One night in Tama Town,when there was no such thing as a <_< ,a and a were walking.They were sad because they didn't have a child.Then,the saw something."Look Peter(the 's name was Peter),a shooting star!We can make a wish,"said Sara the .So they wished they got a child.The shooting star got closer.Sara gasped.It wasn't a shooting star,it was a tamagotchi!"We have to save it,"said Peter.They ran to where the tamagotchi was landing.The tama landed on Sara,but Sara didn't get hurt.The tamagotchi was a !"Peter!It's a new tamagotchi,"said Sara."What is your name,"Peter asked the tamagotchi."A-Am-Amethyst,"it said."Come on Peter,we have to take Amethyst to our house,"Sara said.So they took her to their house.At their house..............