The Stars Shine Brightly In The Moonlight Sky


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Apr 30, 2007
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[SIZE=16pt]Friday, 28 September 2007[/SIZE]


Today, I was very, very bored at school. I heard beeps often, some people brought their Tamagotchis. Wait a second; I had plenty of Tamas and hadn't started them up in forever.


So that afternoon, I resolved to get a V4.5... I wanted a Leopard-spotted one. Went to Toys 'R Us, and the first one I saw: Leopard spots, with a red star and red buttons, also a red screen frame. I had written down alot of Tama names, I grinned. Even though my internet and Cable went off, I still looked forward to my Tamagotchi, long days of lounging lazily on the couuch; reading, watching our 3 channels on TV, playing games... the old-day life. With a twist of technology.


So. We got to my dad's, I was sleeping over at his place. I cut opened the password and skimmed over the instructions. Tossing them aside, I pulled the tab and set the works. I waited...

Beep. I look down, a girl. Looking at my names, I name her Dawn. Dawn-chan, the shiropuchitchi.

Didn't take me long to figure out climb, she got sick about the time we lefyt for 'Ronni''s. So we got there, she went to sleep on the way in the car. Not soon after, she cried. So I praised her, she seemed happy. After awhile, my little Dawn evolved into a Tamatchi. I have the time set out of whack, so I can play with her as long as she's awake. I guess no sleeping in for me tommorow, 9:00. *gagdie*


I'm only gonna be on once-a-week or so. My internet was cut off, it'll be back around the end of october. I'll start up a few of my other Tamas, I have tons, so Dawn can have lots of friends. I'll try to scan her if I can. So, bye for now. ^^'

Saturday, September 29 2007

6:58 AM

Well. My cat, Katie, was a pesk and decided to wake me up at 6:30 AM in the dang morning. I was /going/ to go back to sleep, but /someone/ kept pouncing on me feet. So I gave in and went on the computer, here, I'm going to start up my Gameboy Tamagotchi game, I have one on the computer. Neat, eh? Little Dawn-chan is still asleep *hugs* I'm gonna write my log like this from now on, at different times. Time to start up my Gameboy Tama. Sayanora!

9:01 AM

Dawn-chan woke up about a minute ago, and she just got mail! It’s a fortune cookie: 2 points, 1 heart, and one muscle-man. She’s a very healthy toddler indeed; Nya. With a lot of skill points for her age, to prove it, here is her stats:

Hungry: 6/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 2/9

Funny: 10

Gorgeous: 36 (Aiming for Ura Memetchi!)

Spiritual: 4

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 11lbs

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 5600p

Username: Zoria

Meals: (except default) Steak

Snacks: (except default) Soda

Items: Plant, Doll, Ticket (USA), Pen, !!, Honey, Cellphone, CD3.

Souveneirs: Passport

So yeah, she’s doing great. And about that gameboy Tama, I started him up. His name is Yoshi, heh, too much Mario. He’s a Marutchi, with full Body and IQ… I’m the best at the exercise game. I’ll post screenshots of him way later, as for now, I have Dawn and him to take care of… I’m hoping dawn comes out a civilized young lady. :kuribotchi:


1:54 PM


Training: 4/9

Points: 2550p

Meals: Steak, Milk

Items: Plant, Doll, Ticket (USA), Pen, !!, Honey, Cellphone, CD3, RC UFO, Jeans

Character: Tamatchi

Stage: Toddler


Character: Marutchi

Stage: Toddler

Life: 4/4

Fun: 4/4

IQ: 9/9

Body: 9/9

Deed: 0/9

Age: 1yr

Weight: 10lbs

Yoshi is. Well. Yoshi. Bobbing around the screen as usual, happy as a… Yoshi. XD He’s a cute wittle blob, I luffs him. I’ll have some screenshots up later, btw. This is gonna be a long month without internet, but meh. Oh, and I also only update what has changed in the stats. I sure want Ura Young Memetchi. Dawn’s training is also coming a lot G-R-E-A-T. I love both Tama lots and I’ve had them under 24 hours. *huggys Yoshi and Dawn*

We went grocery shopping; I brought Dawn-chan on her lanyard. It’s black with pink pawprints… Dosen’t really match her shell, but hey.

