The Strangers


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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
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The movie "The Strangers" is a weird movie its horror and it has Liv Tyler in it she did great in that horror movie but the movie itself sucked, it scared lots of people but it was to hard to understand, to original, to DUMB!.... personally i say don't watch it its dumb...


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I agree with the whole "dumb"thing.All it is is:Oh im sad.Bye.Oh no they are coming!Oh no im dead!

i havnt seen it but i heard someone on the radio say that it was pointless



It was good. Jenny, it was nothing like that. There was really no sadness. In the beginning, the man asks his long-term girlfriend to marry him and from what happend I think she turned him down. So it got very akward. He goes off to get cigarettes and The Strangers attack for no reason at all.

I wanted to see it. It looked interesting, good rainy afternoon movie to watch with your friends I thought. But 'The Unborn' however...gosh that looked horrifying. x3

Is this the movie with the creepy masked family?

If so it was ok. I was laughing a lot at her misery and how much bad luck they were having. I have a twisted mind.

It's not memorable, so rent it, don't buy it.
