The Real Drop


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2005
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Spain though now I am studying in England
Well, in the late 1990s, a new place where life was possible was discovered and people went to live on that planet, making trips between Earth and Gilka Planet as it was called. Well, one day, a man with a beard was driving a motorboat full of Tamagotchis P1, P2, Angelgotchis... and some barrels of substance X. This substance was to be given to Lord Yaiko who ruled supreme on Gilka. He caled the liquid the "real drop" because he said it made things real.

Anyway, Kisho, the bearded man drove the boat straight into a rock and was knocked out. The boat turned over and the Tamagotchis and barrels of X substance rolled out. The barrels hit a rock and burst on the shore making a lake of substance X. When the Tamagotchis hit this substance, many Tamagotchi eggs appeared everywhere and out hatched Tamagotchi characters. Yaiko, afraid left Gilka and took eveyrone with him baptising Gilka "Tamagotchi Planet", the planet dominated by Tamagotchis. There is a big lake somewhere called the real lake where you can toss in your Tama and watch it hatch...

It'll be continued! Enjoy! I have enabled replies I think but do not reply please, I'll do that to continue the story. Thanks. Do take note of what I've just said!
