*The Star Family*


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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
Reaction score
up in the clouds
[SIZE=9pt]I just got my v5 (brilliant [/SIZE]ruby design ^.^) Today and finally pulled that tab. The Wait! Was interesting to me. I decided to name the family the Star Family. After some waiting They finally hatched.

[SIZE=10pt]*Star Family*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Omututchi-a girl nickname Momo[/SIZE]

Futabatchi-A boy nicknamed Strike(Long story)

Mimifuwatchi-a girl nicknamed Himani (HE-MA-ni)

They still are babies and didn't evolve yet. ^.^'. I'm thinking about marrying Himani, The youngest when the time comes. They just called, they were sick TT TT. Poor babies. I had some expericene with my friends v5 and noticed When they were sick, immediatly the would need to go to the bathroom(She had reset so many times.)

[SIZE=10pt]*Current Stats*[/SIZE]





Family name-Star



[SIZE=9pt]The Family just fell asleep, I will update when they evolve ^.^[/SIZE]

Until next time ^.^


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[SIZE=9pt]Hey It's Meddi!^.^ The Star Family finally evoloved into the following characters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Momo-A Belltchi[/SIZE]

Strike-A Mattaritchi

Himani-A Sakuramotchi

[SIZE=9pt]I think they are ADORABLE!^.^.[/SIZE]

If you were wondering what the brilliant ruby design was like here it is


Ruby Design!

[SIZE=9pt]The Stats haven't changed muched, except for the points which are 150 now^.^[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Until next time^.^[/SIZE]



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[SIZE=9pt]Hi! It's Meddi again(Who else?). I'm waiting for the family to evolve, typically.^-^. Currently, I got their bonds to 10%. Today is an off day for me ("Stomach ache" :D ). So I tried sleeping in. My tamgotchis (V5 and V3) kept beeping. I didn't feel like responding to their calls, but something made me. The Star Family beeped for training so I decided to train them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]I relized the link to see the design may not work so sorry ^^;. Anyway My tamas and I went to the mall to go school shopping. It was an ok day. Today we woke up to a thunderstorm, that really scared me. I was a bit grumpy this morning, but I'm ok now. I think the Star Family finally wants to talk ^-^.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Here they are![/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Momo-Hi! I'm Momo, as many of you know I'm the oldest ^-^. I am told by my brother that I'm bossy, but Meddi says I'm complex. What's complex? Anyway, I love my life and the tv show, wonder pets.[/SIZE]


Strike-Hey all! I'm Strike, the only boy in the Family -_- . I'm called a daredevil by Meddi. So I tried jumping off my bed so what?


Himani-.......*Hides behind her sister*


Momo-Come on Himani, say Hi!


Strike-Yeah Himani!


Himani-.....hi*Closes eyes*


Well, I guess she a bit shy... Here are the current stats of the Family.


*Current Stats*






Family Name-Star




Well thats all for now, I will update when they evolve.

Until next time^.^




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[SIZE=9pt]Wow 3 posts and 48 views? Thanks alot for the support! I would love to hear what you think about my log, via pm of course. Remember to pm me and not post about your thoughts in this log, because it's against Tamatalk rules if you post in someones log.Hope I didn't confuse you in that sentence XD. I will post pms in the log if you want me to.[/SIZE]


About the Star Family, They still haven't evolved, so I will post as soon as they do ^.^. The family would like to say something before we go. Here They are!


Momo-Hello people of tamatalk! I would like to say...Thanks a lot of the support you're

giving Meddi. It's making her more and more excited about taking care of us(not that she wasn't before^.^)


Strike-Yeah thanks!




Until next time




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[SIZE=12pt]Shower/Bath time![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Yes, I just caught the animation of them showering/taking a bath. It's really cute! I love how they just sit in that long tub and then rinse themselves off. At first I didn't know what it was ^.^....until I took a closer look. They might want to talk one second...[/SIZE]


Momo-Meddi!!!Were are in the shower!


Whoops guess they didn't want to talk XP. I will update tommorrow!


Until next time^.^




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[SIZE=9pt]Hello! It's Meddi. Yes The Star Fam. finally evolved.They evolved...... in to the following characters.^.^[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family*[/SIZE]






[SIZE=9pt]I was really happy, I got excited^.^. Not much else happended, except today we went to the park. Also the Family's bond is up to 30%! Remember to pm me to tell me how I could improve, or if you like the log! Here are the stats.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]*Current Stats*[/SIZE]






Family Name-Star




[SIZE=9pt]I know this is really short but I try to update soon ^-^.[/SIZE]


Until next time^.^



[SIZE=9pt]The Star Family's growth chart(So far ^.^)[/SIZE]


Yeah that's right A growth Chart! I finally finished the pixels, and I wanted it to be a surprise. Strike is first, Himani is second, and Momo is last, just in case you were wondering who is who ^.^. You can use it if you were wanting to make a character chart, just give a little credit. The Family doing fine, thankfully, and nothings changed.


