The tale of ANDY THE SUPER TAMA!!!!


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there was a little tama called andy.he fell in love with a lovely girl tama called tammy

but............tammy had a secret crush on andy ............ so one day...........

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(fine! ill do the story all by myself! :) )

....One day tammy was looking for andy but he transformed so when she found a tama that looks like a plant in it's pot, she SSSSKKKCCCWWWWEEEEAAAMMMMEEEDDD!!!!

a couple of days after andy asked tammy to the tamaschool dance :D .......

TAMMY SAID YES!!! ;) .....................

Lets say he said aaaaaaaaa...............kk.... and he was REALLY NEVES.

hehee said tammy ur nerves rnt u?hehee

after they got married they had 2 baby twins a boy and a girl called.............................

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Harry and Sally! They both had super powers like their dad! But their dad didn't no he had super powers! He had: super speed, super strongness, super stretch and could b come invisible! Sally could make defence balls and Harry's super power was ......

FLYING!!! One day, Tammy was cleaning up Harry's poop when she saw Harry WIZZING across the room! :wacko:

It was so WACKY!!!.....................


So they named themselves the SUPERTEAM!!!

But tammy felt like she was'nt apart of the family because she did'nt have a power.

She ran away but died because all the poops she did with no-one 2 clean them up.

Acuple of ( tamagotchi ) years later, Andy died so Harry and Sally were free 2 marry whoever they wanted.

BUT Harry fell ill and DIED :) .

So Sally went off to the big city 2 find a mate and lay an egg........

( Sally is now a Mimichi )

:) sally was very upset and come very close to dieing but then a well manered maskametchi found her, took her to his house then nursed her back to health.

sam(the maskatchi) fell in love with sally but kept his feelings to hinself.

sally was a mimitchi and he was, well he was poor, it would never yoor they were to, well to different. :wub:

But one day sam told sally his feelings and then sally said-"well i l0ve u 2".....................

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