The Pro/Con Game!


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Okay, this is a new one.

The person above you will post any noun- person, animal, place, thing.. you name it. Anything.

It's your job to post one pro (good thing) and one con (bad thing). And then you post a new thing for the next person.

It goes on and on..


1. No repeeats, unless it's many pages later

2. Nothing offensive

3. No rude comments

4. Follow TT rules

Example of a post:

Topic- Banana

1 Pro- It's (insert good thing about it)

1 Con-It's (insert something bad)

Okay, I'll start.

Topic- Cats.

ummn.. no, you wer supposed to about cats, and then you type foot ball on the bottom.

the next person would of done the foot ball pro/con.

Pro: It's good for your body.

Con: It makes you tired after a while

Topic- Nintendo Ds

Pro- Brave person

Con- Isn't really that popular anymore

Me [lol]

Gawllly, this is hard. I've always had a love for smilies.

Pro: Always happy and jolly. They perk me right up.

Con: Most smiley faces don't have important face elements, like nose hairs.

The person below me will do a pro-con on: fingernail shreds.

Pro: Fun to put in your enemie's food and to see them bite into it and the look on their face... classic!

Con: They're brown and dirty... you just want to throw them out!

Topic: My avvie. ^_^

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Pro: Some people like it

Con: It's all... British. :)

The person below me has to do:

My avvie (yes again, because no one did it.)

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