The Simpsons Hit And Run


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I have for the PS2, it's great fun! I haven't completed it though, because I am rubbish at that sort of thing Lol.

I don't have the game, but I always play it at my friend's house.

I never try to beat it, I just run over people and crash the car. Then I carjack someone. xD

I played it once, my mom made my brother return it because of the language T_T

It was rather fun ;D

Im not really fond of the game...the graphics seem bland, the AI for the police cars seem like they've been programmed by a 7 year old and it's yet another lame simpsons game -.-

I dont' see how people can care for the graphics so much.

I judge games by the gameplay and how fun it is. On Trauma Center: UTK the pancreas looks like a bunch of pink rectangles, but I loveeeee the game.

oh i dont really care for graphics...but i at least like to see graphics that arent recycled from past games (come on some of the graphics in hit and run are from road rage and skateboarding)

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