The Poem Of Tama


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Nov 26, 2005
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Make a poem on tamas , enter it and be in the contest

You Can Win Up To 17 Tamas

And A ticket to Smiley Beach 2!!!

:D :D :D :D

You know this is a competition and if people do win you better give them the prize!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll enter 2 anyways!!!! Hre it is......


Tamagotchis, Devilgotchis

all diffrent types of gotchis,

pink with diamonds,

blue with stripes

even purple with dots!!!!

This is what tamagotchis are made of!!!

Sugar, and spice

and everything nice,

candy, and sugar,

sweets too!

Lemons and lime

are running out all the time.

That's what tamagotchis are made of!!!!

heres mine

Dowdy the mimitchi

Dowdy the mimitchi

Quiet and still

He stares and shifts

…at nothing

Bored, bored, bored

Nothing to see

Nothing to do

He is…dowdy

Wishing a wish

Only for on thing

An egg, an egg

All he wants is a single egg

So he wouldn’t be dowdy

If he had his egg

The cutest virtual pets you will ever see

Animated, they are, but cute as could be

Marutchis are little, and they roll around like gymnasts

And tamas, I adore them, they steal my heart

Got to check your tama when it beeps

Otherwise it may enter a non-returning sleep

The matchmaker might come for you if your tama needs a mate

Care for your tama and take them on your dates!

Hanatchis are adorable and fragile little whales

I love my tamas, and that is my fairy tale!

I know it's a really corny acrostic poem, but it's all I can think of.

Im A pineapple tama I lived under a tolit intell my old freind bob the bulder cut me up for my pineapples

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