The TamaGotchi Case:


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May 22, 2006
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Jenni, a Mizutamatchi, looked all around TamaTown. Even though she was still young, the TamaGotchi really cared about what was hapening. Her brother, a Piropiroritchi named Max, suddenly disappered, and Jenni really wanted to find him. She called day and night, but still her brother was missing. Then their parents got worried. "Where is he?" they said, hoping that he was okay. They put up posters and signs, but still could not find Max. One day, Jenni had saved up 5,000 points from playing Get Notes. She hoped her parents would agree to her plan. They agreed, and she ran off. She went to the king's castle, but a guard stopped her. "You must have a password to visit the king!" he shouted. Jenni was nervous, but said, "I have enough points to donate to the king, 5,000. If I donate it, may I please go in without a password?" she asked. The guards nodded to her, and the doors opened. She was so tiny in the big castle! Jenni went over to the king and boxed. "Please, your majesty," she pleaded. "Can you help me find my brother? I love him dearly." The king looked at her, and said, "What is your brothers name? I might know where he is." the king replied. The Mizutamatchi replied to his saying, "My brothers name is Max, and he's a Piropiroritchi. Do you know where he is?" weakly. The king glanced at her. "Wander around my castle as you wish, young toddler, and you might just find him. Good luck," he said. Jenni raced around the castle. Dining room, throne room, dungeon... Everywhere. She looked in the dining room one more time. A shadow seemed to cover a quarter of the room... Or was it a shadow? She looked over there, and then under the curtains where the shadow were. There was a secret room! Jenni opened it slowly. In there, was what she was so happy to see... A Piropiroritchi was standing in the corner! She screamed and ran down the stairs. The TamaGotchi ran to her, and they hugged together. She was so happy to see Max! Jenni said, "Let's go home." Max said OK, but he wanted to stay in the castle sometimes. The king was so nice, so he gave permission for Jenni and Max to come anytime with a password, which was written down in a million places. "Bye!" they shouted, and started home.

Case 2= The Case of the New, Undiscovered TamaGotchi World + The Clone TamaGotchis


"Please, mom! Can I go?" Jenni said pleadingly to her mother in the humble home of the parents. Her mother certainly was angry, espically(SP?) when Max got himself lost, even though he was a teen. Certainly Jenni would get lost if she was just a toddler! But she pleaded and pleaded. Finally, their mother said, "OK, but only if Max will go with you." Then Jenni raced up to him and said if he wanted to go, and he accepted. So off they went... "C'mon Max! Let's go visit the castle first!" Jenni said, and ran to the castle doors. The guards asked for a password. Max said, reading from his paper, "155853---83462." The doors opened, and they visited the king. After 20 minutes, they were walking out. Then Jenni thought she saw something in the distance of the forest, and she raced in there, not thinking. Of course, Max had to go with her. They ran and ran, until the forest suddenly stopped. There were tall buildings, and even undiscovered TamaGotchi! They both gasped, and went to meet one of them. "Hi," Max said. "We have come from TamaTown in peace. Where is this place?" he asked a little bird TamaGotchi. She chirped, "*chirp* This is *chirp* TamaCity. *cheep* The kings of *cheep* TamaTown and TamaCity are *chirp* brothers. Make yourslef *cheep* at home." it said. Jenni said, "I did not know any places existed except TamaTown!" They looked around, and there were tons of fun things to do, like Tama-Roller Coasters! The TamaGotchis had a blast, and even met the king! It was only 3,000 to come in. He said to look around. Where Jenni had found Max in the other castle, there was another secret room! The king said that all the TamaGotchis in TmaTown had a clone TamaGotchi in TamaCity. They peeked in, and there was hundreds of TamaGotchis! Suddenly, some TamaGotchis that looked the same as them walked up to them. "Hi! I'm Max, and this is Jenni." the Piropiropatchi said. "Hello. We are like the same as you. I'm Jenni, and this is Max." Jenni said. Even though they got mixed up sometimes, they had a blast. Finally, it was time to go home. "Hey," Max said. "Wanna come over to TamaTown for a little?" The other Tamas said OK, and then they went back into the forest. The 4 of them arrived at the door, and when Mother came to the door... "We got some guests, hope you dont mind!"

Case 3= The Case of the Human... TamaGotchis?

