the tama wants to fly


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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
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there was a tama that was a tama baby thats wants to he looks at the berds to get a ideei. the tamas name was vide

he jumped off a cliff and tried to fly but he failed and fell right in the middle of a pig farm!

and then he got owt of the pig farm to go home and get clen

And he wandered why the berds fly he saw the berds have fathers vide got a idei

"Aha!" He cried.

"I could wear my Mum's feather bower!!!"

So, he crept into the house, into his Mum's bedroom, and snatched it!


BTW, any more replies??? :puroperatchi:

This coud be a good story \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ :gozarutchi:

he jumt off the cliff agian and repped his moms fethers...

Then all of a sudden, a big bird with ruby red wings and feathers zoomed down...

It caught the tama on it's back and flew away.

"WoW!" He cried.

"IAM flying!!!!"

The bird flew and flew, past caves, farms, seas, and at last, it stopped.

"You're the ONLY one who can help us!" It screeched.

"Please help us!"

"Who? Where? When? What?" The tama asked, baffled.


"We need somthin bad becaus the whole tamawarld is in truble and only tamas can get there."vide seid sadly"im only a baby"thene he turd into :mimitchi: "ok I guss I can help a litile but I know I know I have a time limete. so whote is it."

The tama had grew up, and he was very happy, but most of all, he needed to help.

"Please, take me there!" He cried.

"Ok," The bird siad sadly.

"But...We must get you there first."

"I'm ready"



Suddenly, everthing went...BLACK...

"Wake up!" Said a voice!

"Please! Wake up!"

The tama looked up to see a :D

The tama looked around.

"Where am I? I don't remember anything! WHY am I here!?"

The brid had gone, never to return.

He wan't allowed to come to the tama world... :D

thene he treyd to go to the tamaworld vide remaburd somthin... HES MOM

He shook his head. His mom was gone. He was on his own now.

Vide :angry: was sad. His mom .... she was GONE!!!

Then he asked the :mimitchi: who she was and what was happening.

"I am Peach. What is happening is that Dr. Claw is kidnapping Tamas and hanging them in the window naked for ransom!" Peach :angry: said.

"Wow. But how can I help?" Vide :D asked.

Peach said....

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