The Microsoft Virus


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No,but I heard the April 1 was only a minor attempt. Later on they will send in the big virus.

My computer is virus protected ;D

But even if i did get it, it wouldn't matter, i will be using a mac soon! LOL!

I didn't get it.. I think o;

I took my laptop to Best Buy because it was acting up They have to send it to Kentucky for 2 weeks Dx and they said they was only one person who had the virus so far o:

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I guess, most likely, I don't have it.

That's really creepy, that people would want to make other people miserable and waste God knows how much money of theirs on computers.

And the way you guys were putting it, knowing the exact times it will be activated and everything.. Gave me an 'end of the world' kinda feeling o__O

Our computers are good. We have the really good virus blockers and mum has had them running and scanning for viruses non-stop since she heard about the virus.

^At the 'end of the world' comment. This really weird guy in my school said that the Microsoft Virus is the end of the world.o.o
Wow XD

I have a guy in my School who is smart and always talks about "The Big Bang Theroy" and stuff

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