I’m probably gonna start up Dogz Fashion on the compy too. I’ll get back to you on that. ^^’


7:11 PM (Hey, Seven Eleven!)


Training: 5/9

Funny: 16

Gorgeous: 56

Spiritual: 16

Age: 1yr

Weight: 20lbs

Points: 4160

Items: Plant, Doll, Ticket (USA), Pen, !!, Honey, Cellphone, CD3, RC UFO, Jeans, Fishing Rod

Character: Young ???

Stage: Teenager

Dawn evolved into some pretty girl with flowers on her head and kutchipatchi lips, and stubby, short legs. I think she’s of the UraMamezoku family, I know her name, but I can’t remember it! I hate it when this happens! >< A kid was just over, asking to play with Yoshi-kun and Dawn-chan. I said no; I want no-one to handle them except me and I want them to grow up to be great little Tamas. Oh, and this weekend, I’m going to New Brunswick, so I’m gonna write the stuff for this log in a little journal, I’m probably gonna have to start up another Tama on the way there so I don’t get bored. <3 And I wanna bring my sweetie Dawny to school! I hope I can get around my teacher. L I sure hope she ain’t caught, if she is, Dawn is history, my teacher will keep her forever. I’m wondering if it’s worth the risk, but hey, I’ll try the first day. If it’s too tricky; Dawn’ll stay safe ‘n sound inside my house. Well, here, on her lanyard. I’m gonna make her a Tama bed too.

And I’m gonna take it with me to New Bruinswick with my grandma and grandpa, set up her bed near the table, alongside with whoever I start up on the way. I’m gonna start up my pale blue V3 with flowers probably, it has had the same Dollarama battery for months and still going. About Yoshi, I haven’t played with him. =/ Poor Yosh will have to stay home alone when I go to school and New Brunswick. Maybe I can get a CD from my grandma or dad and put him on there. OH, I forgot to mention that I have a variety of other virtual pets: Pets on my Gameboy, Littlest Pet Shop, Fake Dinky Dino’s (a personal favourite…), and more. I just need Batteries for the dinkys, LR44. I’ll pick some up the weekend coming up… If your wondering, my aunt lives in New Brunswick… she hates Tamas. Pokemon. Naruto. Overly Christian, who cares though, Dawn is gonna stay in my pocket or around my neck. I’m gonna take a shower now, bye. Then I’m gonna play Apples. *3*

Sunday, September 30, 2007

10:32 AM


Training: 6/9

Funny: 20

Gorgeous: 62

Weight: 21lbs

Points: 4410p

Once again, I haven’t played with Yoshi… :<

I have a bad cold.. it’s driving me bonkers; I’d hate to go to school coughing all over the place. I’m still thinking of a scheme to get Dawn to school… safely. And to bring her back home... In one piece. I think maybe put her in my pocket, or on my short lanyard and put her around my neck; down my shirt. And check on her at recess… maybe, or in class, as long as I ain’t caught. At recess I’ll play with her near the end of the field, where no-one goes.

I guess all the boy Tamas are going ga-ga over her. XD She’s real pretty, and look at her gorgeous points… yeesh. X_x

That’s about it, Dawn’ll turn 2 this evening. *cannot wait till she’s 4*

Monday, October 01, 2007

4:17 PM


Training: 9/9

Funny: 36

Gorgeous: 75

Spiritual: 31

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 21lbs

Points: 5470p

Snacks: Pear

Items: Plant, Doll, Ticket (USA), Pen, !!, Honey, Cellphone, CD3, RC UFO, Jeans, Fishing Rod, Sunglasses, Chest

School. Was. A Drag.

William is going out with Shacquelle… my crush. Going out with my friend. When shall this insanity end?!

Oh, and I brang Dawn to school. She wasn’t any trouble :mellow: at least, not right now. Lost a heart here and there, I went into the bathroom and fixed her up there whenever she got to 23lbs/lost a happy heart. She’s a sweetie. I’m gonna hate to see her go, but hey.

