The Society


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Michael sprinted forward, his main focus centered of Amanda. "The hospital's not far from here...." he heard Alex mutter as they ran. He looked down at Amanda briefly. "My name's Michael, if it means anything." he said softly, not sure if she was conscious .

"Hey there... Michael..." Amanda smiled weakly, her eyes shut again. "I'm... Tequila..." She responded, automatically defaulting to her code name. "But-" Her sentence was never finished, however, as she fell unconscious, her hand slipping out of Michael's.

Once they were far enough Charlie dropped the metal.


Annabeth watched the seen from above.

"That traitor" She smirked then threw down a flash bomb to annoy them.

Michael flinched when the flash bomb went off. "The $(#@&..." he whispered, slightly panicking when Amanda's hand slipped out of his. He turned to Charlie. "You and Alex need to hold Annabeth off..... Tequila doesn't have much time.." Without waiting for a response, he sprinted forward, the hospital just ahead.

Annabeth saw Michael.

"All I need to do is make him drop Amanda. But it just won't work now." She threw smoke and flash bombs at Alex and Charlie. "At least I was able to put poison in these smoke bombs" She smiled manically.

Charlie saw the smoke bombs.

"Oh no." He reached in his pocket and brought out two pocket fans and gave one to Alex "Use this to blow the smoke away. It's probably posion."

Alex nodded, flipping the fan on and using it to blow the smoke away from herself and Charlie. "Annabeth's a real %&@#$...." she muttered to herself.

Michael continued to sprint toward the hospital. He tried to shake Amanda awake, wanting to know if she was still alive.

Annabeth got bored and left.

"Unless it kills them I don't give."

Charlie brought out a collapsable foldable bike from his big bag. He attached pegs onto it and got onto it.

"Alex get on we'll catch up!"

(whee timeskip~)

When Amanda finally woke up she panicked slightly, as she didn't recognise where she was at all. "Wha..." She went to push herself up, but her hands slipped on what appeared to be a bedsheet and she fell back down, wincing. "Where am I... where is everyone..."

Alex sat in the waiting room, slouched over. She worried about Amanda. She was one of her few close friends.

Michael paced back and forth, wondering if Amanda was alright. For some reason, he had become quite attached to her in these past few hours. He had completely forgotten about Poison Food and everything, only focusing on Amanda.

After what must have seemed like a lifetime to the people in the waiting room a nurse came through. "You can see her now. She's still rather out of it, but it might make her wake up a bit."


Alex jumped out of her seat but froze and looked over at Michael. "... You probably want to be alone..." she muttered, plopping down.

Michael nodded and walked into the room Amanda was in. "Hey.... You doing alright?"

Amanda looked up, blinking sleepily. "Hey... thanks. For, you know, not letting me die... why?"

Michael shrugged, looking down at his feet. "I-i don't know.... There's just... Something about you.... I knew I needed to help you..."

"But saving me might kill you." Amanda said quietly, referring to Dear B. "Ah, it probably won't if you play your cards right." She found herself reaching for Michael's hand as she asked "Where aee the others?"

Michael looked down at Amanda's hand nearing his own. "Um... I can go get them if you want..."


Amanda hesitated before nodding. "Y-yeah please... they're probably worrying..."

Charlie was thinking to himself. "What if he went in because she's vulnerable?!" he thought. He barged into the door and it opened.


Alex charged in after Charlie.

Michael snapped around when he heard Charlie. He tilted his head and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh... I was just about to call you in..."

"Yeah, he was..." Amanda backed Michael up, looking at Charlie more than Alex. "Are all of you alright? Things got a bit mad..."

"We're ok! I always bring mini fans with me because for a while I've expected gas attacks from Annabeth. And incase you hadn't figured it out, she used poison gas on us under the disguide of smoke bombs!" He then realised he was too much in the moment and then quickly asked "Are you OK?"

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