The Mad Family


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Lucy stared around her room,mystified and confused."Mommy?"Lucy called,but there was no answer.Suddenly,a shadow covered her room and the shadow fed her and took really good care of her,until she was a marutchi.Then the shadow left her for a while.Lucy sat up and looked around her room.She had so many cool things,but they were either not interesting or too big for Lucy.Lucy was so bored,she took some blankets out of her bed and built a tent,and when it was complete,she took a book from the corner and some cake to nibble on and Lucy then went under her tent.It was quite cozy,with her bed and a mirror to look at herself.She opened the book to see many good adult tamas,like :hitodetchi: , :mellow: , :angry: , :angry: ,and :furawatchi:s.Then as she turned the page,she saw an ugly :angry: and an old grandpa.She saw something familiar in the old man's background and as she looked closer,she got sucked right into the book!!

I'm Lucy and I'm really afraid. I just had a really weird dream about being sucked into a book nad I'm just recovering and hugging my teddy bear.

I woke up this morning as a :marumimitchi: just like my mummy. I've met a nice girl called Jan, she's a :gozarutchi: . She's really nice and gave me a shovel which I used to dig up points!

Three days later I have woken up as a -_- . I'm so happy and I like to drink coffee.

It's three days later and I love to play the trumpet. A woman knocked at my door holding a book and asking about marriages but I shrank away thinking of my dream when I was a baby and said no. I'm really scared now.

The woman came again and I kept saying no, scared the book would suck me up.

Today she came and said it was the last time so I said yes and she brought something with facial hair called an Oiajitchi and said he was a special partner for me so I said yes and got a baby girl...

i called my baby girl eliza,but that night i had to leave

hi im eliza and i ♥ my owner she is really nice.i just remembered something my mother told me she said that she got married to a speicial person so ill turn into some1 special,hey what this oh im transforming yay, what the im not a kid im an old man what happened then i remembered again what my mum told me that ill be some1 special. about 5 minutes later my owner walked into the room then she started screaming that i was a secret charcter i was so happy that my owner was happy YAY.the next day an old woman came she said she would find a partener for me i said ok since i havent connected with any 1 she brang me a robotchi called nial.............

and me ans nial had a baby boy called Meowsy.

Meowsy woke up and just like all other babies,he was hungry and unhappy.His mother was gone,but he wasn't too bothered by that.He sat up and looked around his room until he spotted the hiding place his gandmother had hid that darn book with the old man in it.He wasn't afraid of it like his mom was though.He jumped as high as he could and knocked the book off the shelf.Meowsy then hid in a corner and opened the book to the last page with the old man in it.Meowsy also looked closely at the picture,just like his granny Lucy,but the book didn't suck Meowsy up.Instead,the old man popped out of the picture and stared right down at Meowsy.Meowsy,instead of being scared half to death,said to the old man,"So,what are you going to do to me old man?Huh?Huh?!"Meowsy looked like he was ready for a challenge."You're quite the feisty one."the old man chuckled as he picked Meowsy up by his neck.Meowsy gave a surprised squeak and then the old man said,"Well Meowsy,it's time for you to fullfill your destiny.You will go on Earth and turn into a normal human boy.You will be 14 years old,just like Katie Rose.You will try and make Katie Rose fall for you so one day you will marry each other.If you are able to kiss her on your first day,you will be able to be a tamagotchi in the human world.But if you fail,"the old man looked slyly at Meowsy,"you will be cursed for the rest of your life,and so will your family.NOW GO!!!!!!!!"the old man cried and suddenly,Meowsy felt a pain in his head as he was knocked into unconciousness.

Hey, that isn't nice! :unsure: !

When he woke up after becoming unconscious measi felt awful. He shouldn't have jumped to get the book down, or turned to the last page...but there was nothing to be done. He would just have to try to do what the old man said.

He found out that he was to be the son of a family friend of Katey-Rose. This wasn't too bad...he had two older brothers and a sister at University, as well as a Mum and a Dad.

The next day he met Katey-Rose, and discovered that she was astonishingly pretty. He almost actually fell in love with her! He asked her out that day, and it all went really well...

Years passed, and Measi almost forgot that he had once been a tama, and the property of his girlfriend. He noticed that she still played with her tama, even as she grew. He was glad...

When Measi turned 19, it seemed as if his tama life was in jeopardy...Katey-Rose and he had just had a big fall out and she had met a handsome guy...Measi became very anxious, so he managed to make up with Katey-Rose.

When they married at 25, Measi was very nervous...would he be able to get Katey-Rose to kiss him on their very first day?

But all went well...they kissed, and Measi waited for that night, when he was sure to turn into a tama again. He sure missed it!

And, at exactly 12 O'clock, he did... He turned into the Puchitchi he had bee all those years ago...Everything went perfectly!n

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