The new Tamagotchi Plush are out now!


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I bought all of the tamagotchi and put them on the top of my wall in my room so it would look very nice as a collection. The first one I bought was kuchipatchi and violetchi but I gave the violetchi plush to my little sister but I did get another one after mametchi and memetchi. ;)

They look so adorable! Aww! x3 I'm gonna need the strawberry for my Ichigotchi collection for sure, and the Kutchipatchi!

that sounds SO CUTE!! i want one but i dont know where to get one...i think the ichigotchi sounds really cute, and it would suit my room

Target isn't in the UK, do you think they'll come to the UK? Anyone in the UK seen them in any stores? :)

~ Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX

:D cool thanks ill get one next time i go to target
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Awwwww the sound cute! :)

It's really annying how none of these things sell in Australia, the only tama related things besides tamas that I've seen here are in K-Mart. They were the soft pouches that are shaped like tamas and the charm sets.

If anyone in Australia finds them in a shop can you please tell me which one?


:lol: тαуz :lol:

A few days ago I brought Mametchi and my sister(Toonygirl on here), brought Memetchi!

Now all I need are Ichigotchi and Violetchi!

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I bought all of them. :lol: it was only $30 for all 6 of them

My mom would NEVERby me all 6 for THAT MUCH!!

Okay, hear me out. She won't buy it UNLESS, she gets or has a coupon, or if it's a sale....O________o


She's a total "save money" fanatic (espescially when it comes to TP and paper towels)

............ :furawatchi: :wacko: :angry:

Cool.I am going to get those for Christmas.I think they are pretty cute.My mom ordered me 1 tht I can open before christmas and two on CHristmas day. I cant wait!! ;)

I wish I could get one, but I want to get a 4.5 and it's either one or the other. Curse my lack of money!!

I have plans to get my niece a Tamagotchi V4.5 for Christmas, and I'm going to surprise her with an Ichigotchi plush as well.

Bad news! My local Target doesn't have the display for the Tamagotchi plush anymore!

A bad person stole them!

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I got the Violetchi plushie for christmas!

Can't wait to get some of the stickers though. :(

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