The Meaning Of Life?


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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2007
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What do you think is the meaning of life? Is it just to live your life to the fullest? Maybe it has something to do with your religion. What is your opinion on the purpose of existence?

Please no heated wars. Keep it nice and mature. If you disagree with someone's opinion, don't get into any fights please!

My opinion is that your life revolves around whether or not you have a religion. If you believe in God, or a god, your life is about honoring that god so you go to a better place or wherever you believe you go once you leave this world.

I agree with that. Most of the time, the way you value and live your life is affected by your religion and if you even are religious.

To me, life is a gift, meant to be enjoyed, while making a possitive influences and making a difference along the way. :)

I think...the meaning of different. It varies from person to person.

It may even vary from day to day. One day, you may be craving chocolate. Maybe you feel that is the meaning of life. The next, you may feel that perhaps, the meaning of life is...say, getting good grades and making it into Harvard.

Or something. No body really knows for sure.

Yeah, huh? I mean, I don't think there is 'one'. If you know what I mean?

What exactly is the question though? What do you mean by 'meaning of life'?


NObody really knows for sure what the meaning of life is. It's different to everybody. Like stories. People may like horror stories, people may like romance stories. Some people might DISlike horror stories, and some people may DISlike romance stories. Everybody has their own opinion on life.

I think it's a gift, and should be used positively. Be happy, and don't have something like a Britney Breakdown (hope you know I'm talkin about Britney Spears)

Enjoy your life, because you only get one.


Lol just kidding.

((The Bucket List is a movie where three men (sorta oldish) make their own "Bucket List" and they do all the things on the list before they die. It looks cool))

Hey Wine_Deer!

Bucket list....sounds cool! So making one! LOL...

Yeah the meaning of life is stories. Great similie by the way!

I don't think there is a meaning of life. I think the 'meaning' is to be born and then die. I don't believe that 'each person was put here for a reason'. Or that anybody was put here for a reason, for that matter. Some people just actually do something important in their life, the rest just live and die.

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I don't believe there is a set 'meaning of life'.

I think every person in the world has their own meaning of life.

Be it getting through life the way it's 'supposed' to be(getting married, having kids, dying old and happy) or just being happy in the time you have. Living life to the fullest.

I think everyone makes up their own meaning as life goes on.

My personal meaning is to just make it through life with as little problem as possible and to be happy.

My meaning is to be a total reatrd, because that's what I love to do and it makes me warm inside. <3

I dont really know the meaning but I believe that life is a precious precious gift that you should appreciate.

I think the meaning of life is to do your best at eveything and grab every opportunity- Fullfill your life, and I belive, if you don't do that you'll get re-incarnated. :(

Get anoher chance.

There is no exact ''meaning of life''.

It is different for everybody. It depends on your religion, your life, and your goals.

To someone, they may think the meaning of life is to fall in love, while another person may think the reason is to grab all oppertunities.

If you think the meaning of life is to live happily and chase your dreams, you should do that.

The meaning of life...

For me, smelling, seeing, feeling, hearing, speech.

Because you can see amazing things, feel amazing things, smell what's cooking, hear music and the sound of people you love and speak back to those you love.

There are so many things you can do and even though some people may be deaf or blind or even mute, all your other senses become stronger and that makes each and every day so much more exciting and it make it easier to live life to the fullest.

So many people don't see that, but sometimes it takes a while... For others it's an instant reaction... Kind of like an allergy o_O

That's the meaning of life, in my opinion ^.^

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I feel that you are to live your life, and be a good person. Have fun while you can, and when you die, if your soul is good, you will go up to Heaven and live with God eternally.

The meaning of life is what it is for everything livening plans,bugs,animals, anything its just to be born , reproduce, die

for example the black widow the male dies right after so yeah that was his purpose

but then again

others think that the meaning of life is your goal what you want to do you might not know it yet but you will whats the one thing you have a burning inspiration to do that is your goal.

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