A little girl was on the bench, connecting TamaGotchis. Her real name is unknown, but we just call her Nicole. Another girl was sitting next to her, watching over Nicole's shoulder. Her real name is unknown, but we just call her Sabrina. They would connect TamaGotchis all night, since Sabrina was sleeping over at Nicole's house. The TamaGotchis they were playing with were Kyle, Sabrina's young Mimitchi, and Max and Jenni, a Piropriropatchi and Mizumatchi. The two were having so much fun. Usually Jenni and Kyle connected, because they wanted the two to marry each other and have TamaGotchi babies. In the afternoon, the two girls were connecting, while at an evil place near TamaTown were all the DevilGotchi were, the king made an announcment. He read it, and all the devil TamaGotchi agreed to the plan. Then the king said, "First TamaGotchi's Human(s) humans to test:" he then paused, looking at the names. "Kyle's, Max's, and Jenni's humans." Then the bad TamaGotchis all cheered. Some devilGotchi went out to find the girls and test them out. It was night when they got there. The girls were sleeping already, and the TamaGotchi's were paused. A Devil Mimitchi snickered and unpaused the sleeping Tamas. Then he sprinkled some power over both the humans and the TamaGotchis. The went back to the dreaded place, and that night, some VERY strange happened... That morning, when the girls woke up, all around them was grey. They looked around, and on the ceiling were buttons, and the bottom were more buttons. "Where... Where are we, Sabrina?" Nicole asked. "I... It seems like where are TamaGotchis were!" Then they both gasped. The other TamaGotchi, though, was with... What was this?! A strange undiscovered metal like TamaGotchi! He connected with the two girls, and they were scared. But he said he was just there to make them feel at home. So the girls did not worry too much, and they played heading. While Nicole only got 12 points(she isn't very good), Sabrina got 400 points! Nicole said good job, and they ate noodles for dinner. Back outside of the TamaGotchi containers, were three TamaGotchis. Kyle, Jenni, and Max. They woke up, and looked around them. It looked like a normal bedroom! Kle said, "Maybe the paper inside our containers got changed like this!" and then they saw three containers. They were touchable, not paper. Then Max picked one up, then gasped. "Inside are... Are... Our humans!" then they panicked. Since the girls were nice to them, it was everything to get them out. They opened the container, but they weren't there. They tried abousatly(SP?) EVERYTHING! Then Jenni had an idea, but it would change the girls lives forever. The boys agreed to it, since it was probably the only thing they could do before there mothers find out in 2 days. So the TamaGotchis were confident, and then they left poop on the screen, did not turn the lights out, and let them get overweight, then starve. After a few hours of doing that, the humans were almost dead. Jenni said, "Sorry, but this is for the best." she fed a meal, then music started play. Dun dun dun, dun dun dun... The girls were dead. They ran to a fan site with a Cematary, and saw their graves. "Please, please come back. We didn't mean too," Kle pleaded. Suddenly, two clouds split apart and down came a great sight. Coming down, was the two girls! But they looked like two angel Mimitchi's, even though they were still human. Then they hugged, but it was hard. They had found some reverse powder, and sprinkled it on top of the angels. Suddenly, all of them went back to the bedroom. "Hey, you guys want us to take care of you outside the container?" Nicole asked. Sabrina and the TamaGotchis said yes. Soon, the mothers came. Then Sabrina waved to Nicole and said to there mothers, "We need extra rooms in our houses for some members of the family. Then they turned there heads at Max, Kyle, and Jenni. The three made pleading faces. "How can you resist those sad, little pleading faces?"

Case 4= "Help!" The Cry of a TamaGotchi

"Its such a wonderful day," Jenni told Max as they were walking through the park. "Yeah," he replied with a smile to his younger sister. The two of them walked along, waving at everyone they knew. "You know, from a book I've read, every hour or so something bad happens. It might be dying, very injured, stuff like that." Jenni said, sitting down on the park's bench. "Mhmm..." the Piropriropatchi said, sitting down also. "Well, how could something bad happen on days like this?" Jenni replied to his two-syllable sentence. Her big brother just shrugged at her. Then they forgot about it, when they went to get ice cream. When they went on the sidewalk again, they licked and talked. Suddenly, it sounded like something cried "Yelp!", which they ignored. As the sidewalk twisted and turned, it came closer to the forest, until only a yard away from it. Jenni kept hearing those awful sounds. "Is it just my imagination, or is something really in trouble?" the Mizumatchi wondered. After a while, they went home. When it was time for bed, Jenni could not sleep. She tossed and turned, hearing that word over and over again... In the morning she got the courage to speak to Max about it. "As long as Mom knows we aren't going far from the park," he said, and they walked to the forest. It was quiet, but then the word was said. Soon they figured out it was "Help!" instead of "Yelp!". "We have to go save them!" was the last word they both said before running into the forest, where all the TamaGotchi lands were. Soon, the two followed the call and it went into the DevilGotchi king's castle. But they figured out a plan, and put on DevilGotchi costumes. Jenni was a Devil Mimitchi with stuffed ears, while both of them had no idea what Max was, but it was the only male-looking DevilGotchi costume suitible for him. So they pretended they were DevilGotchis and ran in. Then they got closer, until it was coming from the dungeon. A Teletchi(girl) was weeping in a corner, when she looked at the TamaGotchis dressed up as DevilGotchis. Since the Tama was only newborn, she didn't know real from fake, so she weeped out, "Oh, please don't hwurt(no, no spelling mistake) me!" They said nothing and picked up the little one. Max covered her motuh so she won't cry while they sneaked out of the castle. Then they ran in the shadows to the park. The Teletchi got put on a bench and Jenni demanded kindly what happened. Since she didn't want to get hurt if these Gotchi were real Devils, she obeyed and said, "Um, I got egg-nwapped from my mommy, and I've been torturwed... Now my mommy moved way, and me have no home...". The two nodded, and went home, because their mother wanted another baby, so all was good. Max and Jenni were still in DevilGotchi costumes, and since Mom saw that they ran off with them, she pretended it was Halloween. She was dressed up as a DevilGotchi bat TamaGotchi. Max told everything, and then they took the little Babytchi up to the bunkbed room, where Max and Jenni slept, and played with the Teletchi. Finally, the baby they named Sarah spoke up. "Arwe you going to hurt me?" she asked them. Jenni laughed, and went into the bathroom. Out she came, now as a Mizumatchi, and Sarah laughed. But Max something weird. "You gonna change?" Sarah asked, and then suddenly, the carpet rumbled a bit. The thing he did must have been magic or something, because one minute later, It looked liked he changed forms into a Piropiroritchi! Jenni and Sarah were confuzed. They wondered if Max had a secret, a BIG secret! Ever to this day, the two(Jenni and Sarah) still wonder...