Oh, and I ain’t going to NB. I’m going to my grandma’s, in Brockville. 4 days with internet, I’ll be able to catch up and junk… post all this. XP Read logs. EARN 99 999p ON TAMATOWN. *grin*

I’m gonna start up another tama while I’m there like I said. In the mean time… I’m working on a old story, Zoria’s Virtual Pet Adventures. UPDATED VERSION. *ahem*

IF I start any pokemon games, I’m gonna start posting them here as well as any games that involve training/raising a certain character or animal or whatever.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

4:50 PM

Funny: 55

Gorgeous: 76

Spiritual: 31

Age: 3yrs

Weight: 31lbs

Points: 1330p

Items: Plant, Doll, Ticket (USA), Pen, !!, Honey, Cellphone, CD3, RC UFO, Jeans, Fishing Rod, Sunglasses, Chest, Sunglasses, Ticket (Africa), Trumpet

Stage: Adult

Character: How should I know? o_O

Well. Today was an okay day… William hates me I think. I doubt he likes me even as a friend. Oh well, I can do without love… it’ll come. When I least expect it.

Anyways. I brought Dawn with me to school again.

Well, to be honest, this was my day.

I woke up. Went to school. Got into class… and as soon as I get in. Dawn decides to beep. Teacher asked who had whatever beeped, they all pointed at me. I had my desk and backpack searched and I had kept her in my bra. Ha.

And Dawn evolved into this thing with bows on each side of her head, and one HUGE hand and a tiny one. X_x

Tuesday, October 03, 2007

8:03 PM

Funny: 71

Gorgeous: 88

Spiritual: 37

Age: 4yrs

Weight: 30lbs

Points: 2980p

Yey, I get to post all this junk tomorrow. And roleplay. And do a bunch of other stuff. AND I MIGHT GET MY INTERNET BACK BY TUESDAY. So I’ll get to update my log eeevvveerryyy day. And Tamatown, Roleplaying…

Back to Dawn.

I left her at home today.. Ouch. I was afraid that I’d come home and find that she had kicked the bucket. I actually came back, she was all empty with 2 poops, sick, and had 3 different types of Mail. She got her job today, she’s a banker! A very cute banker indeed. She also got a heart from the nice king. Once she has her baby this weekend, the two of them are going to Africa and the USA before she goes back to Tamatown as our last adventure together. She isn’t going to stay long enough to be here when we come back. I’m gonna miss her alot when she’s gone. Oh well, I’ll have her child to take care of. ^^

And that brings me to now. I'm at my grandma's... and I'll update. I wanna RP now. ^^'

So I hunted out her growth.


Well, that explains it. I haven't studied the V4.5 characters, so I dont know them. *groans* That kinda sucks. ^^'

She should have her child tommorow or sunday, and leave monday or tuesday. Oh, btw, I might get the internet back Tuesday. No high-hopes.

Funny: 79

Gorgeous: 88

Spiritual: 44

Age: 5yrs

Weight: 31lbs

Points: 3580p

Stage: Adult

Character: Tsukkomitchi



Hiya! It's Dawn at Dawn on the Tamagotchi Watch! Just kidding. Wanna shake my hand? *grin*

I love jokes. I'm also pretty, at least I think. My owner thinks my bows are cute. She's really nice. I'm not even supposed to be awake, I just woke up and snuck over he-


Ahahaha, have to go to bed... for now. *zip*

Y'know, I want an Aibo. But they're like a thousand bucks...I'm sure I'll be able to get one in the next year or so. They just seem so... awww. Since our apartment dosen't allow dogs.

BUT for now. I have Tamas... and various other VPs to keep me happy. I think I could have around 14 VPs running if I wanted, though I'm a slacker right now and my main focus is Drawing, Writing Storys, and earning a bunch of Skill Points for Dawn and taking care of Liney.

