The Tamagotchi 4U (isn't there a 4U Plus?) or P's.


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Mar 8, 2016
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My birthday is coming up in a little over a month and I'm thinking about ordering one of the aforementioned Tamagotchis. Are they any good? I love that they are in color and so vibrant.

I don't know a lick of Japanese, so I'd be a bit intimidated with this one. I actually just ordered an Angelgotch but think I can handle it because its options are so limited that simply memorizing the order of words will suffice.

Ooohh... Angelgotchi, good choice. I like the vintage vibe it gives off. :)

Yes, there is a 4U+.

I do recommend buying a color tama. I was in your position... 2 months ago? Something like that.

I wasn't sure about getting a japanese tama as they seemed... well, intimidating.

I'd like to mention that the 2 you're talking about (4U or P's) are very different.

I'll help you answer by asking some questions:

Price range?

4U is actually VERY cheap right now for a new one.

P's is almost double the price.

What do you look for in a tamagotchi?

Simplicity and pet-like? (4U)

Or complex and human-like? (P's)

Also, do you have any infra-red or NFC devices?

If you have a nexus 7 tablet (2nd gen.), you have the ability to download TONS of content to your 4U, and mr.blinky even made a 4U app in english.

If you have a irda usb or palmtreo or some sort of infra-red thang, you can patch your P's into english (thanks again mr.blinky!) and download new content.

If you have neither, than the 4U without downloads is pretty simple, but still has plenty to do. The P's comes with lots to do without the downloads, so it just depends on your taste.

Thank you. I actually have an iPad and Android smartphone.

I've heard that the P's are a LOT harder to take care of than the 4U, so I ordered a 4U+ and was planning to get a P's once I know how to actually take care of things.

P's is great but I don't recommend it as a first color-screen Tamagotchi. There are lots of features, but that also makes it confusing and you might not know how to experience them all.

4U is fun enough for a beginner and a good price. A lot of people prefer the 4U Plus, albeit the normal 4U has better games IMO.

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