The Mimitchi


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Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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Once, there was a beautiful girl mimitchi named Cutie. Secretly, she loved a handsome Mametchi named Zach. She didn't know what to do. So she told the Mrs. Busybody and then Mrs. Busybody said "Don't be afraid to tell him". So she went to tell him and he said....

"UGGGGHHHHHHH!!!," YOU liked me all this time? grosssssss...ew...............digusting!! me? in love with a mimitchi??EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWW!!"

Cutie was so upset, she cried her heart out and went to see Mrs. Busybody again. Mrs. Busybody thought a moment and said, "I know! I'll set up a chatroom! If you and him chat for long enough, Zach will fall in love with you. Give it a try."

So Cutie entered a chatroom to talk to Zach. But....

He still didn't fall in love. So Cutie went across the street to the tama store and bought a love potion! Then zach fell in love with her! they got married and....

mother, but they never got devorced anyway. but one day they fund a little baby girl abandoned by her mother so cutie brought her home and named her...

Jenny. Jenny was very sad when they found her so they went out to the movies to see.....

Tales of A Teenage Tama Queen. :D :D :D


[SIZE=21pt]I am Kitty-Cat. I love CATS, am a wonderul singer, one of the best swimmers my school has ever seen, one of the best netballers my team has ever seen and can hypnotise my parents.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]My cat lives on its feet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Random word of the day:SQIRREL[/SIZE]



Tell Zach who was so angry the love potion stopped. After that, Zach kissed kissed her because he secrectly loved her all that time. Years later Sam turned into a B) and Jenny turned into a :huh: . Cutie and Zach watched as their children grew into beautiful Tamas. :( :eek: :angry:

[SIZE=21pt]CHARMED ROCKS!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]

right next 2 jenny :huh: and sam:marumimitchi: .so they ran ova 2 it and ate it all up.but insted of getting tummy ache they turned around and....

Kate and Kiki were adorable. Jenny's brother liked them alot, but one tama did not. It was a Mamitchi who had been mean to Cutie when they were in school. And she had been Jenny's wicked teacher! "Those are UGLY babies," she said. Jenny began to cry and cry. "It's OK," said Cutie. She gave Katie (the mamitchi) and icy look. How did she find us, thought Cutie. How? Suddenly, Katie snached up Kate and Kiki. "They're not to ugly for sevents, though," she said. "No!" yelled Jenny. She wrestled the twins away from Katie. Kate and Kiki began to wail. Jenny, Sam, Cutie, and Zach began to run, taking the babies with them. "Who IS she that she has servents," asked Jenny. "I'll tell you," said Cutie. So she began to speak....



please stay with the plot

please don't kill anyone

Thank you

"Well, I hate to say this, but she is my sister!" said Cutie. Everyone was shocked. "One day she moved out of the house and never came back. It turns out that she moved into a giant mansion and stole people's babies to have them work as servants." Cutie ended her stry, looking at the floor. Kate and Kiki were very scared. One day...

Cried and cried and cried. Luckily, a nice :chohimetchi: found them. He asked, "What's wrong?". Kate and Kiki said, "We wanted to go to TamaTown but now we're lost."

The Memetchi's name was Sammy. He said, "I've been through the same thing. When I was a little baby tama, I wanted to go to TamaTown's 1997 tama section. I got lost in there, and was very sad. I thought I was lost forever. But then a Furawatchi :blink: named Cuta came along and took me back home."

So he took them back home and Kate's and Kiki's parents were.....

But they weren't there. It seems as if katie had gone in there and killed them. They were right because when they went in they saw... :( B) :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

A sword covered in blood. Then they heard Cutie's voice! "ARGH! Kiki put ketchup on Grandpa's sword AGAIN!" Everyone was so happy and relieved. They had a big party! then....

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