Oh, but whom is Liney? This morning, I decided to start up my Snakeskin V3. I missed the gender, so I named her Liney and hoped she was a girl. I'd have a whoot with raising a boy tam named Liney though. :(

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1/9

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 11lbs

Name: Liney

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1g

Points: 710p

Username: Zoria

Snacks: None

Meals: None

Items: None

Souveneirs: None

Spiritual: 47

Weight: 32lbs

Name: Dawn

Points: 3780p

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I stayed up ultra late last night, around to half-past midnight. It's sad that Dawn had to leave on Thanksgiving morning. And I forgot to mention, she mated with a Ura Mametchi a few days ago and had a baby boy, his name is Dusk. Dawn and Dusk. ^^

Liney evolved into a Young Mametchi, by the way. Thats about it. Too lazy to post stats. XP

Aye, Nice log Zoriia~san ^.^ MAkes me want to start up my v4 that is on pause... ^^ *Skips off*

Hehe My thanksgiving is in... Umzz *counts* a month!

Wednesday, October 11, 2007

Yawr, I get my internet back on Saturday. I'll be able to haunt you allz, not like I'll be on 24/7. Yeah right.

So I started up a Dinky Dino fake thingy. She's a baby dinosaur named Cresent Moon... sleeping now.

Dusk is now a Ura Young Mametchi, like his daddy. XP Liney is due to evolve today or early tommorow, too. I'll be doing my usual log on my computer and post it all saturday.

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

3:47 PM

Hungry: 6/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Age: 3yrs

Weight: 22lbs

Name: Liney

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1g

Points: 3105p

Username: Zoria

Meals: Milk, Corn

Snacks: Ice Cream, Grapes

Items: Boombox, Bow, Cap, Doll

Souveneirs: None

Hate Food: Pizza

Stage: Teenager

Character: Young Mametchi

Hungry: 6/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Funny: 61

Gorgeuous: 38

Spiritual: 62

Age: 1yr

Weight: 22lbs

Name: Dusk

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Points: 27,180p

Username: Zoria

Meals: Noodles

Snacks: Grapes, Melon, Grapes

Items: Doll, Pen, !!, Honey, Cell Phone, CD3, RC U.F.O, Jeans, Sun Glasses, Trumpet, Bow, Chest, Shovel

Souveneirs: N.Y T-Shirt, Elephant, Movie Poster 1, Movie Poster 2

Teacher: Mr. Turtle

Stage: Teenager

Character: Ura Young Mametchi

Name: Cresent-Moon

Weight: 15lbs

Age: 1yrs

Happy: 55

Element: Wind

Stage: Stage 1

Character: Baby Dinosaur


My mom is trying to get my kitten outside. I sure hope Katie don't jump out, damnit. Poor Katie-chan.

I started up my fake Dinky Dino 24-in-1. So far, I named her Cresent Moon. She'sa Kawaii baby dino indeed.

I hope that Dusk-Sama becomes a Ura Mametchi, their cute. I'm not so sure what Liney'll be, though. She'll be evolving tonight or tommorow. And William is one of my best friends right now, he wanted to stand and talk to me for a long time. I might ask him out soon.

School... the Tams were no problem. Every half-hour or so I check if their okay, hide them in my desk, play a game, feed them, and I'm good. For Cresent moon, every half-hour she gets two meals and excersizes twice.

Though William says her head looked like a butt. =/

I think I'm gonna start up my Black V4 some time today or tommorow, 3VPs seem... bleh. I want to have, like. 7 running!

I'm gonna put Liney to sleep and leave her at home now since her training is full, because if I put her to sleep, she won't gain any training bars while she's sleeping and turn into a unhealthy character, I'd love her the same, but, meh. So it's gonna be just me, Dusk, and CM. And Zeke, Angel's Tamagotchi. Angel 'tis giving me a buttonless tama, I'm gonna get something small and thin and tape 'em into the holes, the Tama is a V3.

Thats all... so, Au revoir!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

2:43 PM

Haha, screw the stats.

I started up my V2, it’s had the same dollarama battery for a month-and-a-half and still going. X_x I unpaused my Kiwitchi, Usagi. I would have kept her, but she seemed… ancient. So I reset her. Now I have my little Hitodetchi, Kyubi. Kyubi is supposed to be spelled with two ‘U’s. So Kyuubi. Kyuubi is such a little darling, I love Hitodetchis, they’re little stars and… aww.

As for Crescent Moon, she’s thriving. She’s four now and still hasn’t evolved, but it dosen’t bug me, she’s a great little Brachiosaurus. And I found out Cresent is spelled Crescent… I kept on forgetting the ‘C’. Not much else, she has 44 happy points, and 15 of her hunger is full, keeping it absolutely full isn’t good.

