the mesed-up tamas


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2006
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once there was a itchigotchi and a leafchi. they just walked out of their house with lots of flowers and apple trees. they were going to the mall when the saw a spaceship coming down near them!!!!! :furawatchi: they tried to find shelter, looking here and there. but there was no whare to hide! ;) then.......


theship landed, almost hitting them!!! they both scemed!!!then waited. after a few seconds the spaceship's door opend. :furawatchi: out cam the uglyised/mest-up tamas you ever saw!!!!!!!!!!!

They were made of slime and goo. But the worst part was they were nothing like tamas! They were evil mind controling Vpets! ;) The two ran away as fast as they could...

and ran to get help! However, The leaftchi triped and the Vpets attaked! Soon she was a minion. The itchigotchi ran as fast as he could to get his friends! He got his girlfriend (Hidy) who was a young Mametchi. Together they gathered up a babytchi a tamatchi and a young mimitchi. They tried to tell adults but they just wouldn't listen. They made a plan to stop them or at least tried until...

;) they cept running as fast as they could, but nomatter how fast, the mest-up tamas were right behind them! :p :p then the mimechi that the itchigotchi secretly liked started running with them! :furawatchi: "save me!" she sceamed. the itchigotchi blushed an told the mimechi he liked her. :D :furawatchi: ;) ;) ;) ;) :p "hey! helo? were being chased by goo monsters her not makeing this a love story!!!" :furawatchi: sceamed the leafchi.then the mesed-up tamas grabed them, and........................
:angry: they cept running as fast as they could, but nomatter how fast, the mest-up tamas were right behind them! :(   :eek: then the mimechi that the itchigotchi secretly liked started running with them! :wub: "save me!" she sceamed. the itchigotchi blushed an told the mimechi he liked her. :eek:   :blink:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub: "hey! helo? were being chased by goo monsters her not makeing this a love story!!!" :angry: sceamed the leafchi.then the mesed-up tamas grabed them, and........................
The story has moved on. please pick up where it left off. But it's totally ok.Dont feel bad- we will just ignore this post. :D

P.S. I'm sorry if i hurt ur feelings-I was only trying to help. :(

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the goo tamas grabed them, and put them in the spaceship! :( they all tried to get away, but the mest-up tamas locked them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the mested-up tamas turned on the ship and left the tama planot <_< " good-by, my planot!!! ill never see you again!!!" Hidy yeld. then, when the turned around, there were alians every ware!!!! :( :( :( the gards in the ship took them and put them in the dungen! the yong :mimitchi: started to cry. they were all going to die! and they had to do something quick!!!! but what to do? <_< they sat there and watched there planot grow smaller, and smaller, and smaller, untill the couldn't see it.

* * *

after hours of thinking the gard took them out of the dungen. :( " what are you doing?" the leafchi asked. "its time to kill you! <_< and what may you do about it?" replid the gard. "i guss wwe cant do enything about it. :unsure: " said the itchigotchi. then the leafchi had a plan! the gard set them at the table and put them in a pot to roast." um, mr. weird tama, can you be kind enough to let me and myfreinds look into space, for the vary last time? and can i get a gass of water?" said the leafchi like she was small amd inosont.the gard said,"sher, as long as we still get to roast you, and eat your brain!" the mest-up tamas all did an evil laugh!"mwoooo-ha-aaa-aaa-haaaaaaaaaaa" as the gardgot the leafchi some water,and took them to the window,the leafchi was geting redy for her plan." why are you doing this?" asked hidy. "dont worry, were going to be okey! when i say everyone, grab on to hidys ear, when everyone is on, not me though, jump out the window, ill break it open.dont worry about me,ill be fine. tri your best to get to our got that? like i said dont worry about me."the leafchi wisperd to everyone.then the gard gave her some water.(WE ALL KNOW WHEN TAMAGOTCHIS GET WET, THEY BREAK, RIGHT. OR DIE.......) the leafchi brok the window just then." everyone grab to hidys ear!!!!!" the leafchi yelled. then the leafchi took the water and spashed it over all the mesed-up tamas! :eek: :p :D they all started melting!hidy jumped out the window and swam through space, trying to get to her planot.then the leafchi got to a spaceshutle and flew away to pick up her freinds.they all whent to there panot, but the weird thing is, the mest-up tamas were still fallowing them!!!!!!!!!!

* * *

when they got to there planot everything was distrod, and tamas were runing everyware! the way on how they reactid was..........................( think about it, the mest-up tamas were still fallowing them).................................................................................. <_<

"Oh no!" cried Hidy. "Look what's happened! Not only did the messed up tamas try to kill us, they destroyed our whole planet!"

"Except the school. They didn't destroy that," said the Young Mimitchi.

"Hmm...." said the Leaftchi named Leafe. "We are going to --"

All of a sudden, Hidy, the Ichigotchi named Saucer, the Babyitchi named Planet, the Tamatchi named Kayli and the Young Mimitchi named Mimia started to evolve!

