The Tamagotchi Avatar Shop


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Tamagotchi(2 or 1 tamas): Violetchi

Color: Pink

Text: Pop Princess

Image: None

Bubbles or Sparklies?: Sparklies

Thanks! :eek:

Tama: Ichigotchi and Violetchi or just Ichigotchi what ever is easier

Color: Light Orange

Text: Cutie

Bubbles or Sparklies: Sparklies

Background: Starry Night if you canshow it to me first it'd be best that way I know if I want a Starry Night

Tamagotchi(2 or 1 tamas):Ichigotchi

Color(Two-one colors, try to keep it simple, no funny crayola colors!): light orange not too light though

*Text: Tama*Girl123


*Bubbles or Sparklies?: Ssparklies

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