :ph34r: i was so happy cause i knew that i had been taken really good care of. the next day was horrible i had found out that james died i was crying all day.but luckly i made a new friend her name was shara we were really good friends

the next day i had turned into a butifull :huh: and i met a nice boy that i had a secret crush on his name is jorden and he is a :unsure: we fell in love after a while and had baby was a girl called lucy,i was really sad cause i had to leave her that night.

the next day when lucy woke up she was so sad that her mother wasnt there...........

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