They fell on the ground then...

Hidy got up. She was a Mametchi!!

Mimia got up. She was a Mimitchi!!

Planet got up. He was a Hitodetchi!!

Kayli got up. She was an Obotchi!!

Saucer got up. She was a Furawatchi!!

"4 of us are now adults, but we still have to save our planet!!" cried Mimia.

"Yeah!" Saucer said.

Hidy, Mimia, Leafe and Saucer ran off to find other tamas, while Planet and Kayli ran into the school.

Hidy found a Robotchi named Timmy.

Mimia found a Memetchi named Laugh.

Leafe found a Kuchipatchi named Gotcha.

But Saucer found the most extraordinary tama of all...

But Saucer found one of the most rarest charachters- the one u get when old timer tamas mate! So they tried to escape at dawn. On their way to leave they met an old overweight boy tama. he was 110 yrs old - his name was Aaron. ( Named after Kyliesmum's tama)

Then the Hidy figured out how to start a vpet spaceship. But they said they had to go immediatley. (and leave aaron behind because their wasn't enough room.) But Saucer would not give up on Aaron. So even though he was little he gave up his space on the ship for Aaron. They took off and Saucer was left alone. He then began his journey.

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He had to travel the dessert, the ocean, the graveyard (he was terribly afraid of ghosts.) and then get a time machine to go back in time to the tamagotchi planet. However he would be a babytchi again and would forget about aaron.

However to remember to save aaron from death he wrote it down in a magical tama non time continum book. (so he always remember aaron)

then he went into the time machine, pushed a buton, and there he was, a baby just in the tama planet.then he saw the stone." whos arron? why should i care. its probly just a prank." he said then he throu the stone.the stone broke, and a gient light beemed out of it!!!! :pochitchi: :mametchi: :rolleyes: :p then, a hallagraf of arron showd through the beem. what is happaning??????!!!! he shouted "am i crazzy?" :blink:

"i am arron, the one you must save!come help me!!! im being atacked!!!!! your the only one that ca-aa-aaaaan-nnnn h-hhh-e-e-llll-p-pppp- m-mm-m................"

the beem didaperd, and atomaticly, his memory came back!

"i need to save arron!!!!" he cried. :mimitchi: :kusatchi: ;) :hitodetchi:

the last post was writtin rong. my freind whanted him to walk the desert, swim the ocen, and go through the jungle and grave yard. im sorry for inderupting the story. :(

terablty sorry! :( :( :( :D :wacko:

Well Saucer traveled the desert and nearly died of the heat but he pulled through.

He traveled the ocean on a super fast speed boat and last but not least he conquerd his fear of graveyards.

As tamagotchibeepbeep was saying,

He pushed the button on the time machine and zapped back into time. When Saucer got there he was babytchi. :angry: Then he looked at the book, and thought it was a joke. "Who's Aaron? Why should I care?" He said to himself He through the book and a giant light beemed out of it! "I'm Aaron. it's not a prank! those Vpets are going to kill me!" shouted the hollograph. Saucer suddenly remeberd. " HHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................................." shouted Aaron. "I need to save aaron!" Saucer cried. :D :D :huh: :( :(

He stole his mom's ship and sped out to the V planet! As he pulled

into the strange planet a guy came up to him. The guy said " U are getting sleepy very sleepy, when i cluck like a

chicken you will kill Aaron!! Bawk bawk bagah!!". Saucer woke up from the trans and took the guy's knife.

Saucer then went to find Aaron. He walked for 20 min. looking for him. When he found him Aaron acted like a 3 yr. old! " Oh I'm so Happy to see u!" aaron cried. "Uh um what's the knife for saucer?" Aaron asked shakily.

" No Saucer! It's me Aaron your friend!" Aaron screamed.

"whats wrong with you?! Do u wanna get us both killed?!" Saucer screamed. Saucer slapped him in the face.

"but you were going to kill me! whats wrong with you?!" Aaron cried. " I was faking it! Do u really thing a vpetwood hypnotist would actually work?" said saucer. then they ran to the ship and aaron farted! :D

They drove back to the tama planet. There was one problem, aaron was broke and had no place to go! So saucer decided to help him out. Then out of the blue, Saucer changed! He was a tamatchi! Anyways, saucer

broke open his piggy bank for food, a bed, and items for aaron. Saucer would share his room w/ aaron until they came up with a solution.

One day saucer found a room under the staircase with tons of junk. All of the items belonged to a guy named Aaron, turns out Aaron was saucers grandpa. Then Saucer knew what to do. He grabbed a suitcase and put in Aaron's belongings. Saucer then had his mom drop aaron and him at a building in tamatown. Saucer helped Aaron unpack and move in. This way Saucer could always visit Aaron. :(

[SIZE=21pt]The End![/SIZE]

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