[SIZE=9pt]Until next time^.^[/SIZE]




[SIZE=9pt]Sorry, I didn't post for a while, my computer was experincing..... difficulties. But I'm back, and with news! 2 days ago the Star family evolved! The charcters are....[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family*[/SIZE]






Yes that means today I will go to the match makers and hopefully marry Momo, yes momo meaing my original thought changed XP. Any way nothings changed except I got the bonds up to 50% after they evolved. Also I bought the bubble blower XP with 500 points. I'm hoping to get a violet family, but it depends. A couple minutes ago the family turned into a large family so I trying to fix it XP. Anyway I went to the mall and again went school shopping. My parents surprised me by buying me a laptop which I am on now. Enough about me here are the stats ^.^.


[SIZE=10pt]*Current Stats*[/SIZE]





Family-Blended(Yes I got it back to normal)

Family Name-Star




I'll update as soon as I marry off one of my tamas ^-^

Until next time ^.^

Ciao ^.^


-Meddi ^-^

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[SIZE=9pt]Ello, loves! ^.^. Yes I finally got one of the pure families. The violet family. It took a while to get the needed guy for Momo, in fact the second time I tried to marry Momo, a Planetchi appered. I didn't know what to do, and my tama picked for me. I took too long and it went away [/SIZE] :) . But I got a pure family ^.^. But the Family is currently doing very well. first a girl (now a violettchi) was born. And then a boy(now a Kizatchi) was born. The familys bonds were up 100% when Momo got married. Now the bonds are 10% with the 2nd generation. Here are the kids names-


[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family*[/SIZE]







Yeah, Sakura is the first born, and then Ricky......I caught a really cute animation of Mike and Momo kissing while the kids and the pet(nicknamed Aly) were spying on them ^.^. I will soon get the 1st generation's growth chart and the current 2nd generation. I try to get the animation up to if I can......^.^. The Stars are currently sleeping. I noticed the parents bring out the medicine when needed and the food. I think the pet is adorable. I tried playing the games golf putt and shoe pairs. I stink at the golf putt but I won 3 times in shoe pairs. Any way here are the stats-


[SIZE=10pt]*Current Stats*[/SIZE]





Family type-Violet

Family name-Star




Until next time^.^




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[SIZE=9pt]Yes It's Meddi! Sorry for not updating sooner but not much has happened. Alll thats new is I got the bond up to 30% Also I saw a cute animation of the Family planting a flower ^.^. The pet was watering. I have noticed the pet resembles a watering can. I'm feeling weird. If anyone can help me, I'm a bit confused. With a pure family how long do you have to wait until you can start a new generaton? Please make sure to pm, not post. Thanks for the help.[/SIZE]


Until next time^.^



-Meddi ^-^

[SIZE=9pt]Ello! ^.^. So not much has changed, the bond is still 40%. I have raised the points up to 1310. Everything is the same but I think its time to have a stat check.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]*Current Stats*[/SIZE]





Family Name-Star

Generation-2nd ^.^



I tried playing golf putt again. I got up to 10 ^^'. On shoe pair I got up to 20. Now theres a difference. It really does raise bond but It takes a couple tries in order to do so. Sakura is sort of the bossy one between her and her brother. Ricky is the silent youngest of the family. I think they are sooo cute! ♥.♥. I got an item to raise bond if you were wondering how I rose the bond to 100% before Momo was married. If that was confusing I'm sorry ^^'. Any way I will update soon^.^


Until next time ^.^






[SIZE=9pt]Yes I finally have a huge update. This morning I tried to marry off Sakura and after nine tries, I finally found a good mate. She married a Mumutchi. They had 2 eggs, which hatched in to-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Omututchi- a girl nicknamed Meiko[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Mimifuwatchi-a boy nicknamed Ziggy[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]I thought I would have to wait at least a week to marry off Sakura. In fact I had a dream about it last night. It included chocolate tamagotchis and the matchmaker. It was really freaky. I'm thinking of marrying off Ziggy, because he is a boy. If you have noticed my pattern I keep marrying off girls so I decided to try something different. Before Sakura got married, the bond was still 40% and nothing changed. I like a blended family more then a pure one. i don't know why. Anyway here are the stats of the family so far-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]*Current Stats*[/SIZE]



Bonds-0% XP


Family name-Star

Generation-3rd(trying to make it to at least 15)



Until next time ^.^




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[SIZE=9pt]The 2nd generation[/SIZE]


Yeah I decided to get another growth chart. If you guys wonder how I do this with the tamas hopping around, pm me. It's quite simple and quick.


