The Microsoft Virus


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Well, my computer doesn't have it. I'm not sure about the other computer though. -phew-

I wonder if it is all a hoax. I couldn't find any news articles about it on Google.

If it is real, the aouthor of the virus would probably use April 1 to make it look like a joke.
The reason people create and disperse viruses is to make money so this really is not "joke" at all but some scheme somehow for the creator to get something.

It looks like there hasn't been any major updates in the story - but I didn't think there would be anyway. If he is going to strike, it'll probably more likely be when the news dies down about and when people aren't paying as close attention. Make sure to always be conscience about what you click and download. :)

We were in the computer lab today and randomly all the computers shut down so we went and got laptops from the staff room then they shut off :|

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^Uh oh. They all shut down because they're all connected. It could be that something is wrong with one of the computers and ends up getting transferred through the network to other ones.

My dad and I think our computer is safe. -phew-

He said that he heard to be careful with using free virus checkers and not to download any free videos/music/other media, because they are most likely to be carrying the virus.

OMG A VIRUS!!!!! the world's gonna enddddd D:

eh i dont really care, its just a computer.. nothing has happened to it. i already have those virus blockers.

We were in the computer lab today and randomly all the computers shut down so we went and got laptops from the staff room then they shut off :|
You most likely have the virus, then.

I can't beleive what horrid, lifeless mind is behind this. I officially hate virus creators, as if there's nothing better to do with your life than ruin other peoples'!

Good luck with saving your computers -_-

[SIZE=7pt]EDIT- typo on "your" I made it "our" don't worry, I don't expect you to save 'our' computers, 8D.[/SIZE]

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I don't think I'm infected.

Nothing's wrong with my compie right now.

Just a load of images/programs/google things/etc.

Eh, Conficker C is overrated.

I don't give a dang.

That Virus already attacked our pc,i don't know what my bro and his friend do so that our pc becomes safe

Isn't it over now? My parents said it would be over he next day, which it is. Maybe they were wrong..TUN TUN TUN!xD

Isn't it over now? My parents said it would be over he next day, which it is. Maybe they were wrong..TUN TUN TUN!xD
It most likely won't go into effect for another few weeks. Everyone expected it to go off April 1st, so naturally a super virus isn't going to go off when everyone is expecting it. There is no "over" date, it can and will go off when it pleases which could be a few weeks, a few months, a few days, Its just depends.

I don't have it. I can go on the microsoft website, my computer's working perfect and even if I do, I have good old AVG. I'm not worried.

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