Dusk-kun has evolved into a penguin with a rolled-up bandana around his head and a king’s robe! Kawaiiii! I think his name suits him for no reason. He has 68 Funny points, 47 Gorgeous points, AND 153 SPIRITUAL POINTS!

I guess he feels good about life, eh? I can’t blame him, he has his two daughters, Kymie And Nadia. And his wife, Liney. That’s right, he had kids with Liney, I’m sure Kyuubi has interest in the two girls :D Haha, just kidding! I’ll most-likely mate him with Nadia, whom resides with Dusk.

And Liney, she’s good with her husband and twins. Kymie is bobbing around happily around the screen with her, one big happy family. XD Too bad that Dinky Dino Fakes can’t mate, poor Crescent is gonna stay single all her life. I was wanting to read ‘If I Just Had Two Wings’ to Liney, but library dosen’t start until I think Tuesday. By then, Kymie and Nadia will be teenagers, that’s the book I got the name ‘Liney’ from anyways. Did I mention she’s a Tarakotchi?! I’d hate to smell her feet. Blech! :blink:

And I’m still looking for my stupid Gigapet Hamster, I’ve looked all over my room and I can’t find it. I wanted to start up a hamster named Chip, because we took my kitten, Katie, to the humane society today. We had to, she was tearing everything apart and wouldn’t do as much as allow you to go near her. She dragged Dawn when she was still on earth under my bed once, Dawn didn’t like it much. XD

And alas, I’m not getting another pet for a long time. But Virtual Pets can make up for that, they’re just as loveable, though it’s not the same. *sigh*

And, on top of that, I really want to save up for Nintendogs for DS, It seems like a great puppy-raising game. Either that or Puppy Luv, so I can get the Brown Labrador named Sasha I’ve wanted since I was a little kid.

Also, I sure hope that the Library opens Monday or Tuesday, I need good reading material, stat! And stupid Bell Canada isn’t mailing us the thingy for the internet until Monday, screw them, and Canada Post for not mailing on *&^%ing Saturdays. Excuse my language. In an hour, I eat CAKE. So yay. Today was relatively great and boring. No more Katie, and basically all day, I’ve fooled around with Naruto Ninja Council on the computer, taken care of Liney, Crescent, Dusk, and the two girls, and slept. I slept until 8, and my tamas woke up at 8, too! I thought Tarakotchis woke up at 10… x_x Oh well.

I’m gonna shut up now. *stares at the mountain post*

R.I.P Usagi

8:04 PM

Well, Kyuubi decided to hit the sack four minutes ago. He’ll be up at 8:00 again, needy. He went to sleep with one happy heart down… oh well; I’ll tend to that in the morning. I might aim for Whaletchi with Kyuubi, but he’d make a great Toratchi. Meh.

Crescent decided to go to bed around 7 PM… I’m wondering who the hell goes to bed at SEVEN but okay. My little Brachiosaurus is fast asleep. Catching Z’s. Tomorrow she’s gonna be five, I heard Fake DDs live to be around 12-20 years old. I take great care of her, so I think she’s gonna top the scale of 20.

As for Dusk, he and Nadia is still awake… isn’t 9:00 a little too late for a baby to go to bed? I think he falls asleep at 9, at least. He’s fine, I think I forgot to mention he works at a hospital. Nadia is bobbing around the screen. Cute and uneedy as always. ^^

And Liney, shaking her hips and moving back and forth. With little Kymie by her side. I also think 10:00 is too late for a baby, but okay. XD I’m still trying to figure out why they woke up at 8:00 AM. ;) And the time was correct, too.

I have cravings for a Fantasy book. I want to read The Dragon’s Egg but library dosen’t start yet, or tomorrow. Probably Monday or Tuesday. As for now, I’m reading Fudge-A-Mania. It’s hilarious, it’s by Judy Blume. Right now, I’m going to write one of my short ZoriaXNaraku stories that I write for the fun of it. Chow!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

12:32 AM


It’s Sunday. Yay for Sunday! Tommorow I get INTERNET. And that’s for sure, if it’s postponed another while again, I’ll kill Bell Canada and eat their corpses… ;) Okay, maybe not.

