The Outsiders by S.E Hinton


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
We read it in english, and I liked it. The book was a fast read, but I did enjoy it. We also watched the movie after <3

My question- did anyone else read the book?

Your opinions if you did?

Fave character?

My fave character?

I like Ponyboy. He just is so realistic, and I can relate to him.

My class just finished The Outsiders for Language Arts today. My favorite character is also Ponyboy. He's nice, and down to earth :D

It was very sad in the end though. But definatly worth it :)

Weirdly enough, I just finished watching the extended edition of the movie in English class last week. 108 minutes, whoop whoop! We obviously read it before and took a test.

It was an extremely short, easy read--but then again I sort of think The Count of Monte Cristo wasn't that long--and I really disliked the first, introduction chapter. It was a waste of time. I thought that Hinton should have just let the reader draw their own conclusions about the character's personality through what Pony sees, not just spend a chapter describing their personality and exactly what they looked like. :/

I really liked at the beginning how Pony was describing himself and he said he didn't like guys with green eyes, and then later it said "Cherry had green eyes." just as a little off-statement. <3

I enjoyed the plot, and I loved the fact that Johnny and Dally died. It takes guts to kill off main characters, seriously. Dally was very real, very interesting, and I just thought he was the bomb. Hehe.

I read it for English Class, Three years ago now. It wasn't bad. I can't rememebr much of the plot to be honnest.

I watched the movie today. It made me cry <33

I'm finding myself hoping that there's going to be an "Outsiders 2" as well.

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