Case 5: The Drastic Change

"Hey, come here," said Kyle as he urged Max to come towards him at recess. His looks in his eyes meant that something was going to happen. Max ran over there, having to go with Jenni where ever he went. "Yeah, what?" he asked Kyle. The young Mametchi replied, "You know, I have a feeling we are gonna change today into adults." The Piropiritchi said, "Well, after school, come over to my house and we'll see what both of us will change into," The boy said OK. "See you later!" Jenni said, who was listening. Then the school bell rang. After school, Kyle went to Jenni and Max's house. "Want something to eat?" Nicole said to Sabrina. "Uh, no thanks," she replied. Then Max started beeping. "Woah," Sabrina said. Then the screen went black a few times. "He's changing!" Nicole said. Then what was on the screen? A Megatchi. Nicole and Sabrina used items that could not be used before, like tickets. Then he had two new games, Memory and Sprint! Later on, Kyle started beeping. Nicole looked at him. A minute later, he was a beatiful Leaftchi! Nicole went to get Sabrina, and she was so happy. When they were at the computer, Sabrina was using things on Max. She saw a stuffed animal in Max's items, so she used it. Suddenly, without knowing, he put on a costume that looked like the stuffed animal Nyatchi! Then Sabrina was sad, because "he might turn into a girl", she said. At 10:14 in their zone, Nicole screamed. He got rid of that costume without changing into a girl. Nicole wished he would have tuned into something better, but Max thinks he can live with it.

Case 6: The Evil Spirit of... Max? o_O

"Evil Spirits, by Pam Piropiroritchi, now in stock in stores," a commercial said. Max looked at the TV. He loved reading books like those. "I'm going to get one," he said to himself. Then a show started, and he watched. The next day, the Megatchi asked his and Jenni's mother, "Could I go to the shop to get this new book? It sounds awesome!" Max's mother said OK, and he got his money and walked to the shop. The shop person said "Welcome! How may I help you?" He glanced at the TamaGotchi shopkeeper. "Hey, do you have the new book in stock?" he said nervously. The shop keeper nodded. "Evil Spirits? We have one more in stock. They are flyin' of the shelves," and handed him the book. Max gave 1350 points for the new book, and ran home. Later, he sat reading it in his room. "Wow, if I were it, that would be awesome," he pointed to a page with a DevilGotchi of some short. The book said the description was unknown. When it was time to go to bed, he placed the book on top of the bookself and went to sleep. In the morning, Max woke up to wanting to go to the park. Jenni really wanted to go to, but their mother said to let him have some privacy. The park was not crowded at all, only a few TamaGotchi were there. Suddenly, a Tamatchi was walking by, by himself. Max sat on a bench, and the Tamatchi sat on it, too. It didn't learn to not talk to strangers. "Um," he said. Suddenly the Megatchi turned his head. "Want to walk in the forest with me?" "Sure." And then the two headed into the forest, getting dangerously close to DevilGotchi Town. Slowly, his hands began to turn white. "I know this cave right over there, its where I keep all my cool stuff," He followed the white hand Megatchi. A ball, some cones, and more was in there. By the time the Tama ate some cones and played with the ball, Max looked like a black ghost with white hands. Suddenly, a cage fell right on top of the poor Tamatchi. "Help!" it cried. Max just grinned, and gave him only a few meals so it would survive. He was out of control, and couldn't do anything while in this form. He was a Bakedebirutchi. When ever it was time for feeding, a meal would appear under the TamaGotchi's nose. Then he went outside, and was suddenly a Megatchi again. The thing is, he couldn't remember anything after when the two were walking through the forest. In 2 days, a commercial said, "The new book updated! Update for just 200 points more!" Max got his updated. He flipped through the pages, until that cool spirit got to him. There was a description. It read, "This evil spirit in devil form, as shown in picture, pretends to be nice to TamaGotchi as a Megatchi. Then he will show you somewhere, and then trap you in a cage. People think he is really a good person, except in devil form the evil spirit haunts over him, and then he has no control. The TamaGotchis name is Max." After he finished reading, he gasped.

6-12 coming in Series 2!


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