Crescent is fine as usually. I figured out she can’t evolve because the sweetie is a glitch dinosaur, if you scroll through the list four times, some glitch animals popped up. I chose the glitch dinosaur, they never ever evolve, they stay in baby stage. But that’s okay, Brachiosaurus’s are great dinosaurs, and the largest too.

Kyuubi woke up at 8. Like always, and when I wasn’t looking, he evolved into a Ringotchi. With one training. I’m gonna keep it at 1 training, and hope he evolves into Whaletchi. Last Whaletchi I had was Luckx. His name was supposed to be Lucky, but I mucked up his name and he was Luckx. ;) I took good care of Luckx but never gained his training more than 1. Whaletchis are so cute.

Dusk and Nadia are doing great. Dusk is still 5, I’ll expect he turns 6 tonight and leaves little Nadia at midnight whilst I’m asleep, I used to always set the time ahead and have the parent leave the baby, but, meh, I don’t do it anymore. He has 178 spiritual points, btw.

Liney and Kymie, on the other hand, woke up at 8. Again. And Liney’s now 7, she’s gonna be leaving tonight, too. I’m gonna miss her, but hey, I’ll be able to visit her in TamaTown.

Kymie is going to be a mimitchi, and I’m intent on that. I’m gonna take top-notch care. If I don’t get mimitchi, I’d probably get Billotchi or Pyonkotchi or something kawaii like those.

And I have a story to tell. The one here is of my most favourite Tamagotchi that had ever lived, and I’ll never forget him, sometimes I cry… he was great, I don’t know why I remember him the most. But I do.

His name was David, he was a Puchitchi, then a Marutchi, then a Ringotchi, and then a Pyonchitchi. My favourite Tama of all times. One day, I tried the mimitchi costume and love potion on him. And reset him out of anger, he was so cute and sweet… He was on the same type of shell Kyuubi is on. If Kyuubi turns into a Pyonchitchi… I’m sure, I will start calling him David.

And both of my V2s have no sound. I just threw out my broken white V1, Pink-with flowers V2 (not the one I have Kyuubi on, another one.), Silver V3, and Clear V4. They were all broken. =/ No sense in keeping a broken Tama. So I threw ‘em out, that’s at least $80 wasted. I’m probably gonna buy a P2 one of these days, then an angelgotch. Once I convince my dad to get me Paypal and junk so I can get stuff from eBay. XD

That’s all. *bows*

Monday, October 15th, 2007







I accidentally named Kymie Zoria and named Nadia Kymie. Oh well, so it's baby Kymie and Zoria.

Hi! It's Kymie! I'm a Mohitamatchi! Mum said I'm her first one ever, and I'm so proud! She loves me very much, and she loved daddy and grandma too. We're going to visit daddy later today, right? Yep! See? And I'm gonna see grandma for the first time ever too!

*is making noodles* Yummmm.

Hey, it's me, Kyuubi. Zoria is really starting to annoy me, she wants to eat me! I may look like an apple, but I am not! I'm a living, breathing thing! *sniff* Oh, and as I was saying, I love being a Ringotchi! We're kind and cute... Handsome in my case, mum is taking me to a place called School tommorow!

Oh deary me, hello. I seem to have evolved today, my mom was very pleased and exited, she said I'm a T-Rex now... this is rather exiting, I say. I still love to eat cereal, I won't tolerate meat at all, oh no. Mom says I'm gonna live to be 20 years old!

Hihi! I'm Zoria, I'm a little Acorn, a Kuribotchi. But I like to call myself Acorn, 'cuz it sounds yummy. Like Kyuubi, he looks very yummy, but he gets mad when I try to eat him. I woke up this morning and Daddy and Mommy had left, I miss them, but I'll get to see them in tamatown, right mum? Right again, Zoria. And mummy named me after herself, isn't that cool? And Kymie is the name of Zoria's older sister!


Zoria, Kymie, Crescent, Zoria the 'Acorn', and Kyuubi the delicious apple-- Hey!

Monday, October 15th, 2007

Well. I've been taking all three of my Tamas and Crescent to school, and it has proven too difficult. From now on, I shall pause two of my Tamas and take one two school, and crescent. It's gonna take longer for them to age, but I don't mind.

