The next star (Canada)


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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So, does anyone else watch this show? If youre not from Canada, you probably won't know what I'm talking about. It's like and American Idol-ish thing for kids. I just watch it when I'm really bored and have nothing better to do.

I've seen it once. Some of them actually have pretty good talent. Way better than Karaoke Star Junior >.<

Brock from the top 6 is from my city xD There was an article in the news paper.

I love that show.

But I really thought Amanda or Alyssa should have won last season/year. Dunnery [The guy who won] isn't that good in my opinion. Briar sounded terrible.

If Brock doesnt win, this show sucks. Just kidding. But seriously, everyone else kinda fails...

^Brock sounds Epic. 8D

My Brother' s Old Foster mom knows Darrelyne. On the Next Star, it says that she's from The Pas, Manitoba, But she was born and raised in the same town my Brother's old Foster parent's live in. My Mom also knows Darrelyne's Grandma pretty well.

My mom and I were watching the next star earlier, and it said that some girl from The Pas, was singing, and after it was done, My Mom phoned my Brother's old Foster Mom, and asked if she knew who Darrelyne was, she said yeah.

Darrelyne also sang at the local rodeo in near my town a couple years ago.

I don't really think she can sing that well. But since she's from the Pas, and My Brother's old Foster Parents knew her, I'll likely vote.

^ ohh, that's cool. I'm from the same suburb as Brock, so it's nice to see someone from here who's atleast slightly famous

^Brock sounds Epic. 8D
My Brother' s Old Foster mom knows Darrelyne. On the Next Star, it says that she's from The Pas, Manitoba, But she was born and raised in the same town my Brother's old Foster parent's live in. My Mom also knows Darrelyne's Grandma pretty well.

My mom and I were watching the next star earlier, and it said that some girl from The Pas, was singing, and after it was done, My Mom phoned my Brother's old Foster Mom, and asked if she knew who Darrelyne was, she said yeah.

Darrelyne also sang at the local rodeo in near my town a couple years ago.

I don't really think she can sing that well. But since she's from the Pas, and My Brother's old Foster Parents knew her, I'll likely vote.
But she was born and raised in the same town my Brother's old Foster parent's live in.
Actually, I just realized. She wasn't born there.

She Was actually born in the same hospital I was born in. On the same day, same year. =D

During the Finale, she even gave a shout out. "The Pas, Mafeking, and Swan River" When she said Swan River, My Mom and I went "Whoohoo!"

Tianda is pretty good. I'm happy for her that she won.

But Brock was my Fav. I wanted him to win.

If Darrelyne won, I'd have been really surprised. She was my Least Favorite. She's good, but Yeah.

Tianda won?! NOOOOOOO )': I didnt like her. I wanted either Brock or Wren to win...

I wanted Brock to win too.

Then Again, The top 6 of this season were way better than the top 6 of last season.

I really thought he was gonna win. Because he was the only Boy.

Thats Pretty much the reason why Dunnery won last year, in my opinion. Because he was the only Boy. But He sucked though.

I really don't watch it; I live in the US. I only know about this because I'm subscribed to Justin Bieber's channel on Youtube, and I guess he was on it?

I can't belived Tianda won.

I thought it would be Brock. I wanted the giel with the black hair(Not Liz.) I really liked her.

I watched the finale because I was really, really bored.

They all performed their own songs, and to me, they all sounded the same. The one chick had a reggae song, but other than that, they were all too similar.

The only one that was memorable was Brock. Because he was the only guy. And he's hot.

I hope Tianda has a good career ahead of her, as with the other contestants.
