The Mystery Three-Eyed Tama


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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2006
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Ok, Here are some pointers on the Three-Eyed tama.

1. It does not appear on the debug menu.

2. It is super rare, but I remember there was a topic here in 2006, about someone getting it naturally.

3. If you choose the Capsuletchi on the Debug menu and use !! (clone) on it, it will transform into the three-eyed tama several times during the process.

Can any other Tamatalker here help me with cracking open the shell of mystery covering this tama? Cos I'm really interested in getting it for my own, and I am sure that applies to many other Tamatalkers on this forum.

(Admin, sorry if I posted in the wrong place--I'm not sure whether this should go into What's On Your Mind? or not)

Mystery Three-Eyed Character?

You're talking about Tsutayatchi, aren't you?

He was a Deka Tamagotchi character, made during the time of the Tamagotchi Plus.

His face is based on the company's logo:

On the V2 and V3, a glitch is involved using items with debug characters. Since they don't have their own animations, random frames from other characters replace the empty data. That's why you're seeing Tsutayatchi. :mellow:


OMG, you really are well-informed! That was so helpful, luckily you knew what i was talking about--it WAS the Tsutayatchi I was referring to.

But, I have no idea what Tsutaya (the company) had to do with Bandai...

"Random frames"? I debugged 2 tamas and compared their emotions...(yes, they were both Tamagotchis--the tam character that itself is called Tamagotchi, pretty much like Mametchi or Kaerutchi) and the empty frames that were filled in were the same thoroughout.

But, I have no idea what Tsutaya (the company) had to do with Bandai...
They helped to promote the Tamagotchi Plus back during its original release.

baby todder teen or adult?
Tsutayatchi is an adult character.


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