The matchmaker's secret


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Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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Mar's! I live on top of a mars bar!
The matchmaker had been giving tama's partner's since 1997 or something. She was now really old. She wanted to get married but she couldn't leave her job. A :) named Sparkle said that when she quit, She would take her job. But Sparkle was really mean and Ms. Busybody knew that she would make the place a resteraunt. She wouldn't have a chance to get married.

She decided, when its time for the :eek: , named Laila to get married, she would give her a bad mate.

But she was being closely watched over the tama king

If she did so, she would be banned from tama planet forever

The matchmaker thought about it for a while.

Suddenly, She heard someone banging on the door.

She opened it and saw the :furawatchi: named Sparkle.

"I WONT make the matchmaker place a resturaunt." She said.

Sparkle thoght that she could make the place a food court but she wouldn't tell the matchmaker what she was going to do.

The Matchmaker finally decided to let her niece :) Martha become the new matchmaker instead. Now the Matchmaker needed a partner...

One day Sparkle went to the matchmaker place to see if the matchmaker would retire, But she saw something very very unexpected.


"The matchmaker said I could have the job when she retired!"

"Well PonytchiLuv allready posted that I'm the matchmaker now so Ha ha."

"GRRRRR!!!!!!!" :huh: cried. "I HATE HER! I HATE YOU!"

"Yeah, it happens. I know some Tama's that I match, a few hours later, I get a call from them to come back, and when I do, the other Tama that I tried to match it with is dead! You're not going to kill me are you?"

The next day,

^_^ woke up early the next morning and rushed to the matchmaker-place. "Mwahahaha." She pretended to be the early morning matchmaker and gave everybody who came there a bad mate. But then Martha came. So she threw eggs at Martha and then threw a cup cake at her...

Then the king came in and sent Sparkle to the Tama Jail for giving the Tamas bad mates. If she misbehaved again after she was released, she would be banished from Tama-Planet and would get a horrible partner.

Meanwhile, the OLD matchmaker, the otokitchi, found a handsome Ojitchi and they married. The retired matchmaker was happy but then she heard the news about Sparkle breaking out of jail.

She wanted to do something.

She HAD to stop Sparkle no matter what.

Together with her husband, they set on an search camp to find Sparkle.

They started looking at Mame City, where the prison was.

They couldn't find her there.

They went to the kuchi place but it was closed

So they went to gurunguru town but it was deserted.

Matchmaker: Maybe we should go to earth...

Matchmaker's husband: That's a little tooo dangerous...

Sparkle was in a spaceship in the outer space. Nobody would find her because it looked like an aliin spacecraft.

"But we have to find her! Who knows what she might do?" the matchmaker cried.

"No...but.." the husband stammered

"We have to find her for the sake of tama planet! She could do anything to my niece! Tama planet's love is in our hands now!" she cried.

The husband nodded his head reluctantly and followed his wife to rent a tama spaceship from Mame City vehicle shop.

Her husband flew the spaceship up into the sky.

"First planet: Planet Earth" directed the matchmaker.

Sparkle, looking through her spaceship smiled.

She had a trick up her sleeve.

Sparkle was on mars. There were a lot of rich and famous tamas there...

The matchmaker and her husband had got to earth.

A lady walked by and almost squashed the matchmaker!

Sparkle threw a paper to earth. It said "SpaRkle is on UrAnus."

The matchmakers husband saw the paper. "Wev'e got to go to Uranus."

"No. We can't. Nobody can go to Uranus."

Sparkles plan did not work.

The matchmaker said, "This is suspicious...who would give us a clue on where Sparkle is?"

"Well, it could be Martha, our niece..." suggested her husband.

"Martha!! Oh, we have to find her! Who knows where she could be now!? Sparkle could have kidnapped her!" cried the matchmaker.

And it was true, in Sparkle's spaceship, alone in one corner, was Martha, tied up and gagged.

The couple didn't know that, so they looked for Martha everywhere. When they didn't find her they called the police. The police knew this was important, so they hired detective. But then the matchmaker said that Sparkle had probably captured martha so the detectives used a telescope to look on the planets. Suddenly they spotted Sparkles ship. It looked suspicious so they shot it down with a...

bubble. Unfortunatly, when the bubble got to outr space it floated up up upppppppppp and then the sun burned it up. Sparkle went to Uranus... wekl she went behind it and ppl thought she was on uranus. She secretly flew to mars and went in but nobody noticed

While Sparkle made her escape, Martha fell from the spaceship.

Down, down, down she went.

The police, who were ready in their spaceships quickly soared into the sky, to save the falling Martha

They manage to catch her, and they brought her back to Tama Planet, safe and sound.

"Where is Sparkle? Where did she take you to? What happened?" the matchmaker asked her niece.

"Sparkle..." Martha replied, gasping for breath as she was still in shock. "She...entered the matchmaker office...*pant* that morning...*pant*...pointed a gun...*pant* at me...took me to Mars. She sent the letter...*pant* to trick you. When the bubble popped, Sparkle...she flew somewhere. Wasn't Uranus...*pant*. It was red-ish.."

Martha collapsed on the floor, weak. She had not eaten or drank anything for the past 3 days.

Suddenly, a man grabbed Sparkle, martha the matchmaker, the matchmakers husband and a kutchipatchi and put them in a tamagotchi v5. The v5 was sold and a person made them into the blah family. Blah was Sparkles last name. The family was not getting along like they should. The owner thought smashing the v5 with a hammer would fix it so he did. The tamagotchis ran away but the owner grabbed them. They became the v5less family but the owner still kept them. They made an escape plan:


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