Other news the Family, aka Meiko and Ziggy finally evolved! The characters are as follows-


[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family*[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Meiko-Belltchi(just like her grandma Momo!)[/SIZE]

Ziggy-Mousetchi(Probably one of my favorites).


I can't wait until they are teens!


Until next time^.^




[SIZE=9pt]Hello I think it's time to let the little ones(Meiko and Ziggy)talk. Here they are-^.^[/SIZE]


Meiko-Hello I'm Meiko. I am the oldest out of my brother and I(teaching grammer). Ziggy and I love to play. I know I'm kinda bad at talking in public, but I'll get better. Oh my brother wants to talk. Here you go Ziggy.


Ziggy- Hi I'm Ziggy, and I'm the youngest. I love to play base ball(although it's hard without arms). I love being the youngest, since I get spoiled. My father and I love to fish. I can't wait until Meiko and me are teenagers.


Yeah neither can I :huh: , anyway I'm working on rasing the family's bond, hoping to have 100% before they are adults. I think it's time for a stat check.


*Current Stats*





Family Name-Star

Generation-3rd(only 12 more until my goal)



Well I gotta get started on those bonds. I'll update when they evolve^.^

All-Until next time!^.^



-Meddi and the Star Family



You've got mail! Yes our first mail ever thanks a lot to xXxEvilKittenxXx for sending it!

Meiko, Ziggy could you go get it?


*A race starts*


Meiko-Got it!


I don't want to know, ok xXxEvilKittenxXx writes


Your log is really great so far I can't wait to see what happens to the Star family.

Meiko-Thank you! Myu!


Me-Myu? What does that mean?


Meiko- It's my trade mark, like yours is ^.^ that smiley thing?


Me-It is not my trademark,a lot of people use it. Anyway where is your brother?


Meiko-Um about that....He sorta fell in the air duct thing....Let me go see if he got out*goes and comes back*He got out.


Ziggy-I did not fall, you pushed me!


Me-Ok guys stop fighting!


Meiko and Ziggy-Yes ma'am


Meiko-But he's still a brat


*Sigh* when will these kids learn? :huh:


Anyway, I really must be going.^.^


Meiko-See it is your trademark!Oh bye!Myu!





[SIZE=9pt]Hello! Meddi here. Yes I have an update ^.^. The star family finally evolved! They evolved into.....[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]**The Star Family**[/SIZE]




[SIZE=9pt]I'm soo happy!!!^.^. Meiko and her brother are getting along better than they used to so they are acting better. I still think I'm marrying Ziggy and I'm hoping to go through with it, unless something comes up to prevent me(like connect with my friends tama) but thats the only thing that can happen. Anyway they are currently sleeping(Weeeee!). I think it's time for a stat check.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]**Current Stats**[/SIZE]






Family name-Star




[SIZE=9pt]Until next time^.^[/SIZE]




[SIZE=9pt]Ello, loves ^.^. I have a HUGE update! Yesterday the family evolved. Meiko and Ziggy are now.......[/SIZE]


**The Star Family**




Yay! Only one more day to marry off Ziggy(yes it's for sure now.) I didn't get to my goal of reaching 100% but I got to 60%, so it's all good. Any way I know this is short but I really have to go. I'll update soon!!


Until next time ^.^




[SIZE=9pt]Hi everyone, and to my dear readers(Ziggy-wouldn't that be everyone?). Let me tell you about today(so far).[/SIZE]

Well, today I had a dentist appointment(just some cleaning) and didn't bring my tamas. When I came back they evolved into the ninja family. I quickly switched them back using a whistle. Then I decided to try the dating show. After 2 trys I found a wife for Ziggy. She was a Memetchi :mimitchi: . The lovely couple left me with one egg. Here are the current characters and all that good stuff.


[SIZE=10pt]*The Star Family[/SIZE]*



His wife, Melody-Mememamatchi,

And little Zeus-Omututchi


Yes a little baby boy! ^.^. On the screen, he looks so lonely. It's weird for me, the least amount I had was 2 children. Oh well, I was hoping for 3 children but....who cares? Little Zeus is adorable. Any way I really have to go, I'll make sure to reply when Zeus evolves.


Until next time^.^