Kymie right now is a Young Mimitchi, I get them and Young Mametchis often, so no biggie to me. But I have to admit that she is really adorable, I always have loved Young Mimitchis and Mametchis and I am positive that I always shall.

Kyuubi is still a Ringotchi at the age of 3, he'll be four tommorow, and I'm going to bring him to school in hopes that he will evolve. I sure hope he becomes a Pyonchitchi, but theres a really tiny chance he actually will.

Crescent is still okay and thriving, she's 9 now. Not much else about the dino cutie, she only has 22 heart points right now and is getting really needy... eep...

Little Zoria is a Yakantchi, the teapot tama! She's so cute! ^^ I love Yakantchis, the fact that she's a teapot is so cute. And guess what? The 'Z' in her name changed into an X! :rolleyes: I wonder how THAT happened... Xoria... *coughs*

She's 2 years old now, some of my tamas have evolved into adults at two, maybe she'll evolve tommorow.

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

7:07 PM

I wasn't really on untill around 6:15 today. Me, being a BIG procrastinator, waited untill the last day to do my project. Not only that, I had to do some other homework about the book Tuck Forever and after we finish reading the book, we get to watch the movie. ^^ Yaayy!

Today was a horrible day at school, thank god tommorow is Friday. I asked William out and became the school laughing stock. Even so, he teases me about it, and said no. But he still thinks I'm okay, I'm still his friend to him though. He's a great guy.

Kymie was sitting at home. All day. On pause. X_X Poor poor Kymie. She's still two, and I'm glad yet again the weekend is coming so I can spend time with my little Young Mimitchi.

Kyuubi today, at the age of 4, evolved into Tarakotchi. Gragh, I can't stand them sometimes! I sure hope that Kymie turns into one. A Paraparatchi would be nicer than a Tarakotchi right now!

Crescent is now 10 years old and still elderly, she has another 10 days ago untill she supposedly kicks the bucket. She gets sick more often, rarely poos (she needs a Laxative...) and drops hearts more rapidly. *gulps and hugs her*

And 'X'oria, the Yakantchi, is now two. Maybe she'll evolve tommorow at 3, I noticed the V4s evolve into adults much sooner, so I'm probably going to bring her. I'm not so sure what she's going to evolve into, but I'll wait and see.


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It's been ages since I have posted.

Well, to start, I haven't been taking very good care of my Tamagotchis at all. They've been on pause on and off, and I decided to apologize and fix them up once and for all, and I promise that their babys will never have to go through this... *sniff*

Zoria is now a 7 year old Shitekitchi with a Baby girl. Next Generation; I'm aiming for Ura Young Violetchi, they're soo cute. I'm naming her Kaori, which means 'Aroma' in japanese. ^^

Back to Zoria, I really don't like Shitekitchi. x_x She scares me, when I press the C button, she stomps up to the screen and screams at me. Eeep. She's 7 years old-- probably leaving tommorow.

Kyuubi is now 7, and he himself also has a baby girl, whom I'm gonna name Mimi, thanks to the wonderful matchmaker. I sure hope Kymie has a boy, or else Aki will be singing Aroma oh Mimi. (Jenny oh Joy. XD) I suspect Kyuubi to be leaving tommorow also. I guess I'll miss my tarakotchi. *sniff*

As for Crescent... she lived untill 12, then I accidentally left her in my dad's car overnight... :D RIP Crescent Moon, the 12 Year Old T-Rex. I'm listening to Together Forever, and it's makes me sad, it makes me think of her...

And Kymie, she's a 6 year old Dorotchi, I suspect she'll get the MM tommorow evening. She's so cute... I can't remember the last Dorotchi I've had, the last one I've had was life 6 months ago or way more...

Akimaru, or just Aki is a 0 year old Marutchi on my Pink V1. He's cool, too bad you can't get Pochitchis on V1 or that'd be funny/cool... Akimaru is Kiba's dog on Naruto, and I spell Akamaru with an I.... so yeah. I think he's gonna be an Ichigotchi or Hinotamatchi as always.

Thats all, chow.


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